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The Daily Breeze June 3, 2006 Letters to the Editor HB bond editorial was one-sided After speaking with Opinion page editor Mike Carroll regarding the May 26 editorial on Measure A in Hermosa Beach, I found out that he never spoke with anyone on the "No" side. He only spoke with people on the "Yes" side of the measure. Is this his view? Then I assume the paper agrees with him and allows him to print it. Therefore, it's the paper's view. I have never been in agreement with the fact that a newspaper should even have an opinion on these matters. Newspapers are supposed to report the news in an unbiased manner. How can you form an intelligent opinion when you have only spoken to one side? I read the paper to get information and form my own opinions. Others may not, so the Daily Breeze's one-sided opinion can certainly swing a vote in your direction. If construction delays caused the budget to be wiped out, then what happens if there are more delays this time around for whatever reason? Is school bond No. 3 coming? The cost from the legal action was small by comparison to the wasted monies by the school board. Is it right for the hired contractors to put their money into the "Yes" measure? I believe only two parking spaces will be gained in redoing the parking lot when they will still be short about 150 spaces. If they built all the classrooms they needed now, they wouldn't have to consider moving the kids to North School in the future, would they? Have you considered the cost to the retired citizens of this bond? I doubt it. -- JACKIE TAGLIAFERRO
Editor's note: Opponents did not place an argument opposing Measure A in the ballot. We tried to review factual information about the bond measure before writing the editorial, which is the collective view of the newspaper's Editorial Board. Why oppose school upgrades? My question to those who oppose Measure A in Hermosa Beach and Measure T in Torrance is a simple one: You claim you want school facilities modernized and more classrooms built. Since the passage of Measure A and T is the only way that is going to happen, then why are you opposing these ballot measures? It is fine with me if you want to shoot yourself in the foot, but leave the feet of our kids out of your ill-advised opposition to Measure A in Hermosa Beach and Measure T in Torrance. Present and future students should not have to pay the price for your self-serving agendas. -- D. ANDREWS Hermosa Beach The Beach Reporter June 2, 2006 Letters to the Editor - We Get Letters
support of Measure A' The Daily Breeze May 23, 2006 Letters to the Editor School upgrades hinge on Measure A I am writing to encourage Hermosa Beach residents to vote "Yes" on Measure A. There are concerned citizens with honorable intentions on both sides of this issue. I say "Yes" on Measure A because I want our community to maintain excellence in our schools, and I believe that having safe, comfortable and well-maintained schools is an important part of a quality education. Measure A will build more classrooms, upgrade the North School site and finish the work not completed by Measure J. Where does the money come from to make school improvements? Right out of our pockets! Yes, it is our responsibility to provide funding for our local schools. The proposed $21 assessment for Hermosa taxpayers is less than neighboring cities, approximately $33 for Redondo Beach, and $38 for Manhattan Beach. We should not shirk our responsibility, and we should be concerned that our tax dollars are not wasted. Fortunately, Hermosa's oversight committee actually does conduct meetings. Check our district Web site ( for more information than you will have time to read. Concerned citizens can and should get involved with the oversight committee. Measure A opponents say we should have built classrooms instead of a gym. Measure A will build classrooms, so if you are in favor of classrooms, vote "Yes" on Measure A. Hermosa Beach is a wonderful small town. Let's protect our way of life and the quality of our schools. I encourage residents to vote "Yes" on Measure A. -- TEENA MOODY Hermosa Beach
Does the public understand that the group opposed to Measure A is in the minority? The core group of the opposition was in favor of a gym and part of the process until it came to site selection on the Valley campus. At public community meetings, it was decided by the majority of the people in the process and at meetings that the gym should be placed on the southwest corner of the Valley campus. A minority (the opposition) wanted the gym to be on Valley Drive. They lost. The same core group opposed Measure J. It passed by a near super-majority; the opposition lost. The same group filed an injunction and lost. The opposition was at the Costal Commission hearing and lost again. They filed a lawsuit and lost one more time This minority just does not get it. They are zero for five. The majority wants capital project funding continued for our schools. Please go to and see the large list of Measure A endorsements. On June 6, please support the children of Hermosa Beach and vote "Yes" on Measure A -- CARY BICHLMEIER Hermosa Beach
Too many drivers ignore crosswalks Though the installation of a traffic signal to replace the pedestrian crosswalk at the intersection of 16th Street and Pacific Coast Highway in Hermosa Beach is welcome (albeit long overdue and too late for one local family), the crosswalks that remain along PCH and other South Bay thoroughfares are inadequately marked and, for the most part, ignored by motorists. On a recent Sunday, while driving, I carefully stopped at a crosswalk along PCH in South Redondo, as is required by state and local traffic laws, to allow a father and daughter to cross the street. It's bad enough that I have to keep one eye on my mirror to see if I'm going to be rear-ended and wince when traffic in oncoming lanes blindly flies past the signs and yellow street markings. But to top it off, a careless driver in a nice, new red Mercedes Benz changed lanes to pass around my stopped vehicle and proceeded without a blink at a good clip through the crosswalk I was stopped at. Fortunately, the father-daughter pair were being careful and did not assume that because I had stopped to allow them to pass, other drivers would be as attentive. My point is this: The pedestrian crossings not located at traffic signals in the South Bay must be upgraded with integrated flashing lights in the pavement and at sign level, as is done in Santa Monica and other cities, before someone else is killed in a crosswalk. Additionally, some crosswalk traffic stakeouts by local law enforcement might do some good -- or at least send a message to drivers who haven't the courtesy (or brains) to keep an eye out for pedestrians crossing in designated areas. Otherwise, if the local crosswalks can't be improved, take down the signs and paint out the street markings so as not to instill a false sense of security in those who are simply trying to get across the road and live to tell about it. -- JAMES REILLY Redondo Beach The Daily Breeze May 22, 2006 Letters to the Editor Duclos wrong choice for HB council The more I read about Hermosa Beach City Council candidate Jeff Duclos, the more I can't help to think that he's a man who has lost his way and is fighting for his survival. First, though he's running for council, he spends all of his time talking about our schools. Sure, our schools could use help, but if he's serious about schools, he should run for school board instead of using them as a way to pander to unsuspecting voters. Second, in a recent letter Duclos saw fit to write accusations about other candidates when only a few sentences later he pledged that he was a clean, issue-oriented candidate. Trash your opponents in one paragraph and talk about how you don't do that type of thing in the next. Did I miss something? Third, during the November 2005 election, Duclos advertised himself as a public affairs consultant. Now, perhaps after some polling, he advertises himself as a teacher and small business owner. Will the real Jeff Duclos please stand up? I don't know who I'm going to vote for yet, but I do know that I'm not supporting anyone with such a mixed and erratic message. Hermosa Beach deserves a strong, honest and positive council representative. When I find that person, that's who I'll vote for. -- PAUL ADAMS Hermosa Beach
The Beach Reporter May 11, 2006
We Get Letters
changed its mind
decision until after election
Disclose the questions used in poll
partisan race?
School and city can work together |
The Beach Reporter April 20, 2006
Letters To The Editor
of April 20 Committee is a sham
The April 13 article on the
MBUSD advisory committee on land sale shows that this committee is fatally
The Easy Reader August 4, 2005
ER Letters
Get out
of abusive relationship
Dear ER:
Im greatly concerned about the letter Three is majority? (Letters, ER July
21, 2005). Since Lance Widman signed this letter as president of Hermosa Beach
School Board. I would presume that he had the concurrence of his Board and also
of the superintendent. The professional mediator (Widman) broke all sorts of
rules when he started the name calling, like gang of three and thugs -- great
way to be able to work with these people! Plus there were other derogatory
remarks that were not necessary. He says that the district is willing to meet
and engage in candid conversation and arrive at a settlement that is mutually
My suggestion to Widman is stay home and let someone else meet with these
people. It is quite obvious that he totally resents the three names he
mentioned. How can a settlement be arrived at when he felt compelled to write a
letter insulting the people with whom he is trying to negotiate a mutually
satisfactory agreement?
Im really sorry that this has turned into such a big problem, but name-calling
and nasty remarks will not make Widman a savior. Instead, he just continues to
antagonize people!
Mary Lou Weiss
Hermosa Beach
Editors note: Weiss is a former member of the Hermosa Beach School Board
Loud and clear
Dear ER:
I read with interest Dennis Noor's complaint of the "noise" level in the Pier
Plaza area (Letters, ER July 21, 2005). First of all, it was Saturday night,
traditionally a night that people may be out and about and have a more relaxed
attitude than on a work night. Next, Pier Plaza is the home to several
businesses that provide music for the enjoyment of their patrons. While a
visitor from another area may not be aware of this, Noor apparently lives in
Hermosa Beach and should be aware of this, as he is, apparently, quite well
versed in our Municipal Code. His condescending/patronizing attitude toward the
Hermosa Beach Police Department is offensive as is his statement that he was a
"victim" of noise pollution. This is similar to someone going to the airport and
then complaining about the airplane noise. If Noor is offended or feels
victimized by amplified music, don't go to Pier Plaza on a Saturday night. To
expect the Police Department to respond to his trite whining is ridiculous. The
attitude he exhibits is a larger problem that the amplified music on Pier Plaza.
He appears to need a nap, preferably in some quiet place.
Sylvia Simmons
Hermosa Beach
The Easy Reader July 14, 2005
ER Letters
Crying out
Dear ER:
On a July Saturday evening between 8-9 p.m., I was enjoying dinner on the patio
of the Fish Market Cafe, located on Pier Avenue in Hermosa Beach. What was
unmistakably amplified music could be heard the entire time that I was there
(approximately 1 hour). After dinner, I rode my bike in front of a local
establishment on the Plaza and determined that the live, amplified music was
spilling out its front door that was wide open. The Municipal Code of the City
of Hermosa Beach states that any business having amplified music must close
their doors and windows. This law has been in effect for a long time and a
recent "80 foot rule" was just added by the City Council a few weeks ago. Two
Hermosa Beach Police units were parked side-by-side nearby, on the Plaza in
front of Hennessey's Tavern, so I decided to inform the officers of the
violation that I was witnessing. I approached a young, rookie officer first and
stated what I saw and heard and he said, "I don't know anything about any
ordinance.........they didn't tell me anything at our briefing. I stated,
again, that there is a law, which now includes the "80 foot rule", but he didn't
seem to know anything about either of them. I said that I would talk to his
sergeant and I asked where I could find him. He then pointed to the officer in
the police unit next to him. I approached the officer in the next unit with the
same concerns as stated above, but this time the officer (a lead supervisor)
told me, "It's not a law yet and if you want to file a complaint, go to the
station and make a complaint and then you'll probably have to testify in court.
He also stated, The noise police come by here around 11 p.m. and make an
evaluation to see if any citations need to be written. It is my interpretation
of the code that the ordinance has no time restrictions, and is enforceable
24-hours per day. He then asked me, "Where do you live, over on 15th Street?",
which is irrelevant since any citizen from any area can be a victim of the noise
pollution on the Plaza. That's why the laws were written!
Our patrollers are there to serve and protect and they do a fine job most of the
time. But for them not to act on this violation only ads to the confusion and
troubles that, unfortunately, describe the Pier Plaza that we know today.
Dennis Duke Noor
Hermosa Beach
HB School
Board should air
Dear ER:
The Hermosa View/Valley School Board discusses and makes decisions on extremely
important issues. The Board meetings in the past were accessible via cable TV
and could be made accessible again. Airtime is available from Adelphia and the
City Chambers are fully equipped to air the meetings. Do you desire to be better
informed about the decisions being made on behalf of our schools and the
students? If so, contact the Hermosa School District Administration and School
Board members and tell them that you would like the meetings to be televised.
Jackie Tagliaferro
Hermosa Beach
first for lifeguards
Dear ER:
Thank you for exposing dangerous, excessive beach lifeguard truck traffic
(Beachgoer hit by lifeguard truck on Santa Monica beach ER, July 7, 2005). LA
County Lifeguards are attempting to hide behind total neglect for our safety.
And no other press has let the public know.
Why is it that the Lifeguard Chief interviewed does not know the extent of the
injuries a week after a beachgoer was struck by his truck? How can he
consciously say that one beachgoer collision every other year is rare or
within a tolerance? Two accidents in three years are ridiculous. Beachgoers
dont expect that they are putting their lives in danger by lying on the beach!
Ever since the enormous lifeguard building was approved at the Hermosa pier, I
have observed an increase in the fleet of trucks and the excessive number
driving on our beaches. Every trip by a truck not only puts us in danger, but
disturbs our peace and impacts the environment. While I have full support for
our guards, some of the drivers have developed a pompous attitude because they
are the only ones in Los Angeles that can drive on the beach. Others stop
watching the water and take more time and gas to drive from their tower, to
watch someone or make an announcement that could have been easily done on foot.
Others get a thrill at driving through a flock of seagulls.
Lets put a stop to this. Lifeguard trucks should only be driven when a persons
life is at stake.
Name withheld
Redondo Beach
The Daily Breeze July 15, 2005
Letters to the Editor
'Gang of 3' disrupts settlement talks
Over the past several months, representatives of the Hermosa Beach School District have been meeting with Hermosa Valley School neighbors to discuss their concerns about the new construction project at Valley. These include noise, parking and after-school facility uses. A mediation meeting was held on June 3. I believe significant progress was made.
In a consummate act of bad faith, however, the Gang of Three (Jerry Compton, Earl Keegan and Doug Robbins) unilaterally halted those settlement discussions. In a June 22 letter from the Gang's lawyer, their nonnegotiable settlement demands are to redesign the project "to include only classrooms and a science lab" (no library/media center) or move the gym to the parking lot "adjacent to the Adelphia location" (losing even more valuable parking spaces) or eliminate "nonschool use (of the gym) after school hours" (a clear violation of state law).
These demands represent a grand extortion of our kids, our schools and our community. The Gang of Three has flashed the "wiggling digit" at the more than 60 percent who voted "Yes" for Measure J's modernization and new construction projects. Our Valley neighbors should roundly condemn these political thugs for hijacking their legitimate concerns to satisfy their personal agendas.
The district remains willing to meet with our neighbors' representatives who truly represent their concerns, engage in candid and constructive discussions and arrive at a settlement that is mutually satisfactory.
President, Hermosa Beach School Board Hermosa Beach
Public-sector costs are soaring
Your two consecutive editorials referring to the financial woes of Orange County's retirement system and unrestrained spending in the state budget bring to mind an observation. Over the past few weeks, I have met several people who told me they work for "the state." They previously held private-sector jobs and left them for better pay and retirement in their new jobs with Sacramento.
I also met a mid-30s man who had been with a major aerospace company for many years but who was dissatisfied with the long hours and travel requirements. He left that employer for a new job with "the state" that according to him had less stress and improved pay and retirement benefits.
California can only pay its employees with the taxes it collects from the private sector. In fact, the fiscal problems about which you wrote are simply a result of the financial demands being made by government exceeding the ability of the private sector to pay them.
The demands of tax receivers are greater than what taxpayers are able to pay. Nothing could make this situation worse than the trend I mentioned. When the benefits of public-sector workers surpass those of the private employees who pay their salaries, the death of the golden goose should be anticipated and may not be too far distant.
The Daily Breeze July 11, 2005
Sex offenders put public at risk |
For six weeks, police say, Joseph Edward Duncan III repeatedly molested Shasta Groene, age 8, whom he had kidnapped from her home in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Her brother Dylan, age 9, was kidnapped with her and, Shasta has said, was repeatedly molested too. Shasta is home. Dylan is believed dead. Duncan is in jail. In an exceptionally tragic twist, the same night Shasta and Dylan were taken, another of Shasta's brothers, her mother and a friend were found beaten to death. Duncan is suspected. But the brutal scenario of children kidnapped and even killed has become all too familiar: a violent sexual predator whose sexual crimes began early in his life. Who has been in and out of prison for violent sexual and other offenses. Whom mental health professionals found not "amenable" to treatment, but not so much a risk for re-offending that officialdom kept him from roaming for his latest victims. The professionals are well aware that every sexual predator released is at risk of re-offending. Legislators are aware that the laws governing the release of offenders put the civil liberties of predators ahead of the public safety. Only ordinary folks, it seems, are well aware that the safety of more children is at risk with every sexual predator released. They should be aware: It's their children put at risk because of a great social experiment in treating sexual offenders even while acknowledging that there can be no zero risk of offending -- and while allowing the release of offenders deemed not "amenable" or flatly resistant to treatment. The anecdotal evidence is in, however, as the statistics trickle in: Absent constant monitoring, convicted sexual predators cannot be safely released into society. And constant electronic monitoring, though an improvement, is no sure bet. What were Washington state officials thinking in releasing Joseph Edward Duncan III? What are they and those from other states thinking now? They cannot take their decisions back in any case where the risk becomes the reality to children they do not know. The consequences to them are nil. But the public is due fuller explanations of the risk-assessment analysis of sexual predators. And the law that relies on their expert analysis needs legislators' review, too. |
The Easy Reader - June 23, 2005
ER Letters
Why fee for
Dear ER:
The Wi-Fi franchise agreement that the City of Hermosa Beach is planning on
executing needs some clarification. This new franchise is nothing more than
another DSL-like product offering services similar to the ones already
available. Second, a franchise for this type of technology use cannot be
unreasonably withheld by the local government (SCE, Adelphia and Verizon do not
own or control this right of way, the people do). Thirdly, unlike (the city-owned network), this new network charges fees
for use. The city-sponsored Wi-Fi network is open to the public and is totally
free to the public (and faster than DSL I might add).
How the two are similar is only in the delivery of the Internet signal. The
city-sponsored network is a test area to see if the technology works. As this
new franchise company plans to use the same equipment, the free city network
equipment choice has been validated. The city-owned network held classes
(please, do some more) and was a low cost community network service; this new
franchise is a full-service, for-profit, truck roll type of service.
If the City Council had not deadlocked on the second phase of this project, a company like this one could offer premium service layered over the citys own network, thus accommodating those who want to hook up themselves and those who need the in-home service calls. I would suggest that instead of working on a franchise agreement, the city build its network out and let this franchise company layer e-mail, spam blocking, rich security features, gaming and host other applications.
The license fees the city would receive from the likes of this company, Treyspan, would allow the continued free use of the basic Internet for those who want to hook up on their own. I am sure other ISPs like Earthlink, Velocity, ALLTEL, and Speakeasy could and would get licenses. They would rather pay the city of Hermosa a license fee than pay Verizon $28 a month for the right to resell DSL service.
I hope from the fact that
another company sees the value of operating in our great city, that other city
councils will see the value in community networking and be leaders in delivering
IP (Internet Protocol) packets to their residents. The core of all data, voice,
and video can be done wirelessly for pennies only if our local government can
see that they need to be the owner of that infrastructure, not Verizon or
Richard Applebaum
Hermosa Beach
Walk on the
wild side
Dear ER:
As both a pedestrian and a bicyclist who has used the bike path and The Strand
for almost 25 years, I take serious issue with "Setting the wheels in motion"
(Letters, ER June 2, 2005).
The letter writer does the cause of safety a disservice when he writes, "Tell
that to Susan Ellis, the 64-year old Manhattan Beach resident who sustained
injuries when she was struck by a bicyclist while walking across The Strand,
and implies that the bicyclist was speeding.
Ellis was struck on the bike path at 24th Street in Manhattan Beach, which is
widely separated from The Strand. The only possible contributing factor that was
reported (Bike, pedestrian crash ends in womans death, ER May 12, 2005) was
lack of visibility. There is no evidence that the bicyclist was speeding. There
is no bike path speed limit at that point, in any event.
What would improve safety on the bike path is the posting of warning signs in
Manhattan and Hermosa everywhere the bike path intersects a street, walkway or
stairway, especially at the Manhattan Pier, and the trimming of the shrubbery
between 35th Street in Hermosa and the Manhattan border. There are a few warning
signs in Manhattan, but they are only on the few buildings where there are
intersections with the bike path. The Manhattan Pier area is especially
dangerous because busloads of children from non-beach areas are unloaded right
next to the bike path at the end of Manhattan Beach Blvd. and their adult
supervision is totally inadequate.
Bill Seaman
Redondo Beach
A CuRSE against you
Dear ER:
A lawsuit has been filed against the Hermosa schools by a group known as the
Committee for Responsible School Expansion (CRSE) in an attempt to stop new
construction planned for Hermosa Valley School approved by voters in the 2002
Measure J election. This group has held the public school board construction
meetings hostage with their delaying tactics have already cost the school
district hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars, in increased
construction costs. In addition, defending the present lawsuit is depleting the
school district of funds that could otherwise be used for textbooks, supplies
and teachers.
We are writing to correct the misinformation being disseminated by a handful of
Fiction: The concerns of the neighbors have been ignored.
Fact: The School Board has bent over backwards to respond to and accommodate the
concerns of the neighbors. Two years and hundreds of hours have been spent
listening and responding to concerns of the neighbors. Numerous revisions in
architectural plans have been made to address their concerns.
Fiction: The District is rushing forward without considering other options.
Fact: The current plans have been under discussion for years. Every conceivable
alternative, including gym placement, has been analyzed several times, including
the suggestion by one of the neighbors that the school should annex the
Marineland Mobile Homes park for school expansion. Apparently taking someone
elses home is okay but it is a litigious grievance if the school impinges on
this particular neighborhoods street parking.
Fiction: The proposed construction will be detrimental to the real estate values
of the neighbors.
Fact: Good schools raise real estate values. All of Hermosa can benefit from
better schools. Several years ago, Los Angeles magazine did an article on
secret, desirable neighborhoods in the Los Angeles area. The neighborhood north
of Valley School was one of these desirable neighborhoods, largely based on its
proximity to the school. This neighborhood will only continue to benefit from
its proximity to the school. The rest of Hermosa and our students should be
allowed to benefit from an updated, quality school.
Fiction: This group will support a different version of the plan.
Fact: The opponents of the current plan have objected to all plans for new
construction and have never indicated a single, feasible, proposal they would
support. It is another delay tactic that will cause more plans to be drawn and
submitted to the State and Coastal Commission for approval, which will further
deplete the construction funds.
Fact: The Environmental Impact Report has identified possible parking concerns
under the hypothetical situation where several school facilities are used for
special events simultaneously. In addition to the fact that Board and school
policies would undoubtedly prevent this hypothetical from ever occurring. This
concern begs the question: Where in Hermosa isnt parking congested? Moreover,
the School Board has indicated its willingness to support restricted parking in
the adjacent neighborhood. Additionally, the EIRs assumption that every car
that parks at the school will only be transporting one person and that no one
will walk to the school for the various events would seem to present unusual
circumstances for school parking requirements.
Fact: The cost of defending the current lawsuit will not come out of the
construction fund but out of the Schools General Fund money which could go to
teachers, educational programs, textbooks and supplies. This is the same General
Fund parents are being asked to supplement with $600 for each student because of
the States cutbacks in educational funding.
Fact: The lawsuit is brought by a few people who knowingly purchased homes near
the school and have benefited by their proximity to the school. CSREs actions
now are adversely affecting the quality of our kids education as well as the
wallets and pocketbooks of Hermosa Beach residents.
It is time for Hermosa Valley Schools neighbors to be good neighbors themselves
and allow the School District to move forward with construction of a library,
gym and new classrooms, including two science labs. The community as a whole
should demand it.
Hermosans United for Truth and Excellent Schools
Heide Burnett, Katie Milstead, Jennifer Harris
and 117 other Hermosa residents
Back-bending for a gym
Dear ER:
I object to the complaints that the Hermosa School Board has not responded to
concerns of the neighbors regarding the gym proposed for the school. Since the
very beginning, I have observed that the concerns of a few neighbors have
dominated the process. The first proposal was to put the gym in the northwest
corner of the property, but the neighbors objected. Then various locations on
the north end of the property were proposed. Again, the neighbors objected and
the location was moved. It is quite obvious that the school board has bent over
backwards trying to appease the few who have concerns.
This shell game has continued
for two years and it is clear that the few people objecting simply do not want a
gym. The majority of the citizens and parents want not only a gym, but also the
classrooms and a library as the current plan shows. It is time for the Committee
for Responsible School Expansion to allow the construction to begin and drop
their frivolous lawsuit. It is unfair to the people of Hermosa and the children
in our schools.
Cindy S. Quane, First Vice-President
Hermosa Beach Education Foundation
Naked intentions
Dear ER:
I am writing to urge the neighbors of Hermosa Valley School to drop their
lawsuit and allow the construction to begin. Our kids need the new classrooms, a
library and a gym. The neighbors need to stop bullying the school with their
selfish and baseless concerns about parking. The citizens, and especially the
parents, of Hermosa should stand up and demand that this project start this
summer no more delays! We must put the interests of the whole over the fears
of a few.
Kathryn B. Milstead, board member
Hermosa Beach Education Foundation
The Easy Reader - June 16, 2005
ER Letters
The path of Zen
Dear ER:
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness: fundamental concepts of our nation
and the ideals many have sacrificed much for so that they may continue to be
These essential human rights fit well with a bike ride on The Strand, and not so
well with advocates wishing the prohibition of most adult-wheeled travel on The
Strand (Letters, ER, June 2, 2005).
While some people are clueless on how to use the tremendous resource that is The
Strand, I don't feel we should throw away one of the best bike rides in the
nation, if not the world, because it is not perfect. Instead, we should embrace
our blessing, and count ourselves lucky that communities came together to
provide this exceptional ride.
Ask any tourist, no matter where they are from, if they have a ride like this at
home. Yet we take it for granted, because it is so natural, normal, and
everyday. Truly, few places afford a flat, easy, uninterrupted ride by the
beach. From little kids riding a new toy, to people riding north for the day to
look at the people in Venice, it is a singular resource to be treasured.
It lets people, especially teenagers, commute, shop, and visit up and down the
beach, without cars. This is a very important concept to support in these days
of impersonal societies, fat stomachs, and expensive gas.
While most freedom involves some risk, and the recent deadly accident is
upsetting to any thoughtful person, to ask for a prohibition of skate boarders
and bike riders under the threat that next time it will be somebody's kid is
simply a bad idea. Nobody can predict the future. Throwing fear into the mix,
does not make this assumption more valid. The police of both Hermosa and
Manhattan support a more reasonable attitude not thinking the situation
fundamentally changed from previous years.
A ride on The Strand in the summer sun is good for you. Just in case you are a
whippersnapper without my miles of deep Strand cruising experience, cruise slow
is the guiding mantra. It's a zen thing, dude.
Richard Elliott
Redondo Beach
What would Lance do?
Dear ER:
Those of us residing in the South Bay, have the luxury of living near a long
stretch of concrete called The Strand. In some places, it is both a bike and
pedestrian thoroughfare and in other areas it splits into two separate paths.
Now I cannot speak for all those people trying to be like Lance Armstrong but at
least for myself, I take great pleasure in being able to bike this area daily
from Hermosa to Marina del Rey. I do however take caution towards walkers,
skaters and other bikers because I do not want to harm them or myself. Now as we
are all aware of, there was an unfortunate accident between a biker and
pedestrian. But, I feel it is very sad that the only conclusion one letter
writer could come up with (Letters, ER, June 2, 2005), was to completely close
The Strand to adult bikers and skateboarders.
The path has been used for many years, and hopefully with everyone using a
little common sense it can continue to be used for many years to come. So my
suggestion for the war of words going on as of late is for both young and old
persons walking across the path to look both left and right before crossing. As
well, bikers, even if you have clip-in shoes, please walk your bike in posted
areas. The summer is here and The Strand will bring many, many people to the
area, so if we all use some care, consideration and common sense towards each
other, hopefully we can all get along and have a safe summer.
Michelle Wattles
The Easy Reader - June 2, 2005
Setting the
wheels in motion
Dear ER:
I couldnt help noticing the irony in the publication of the two articles
regarding bicycle safety on The Strand. Hermosa Beach Police Chief Michael Lavin
is quoted as saying the speeding on The Strand is not a major problem. Tell
that to Susan Ellis, the 64-year old Manhattan Beach resident who sustained
injuries when she was struck by a bicyclist while walking across The Strand. Of
course, you cant because she died from her injuries. Incredibly, Lavin goes on
to say, The only reason we are down there [writing tickets] is that the council
told us to. Obviously, the Hermosa Police Department doesnt have a public
affairs advisor. More power to the council, but I hope they dont need to remind
Lavin to chase bank robbers, too.
Ive been in federal law enforcement for 31 years now, but Im not one to be
compulsive about enforcement to the letter of the law. Ive learned that
discretion is perhaps the most important factor in enforcing compliance. But,
clearly Lavin hasnt spent much time on The Strand or hed realize that many
adult bikers dangerously exceeding either the posted speed limit or the legally
safe speed limit. Lavin is also quoted as saying that usually people are
very, very angry to get them [tickets.] Gee, thats a surprise. I havent
arrested any dopers in my career whove been particularly thrilled to be going
to the slammer. You know what? Not only are the bikers speeding, but the faster
theyre going the bigger the attitude they have. Bikers seem to think they have
the right of way on The Strand.
Its a miracle that more pedestrians havent been injured or killed. Ive been
nearly run over several times crossing The Strand by First Street. So has the
lady who lives across the street from me. One biker verbally challenged me when
I didnt respond to his excuse me when he cut me off on his bike. Well, excuse
me! Im a jogger and not in the habit of carrying on conversations when Im busy
sucking in air.
The real danger, obviously, is to kids; theyre constantly running across The
Strand and never look to see if theres any cross traffic. Theyre kids and you
just cant hold them to the higher standard of caution that you can hold an
adult to.
Ive got the solution so Lavin wont have to risk angering people any more:
prohibit adult bike riders on The Strand altogether. While youre at it, do us
all a favor and prohibit adult skate boarders, too. They have worse attitudes
than bikers. Dont wait for another injury or death on The Strand. It will
happen again and next time it may be somebodys kid.
Name withheld by request
The $50,000
Dear ER:
I had to laugh at Fred Huebsher's slamming Hermosa Councilman Sam Edgerton for
his so-called special interest of downtown merchants (Letters, ER, May 19,
2005). Huebshers comments criticized Edgerton for receiving campaign donations.
How else do you finance a campaign? When Sam beat Fred four years ago, Huebscher
spent a record $50,000 trying to get a seat on the Hermosa council. Less than a
thousand dollars of that money was from any individual connected with Hermosa
Beach. His campaign stands for one of the biggest local political financial
failures of all time. Maybe if he was able to gain the support of businesses and
people who live and work in the South Bay he could have been elected. The true
fact is Sam Edgerton initiated the crackdown on noise on the Plaza. Two other
council members were only interested in the placement of heaters, TV's and
podiums. Small wonder when Huebsher writes he always twists the facts.That is
why $50,000 did not get him elected.
Laura Paul
Hermosa Beach
Dear ER:
Wow! What a privileged community we've become. While the parents here worry
about their children getting a splinter from the log cabin replica at Fort
Lots-o-Fun, parents in inner-city communities worry about their children being
approached to buy crack or being hit by a stray bullet. I survived Fort
Lots-o-Fun when the cowboy and Indian heads peaked above the fence and way more
shrubs provided hide and seek camouflage. I also survived the metal rocket ship
that swayed in the wind at Dominguez Park. And I survived the Our Lady of
Guadalupe playground, which had (gasp!) no playground toys at all. I wish a
committee with this much passion had rallied to save the Bijou, or protested the
opening of Starbucks, Coffee Bean, and Subway in downtown Hermosa, or to prevent
over-sized sherbet and coffee-colored homes with pillars and blocks that look
like they are made of Styrofoam from being crammed into lots that previously
housed one home, or to clean up the condoms, tampons, and hypodermic needles
that wash up on our shores. I am not against growth and progress, but when the
once sleepy, unique, bohemian, modest town that I grew up in begins to lose its
character and become homogenized and gentrified I feel bitter and sad. Maybe
because I am not a parent yet I do not understand, but I hope that when I become
one I will teach my children to be grateful for what they have, to value more
than large homes and toys, and to share with those who have less.
Marie Taylor
Redondo Beach
The Easy Reader - May 19, 2005
Seriously Stranded
Dear ER:
My first thought in reading the article about Lawrence Petersen being ticketed
for speeding on The Strand in Hermosa Beach (Police Reluctantly Ticket Strand
Speeders, ER May 12, 2005) was, Oh geez, here we go again. Having lived in
Hermosa Beach for over 18 years and on The Strand in Manhattan Beach for five
years, it seems that every couple of years or so an Us vs. Them argument
between cyclists and pedestrians gets waged in the press.
While Im sure Petersen is a courteous cyclist, those of us who regularly use
The Strand for walking are often confronted by people screaming, On your left,
as they whiz by on their multi-speed bikes. For sure, in some cases, its
because discourteous pedestrians walk in the middle of The Strand, unconcerned
that they share the path with those on wheeled conveyances (including
skateboards, roller blades, and roller skates).
For Police Chef Lavin to say that speeding on The Strand is not a major problem,
may I direct his attention to the articles in the same issue of about the
Manhattan Beach woman who died from injuries sustained in a bike/pedestrian
crash (Bike, pedestrian crash ends in womans death) and to The Strand fight
that sent a Hawthorne man to the hospital after being brushed by a cyclists
handlebars (Police Beat). I suspect the definition of brushed is different
if you ask the cyclist or the pedestrian.
While I realize that Ellis death is unusual, there are many mishaps on The
Strand in both Hermosa and Manhattan (even with a separate path) that are not
serious enough to be reported, but that still cause injury -- even if theyre
only scrapes and bruises. And this doesnt account for all the near misses that
Finally, while I think Petersen should take the ticket to court because the
judge is likely to reduce the $351 fine, his argument about the appropriate
speed limit is moot. Whether the speed limit is 8 mph or 10 mph or, by
California law cannot be posted (on a roadway) below 15 mph, he was still
speeding. At 19 mph, he was exceeding even the 15 mph speed limit by roughly 27
Scott Alden
Palos Verdes Estates
Unsafe at any speed?
Dear ER:
It was interesting that two different articles addressed speed limits on The
Strand (Bike, pedestrian crash ends in womans death and Police reluctantly
ticket Strand speeders, ER May 12, 2005). Manhattan Beach Traffic Sgt. Bryan
Klatt is quoted as saying the maximum speed would be between 20-25 miles per
hour while Sgt. Paul Wolcott of Hermosa Beach notes that 19 mph is excessive on
The Strand. I realize the two areas are distinct, with homes directly opening to
The Strand in Hermosa Beach but even at the 8 mph limit I hope pedestrians are
looking before walking across The Strand, treating it much like a street. We can
enforce and regulate this issue to death but I note in my frequent use of The
Strand that most people use courtesy and regulate themselves (an exception being
recent fight between a bicyclist and pedestrian in Hermosa Beach). A little
common sense and community spirit will go a long way. My question: how can the
Hermosa Beach PD enforce a speed limit on vehicles (bicycles) that are not
equipped with speedometers? A quick check on the Internet also shows that not
all radar guns are expected to be accurate at low speeds. Is the HBPD using
low-speed radar guns?
Helen Monahan
Redondo Beach
Path of
Dear ER:
I rarely agree with the political views of the Easy Reader but, let's admit that
it has the courage to discuss very controversial local issues, including various
aspects of illegal immigration, the gay/lesbian connections in the Redondo Beach
mayoral race, the hundreds of thousand of dollars spent by the Manhattan school
board on one disabled student (while programs for many gifted students are
shrinking) and the situation on the bike path. While other local papers became
billboards for the lucrative real estate market, Easy Reader found space on its
pages to discuss the death of a local resident on the bike path in Manhattan and
even a ticket given to a biker for excessive speed on the Hermosa Strand. The
bike path is a major attraction in South Bay. My wife and I ride our bikes daily
there and are fully aware of all dangers related with this endeavor. In
Manhattan, the bike path is not for walking dogs, jogging, strollers with babies
-- it is "For Bikes Only," as is clearly written almost each mile. A lot of
local folks and visitors are unaware of this fact and have to be first educated
and, then, controlled and ticketed. Two years ago I explained this to a police
sergeant and he promised to address the issue. Since then the sergeant has been
promoted to lieutenant but nothing more has been done about limiting the bike
path to bikes. And now we face this tragedy. Besides the resident being killed,
the biker had seven stitches on his head (with a speed of just about 10 mph!).
Manhattan police are very good in certain departments. Just try to park during
the time of street cleaning; youll be immediately ticketed for $35 (a high
price for the folks on a fixed income). It is beyond my comprehension why the
police cannot be similarly efficient in preventing accidents on the bike path.
The bike path is a road. If you need to cross it, cross it straight, not at a
diagonal. Do not walk along it. Surfers have to be aware that their boards are
quite long and have to be carried vertically, not horizontally. While in Hermosa
The Strand is for both pedestrians and bikers and the speed there has to be
controlled, the Manhattan bike path is not The Strand is for pedestrians, the
bike path is for bikers. You want to have pleasure of visiting our town, do not
take away ours -- of biking.
Yury Gurvich
Manhattan Beach
Fact checking
Dear ER:
Bondo Wyszpolski made a statement on the front page (Marching orders ER May 5,
2005) that is completely untrue and rises to the level of blood libel. It is
your editors responsibility to personally investigate and take appropriate
corrective action.
Wyszpolski alleged that with Israeli consent 2,000 people were killed.
The facts were investigated by both the U.S. and the Kahan Commission of
Inquiry. The Lebanese police estimated that 460 had been killed in both Sabra
and Shatila. According to the Lebanese account, 35 were women and children. The
rest were men -- Palestinians, Lebanese, Pakistanis, Iranians, Syrians, and
Algerians. The highest estimate (P.L.O.) was 700-800. The camps housed
approximately 200 armed men operating out of numerous bunkers and they had
plentiful supplies of weapons and ammunition.
As part of the U.S. plan to transfer authority to the Lebanese, we (Gen. Chaim
and my command) pressured Israel not to enter the camps. The Phalangists had
pledged not to commit violence. However, when they entered the camps they went
on a killing spree to avenge the deaths of Lebanese president Bashir Jemayel and
25 of his followers who had been murdered by the PLO in a bomb attack that had
taken place earlier in that week.
Most of the killings took place by knife when the Israelis detected the
Situation they ordered the Phalange out thus saving countless lives. The Kahan
Commission, dominated by Sharons enemies, found that Sharon bore Indirect
responsibility since he should have anticipated the possibility of Phalangist
Please check out the facts and take appropriate corrective action.
Dr. Howard Laitin
Pander express
Dear ER:
I could not help but laugh when I read Hermosa Beach Councilmember Sam Y.
Edgerton's email to Aloha Sharkeez' owner Ron Newman regarding Councilmembers
Reviczky and Keegan (Edgertons email takes colleagues to task, ER May 5,
2005). He claims Reviczky and Keegan are engaged in "a witch-hunt during an
election year" because they want to strictly enforce bar and restaurants' use of
public property on the Pier Avenue Plaza. Edgerton is engaging in behavior akin
to the "pot calling the kettle black" since he is pandering to the bar and
restaurant owners who so generously provided almost 50 percent of his campaign
contributions during the 2003 election. And I dare say that even if Reviczky and
Keegan are taking action because it's an election year, they won't be rewarded
with campaign contributions from special interests.
Fred Huebscher
Hermosa Beach
sheds light
Dear ER:
Recently, I attended the Manhattan Beach Community Police Academy to see how the
department operates. I was amazed at what I did not know about the police
department and its duties. Over the course of nine meetings/classes my learning
curve went straight up. So often the police are seen in a negative light as many
of the community are unaware of what law enforcement entails. During these
classes we met and heard from many great officers about their job assignments
and duties. We discussed the process of recruitment and how officers are
selected and trained. We were exposed to many areas, from SWAT operations and
traffic control to juvenile and child protection programs.
I think the most powerful way of learning is hands-on
.and that was what a
four-hour patrol ride-along experience with one of the young, outstanding
officers did for me. It was fantastic. The officer shared many of the issues and
policies that he deals with on a daily basis. I truly feel that all police
departments should offer a similar program using MBPDs curriculum as an
example. When communities are knowledgeable of the many duties of police work
and law enforcement then public safety will go to the top of their support list.
I wish to thank Manhattan Beach for the great experience!
Sara Sellars
Manhattan Beach
Dear ER:
Till now, I've enjoyed the Barfly column, but I found the recent bit about the
lady feeding the pigeons ("Barfly" ER April 14, 2005) as unfeeling as it could
get. In Europe, a different mentality exists. Each cafe waiter shakes the
tablecloths in the street, precisely so the birds and pigeons (actually, they
are Rock Doves...look it up), can also eat. Since all the cafes do this, only
two or three pigeons frequent each cafe or restaurant, so no one cafe has an
invasion. I have always felt, since I was small, that one returns in the next
life, as the person or animal one has most maligned in this life. So you better
hope a kind soul like that lady comes along to feed you!
May Gordon
Hermosa Beach
The Easy Reader April 28, 2005
Judicial review
Dear ER:
I have been a lawyer and a judge for almost 50 years. I have retired from the
Superior Court but continue to work as an alternative to deadening boredom.
Thus, you may safely assume that contest and controversies are not and have not
been alien to my life. I have lived in the beach area for many years and seldom
actively engage in local politics, but this Koenig matter is too much (Union
Cattle Gets Another Shot, ER April, 2004). I only recently received a permit to
construct an addition to my home. A year of effort, almost $10,000 to architect,
structural engineer, and the city permit fees later, I have a permit. Now I must
endeavor to survive the building of the new room. The city planning and building
departments were superbly responsive, but they are obviously understaffed and
inundated. Thus I am appalled to learn that a planning commission member
undertook the role of general contractor allegedly without a license, and built
an addition to a restaurant without a permit, which said addition egregiously
and clearly exceeded the height limit. And now the Council, despite all of the
above and instead of insisting upon the filing of criminal charges, is
contemplating the granting of a variance? Is this possible?? Is there some
aspect of this matter which I have no knowledge? Or, as seems clear, will the
granting of the variance be simply another outrage perpetrated by those who are
elected to govern equitably, being fair to all, as required by their oath?
Richard G. Berry
Hermosa Beach
Late night rumblings
Dear ER:
The Redondo Beach City Council meeting Tuesday night was a total sham. The
council sat and did not hear a word the residents stated about quality of life.
The Hennessey bar/restaurant scheduled to open on Catalina will impact lives by
repeating history. Dantes Inferno and Catalina Cantina? Remember those battles?
Teachers came with their children last night. All they want is to live in
Redondo and bring up their children. They also want to have a nights sleep. Now
they will have the third contentious situation another bar/restaurant opened
until 2 a.m. Councilman Gerard Bisignano clearly did not listen to any of the
legal ramifications. Mayor Greg Hill, a lame duck, set the stage and allowed
Hennessey to talk endlessly at the podium.
If this city council cannot listen to the taxpayers and residents and only gives
credence to wealthy restaurant owner businessmen who live in Rolling Hills, then
something is very wrong. Residents deserve to come first. People need to come
before personal gain when it comes to decisions by the council. There is a
letter from Paradise Restaurant on record, which has two existing locations,
stating it is willing to accept the restricted hours for the location proposed
by the Planning Commissioners. That desirable space would not have remained
Vote on May 17 for council candidate Jim Light who spoke before the council and
represented the concerns of the residents. This council has to say good night
and goodbye.
Kathleen Lorenzen
Redondo Beach
Light-hearted observations
Dear ER:
The Redondo Beach City Council is out of control. In the past few weeks they
voted themselves a pay raise and evicted all small boaters from Portofino
Marina. But April 19 they achieved an all time low. Our council overrode
Planning Commission and City Staff recommendations by permitting Hennesseys new
restaurant/bar to stay open until 1 a.m. This restaurant/bar and its parking
lots are just 15 feet from the bedrooms of babies. Imagine the noise of two
valet parking lots with cars starting, bells pinging, belts squealing, and doors
slamming 15 feet from your bedroom window until 1 a.m. Now imagine an infant
exposed to that environment.
These councilmen profess to protect your quality of life. In reality, if you
have lots of money and you are politically connected, you become more
equal,(to quote Orwell in our Animal Farm-run council). The rest of us peons
are just here to pay taxes. And, lets not forget Paul Hennessey. Contrary to
his wifes litany of philanthropic contributions, Hennessey proved his true
colors as he refused to budge on his closing time. Padding his wallet is
obviously more important than the families living 15 feet from his new
Shame on Mr. Hennessey, and shame on our Councilmen. Valet parking until 1 a.m.
just 15 feet from the bedrooms of infants
have they no shred of decency? I am
appalled by our councils actions. My heart goes out to the families that must
bear the impacts of this travesty.
Jim Light
Candidate, District 1 Redondo Beach
Honor your Mother
Dear ER:
The 25th anniversary of Earth Day on April 22 should spur each of us to ensure
that our irreplaceable natural environment will survive another 25 years.
Indeed, its the perfect day to cut the environmental impacts of our shopping,
our driving, and our diet. Yes, our diet.
Production of meat and other animal products dumps more pollution into our
waterways than all other human activities combined. Its the animal manure and
the runoff from animal feed crops, which carries soil particles, salts,
pesticides, fertilizers, and organic matter. Meat production has been degrading
our forests to pastures, feed cropland, then arid wasteland. It is the greatest
threat to wildlife habitats and preservation of endangered species. The grains
and soybeans we feed to animals could sustain the 840 million starving people in
the Third World.
This Friday, lets celebrate Earth Day in the most fitting way by replacing
meat and other animal products in our diet with a rich, tasty variety of
vegetables, fresh fruits, and whole grains.
Jack Matler
Hermosa Beach
The Easy Reader April 14, 2005
One trick
Dear ER:
I must complain about the April 7 On Local Government column of April 7 by
Bob Pinzler.
Instead of a thoughtful, constructive political article, an unfair attack was
made on Ellen Allen by assuming a hypothetical situation where the ex-candidate
would have been a one trick pony, then carefully explaining how these one
issue ponies are the worst council people possible, ask any city manager.
Allen was also criticized for her decision to withdraw from a losing political
contest. None of Allens reasons for this decision were discussed, nor was
mention made that a fight to the bitter end might not advance a needed spirit of
local political compromise. The only justification for former councilman
Pinzlers negative statements seems to be thats how he did it and thats how it
For Pinzler to suggest that his losing mayoral campaign was better, or more
correct, than anothers losing, sincere effort, goes beyond useless hypothetical
criticisms into the simply untrue.
Pinzler than continues a self serving agenda, stating the Redondo council would
be correct in ignoring both park plans. He bases this incredible statement on
the number of voters who did not choose either plan, yet omits that this tally
amounts to roughly six percent of the votes cast, a total of which he must be
well aware.
Astoundingly, he then advocates a council decision based on this six percent
non-vote. In my book, this is hardly the democracy our founding fathers had in
While neither Pinzler nor myself have the great political wisdom or insight of a
Thomas Jefferson, at least I have the good sense to keep my yap shut and not
illuminate that considerable gap by writing disingenuous political columns.
Richard Elliott
Redondo Beach
Schmalz thanks
Dear ER:
I want to thank all of my friends, neighbors and supporters for their hard work
and dedication in my campaign for Mayor of Redondo Beach. As expected, it was a
competitive and close election. Unfortunately, we came up a little short on
election night. But there was no shortage of effort and enthusiasm on your part.
I cant tell you how grateful my family and I are for all the new friends and
supporters that we met during this remarkable campaign. There were many people
who contributed money, time, and tireless effort to help our cause. We cant
thank you all enough, and we will never forget what you did for our campaign.
I especially want to thank the voters in District 4, where I have served as the
City Council representative for the past four years. You overwhelmingly voted
for me in the Mayors election. Your continued trust and support for me as your
councilman and as a mayoral candidate meant a great deal. I was proud to be
District 4s first choice for Mayor.
We also had wide support in other parts of the city. As of the last vote count,
we tallied 2,127 votes-only 234 votes out of the runoff. I was honored to
receive every single one of those votes.
Finally. I want to congratulate Mike Gin, who was the top vote getter in the
election, and Gerard Bisignano, the second place finisher, and wish both of them
the best of luck in the May 17 runoff election. I also want to congratulate
Ellen Allan who narrowly missed the second runoff spot.
My term on the City Council expired on April 5. Steve Diels will be the new
District 4 councilman. I congratulate Steve on his election and wish him the
best in his duties. I have thoroughly enjoyed my term on the council. Public
service as an elected official is a tremendous honor, but it also takes a huge
commitment of time and energy. As I leave office, I am looking forward to
spending more time with my family and with my law firm. Thank you again to all
the friends, neighbors, and supporters who made this campaign an unforgettable
experience for my family and me.
Kurt Schmalz
Redondo Beach
Out on a gym
Dear ER:
What can be done to alleviate the parking and noise at Hermosa Valley School
when construction is finished on the new gym and the classrooms that are being
built to replace the portables? Fact to be noted: at the end of over $15 million
worth of construction the School District will not have one extra classroom!
Yes, there will be new classrooms built but they are replacing portables. Of
course if the district keeps the new portables, which they have had since last
June, then they will have extra classrooms.
Classrooms and an upgraded school campus for our students-that has always been
my priority. I assumed that the District was going to add more classrooms and
upgrade the campus. I suppose that will happen down the road when they try to
pass another bond to Build New Classrooms!
So now that a gym is being built, the District has not done anything to mitigate
any concerns. They allow plenty of opportunities for the community to talk and
talk they have done for almost four years. What about the library that at
present sits in a portable? The new proposed Library has been slowly whittled
away to save more money for the gym. One of our own School Board members
actually stated Do we really need a library when we have so many computers and
the Internet? Please tell me that our librarian and the library are not going
to continue to stay in the portables.
To suggest a few issues for the District to consider:
-Lock gates North and West a half hour before and after the public events to:
-Encourage general public to park in Vons and not in the neighborhood.
-Limit the time of the public use on the gym due to noise.
The District needs to show some concern to the community and put some rules and
regulations in writing.
Jackie Tagliaferro
Hermosa Beach
Cyberspace versus real estate
Dear ER
It makes me very angry that Hermosa Council members Edgerton and Tucker
pretended to be concerned about the minute possibility of having to spend a few
dollars of taxpayer money in order to support WiFi. I am even angrier that they
have now cavalierly, with no public hearing or discussion, decided that the city
can afford to commit millions of dollars on the acquisition of the storage
rental property across from city hall. Keep in mind that Wifi was very likely to
pay for itself, but that the inflated guesses of potential income from real
estate are unlikely guestimates.
Roberta Moore
Handicapping the parking system
Dear ER:
I read with interest the article (Womans handicapped spot okayed over
neighbors parking concerns, ER March 24, 2005) regarding the controversy about
painting handicapped parking spaces on city streets. I find it incomprehensible
that such a space was approved for a resident who has a garage and driveway that
he can use to park his vehicle. I find it equally puzzling that there was a
question about approving a space for a woman who has neither and qualifies as
being disabled. I have lived in Hermosa for many years and have always had a
garage until I moved to my current residence, and now have to fight for a
parking space within a reasonable distance of my home. I am constantly amazed by
the number of people who have both garages and off street parking available to
them who choose to store their many vehicles on the street.
The couple who lives across the alley from me has a two car garage with two
parking spaces in their driveway. They have five vehicles, all of which have
parking permits. The garage has never had a car in it. One vehicle is parked in
the driveway and never driven because the muffler system is not street legal.
The other driveway spot is properly used as parking for the wife's car which she
uses every day. The other three cars are stored on the street, sometimes not
even moving for street sweeping. They just put a note on them saying they are
broken so they don't get ticketed. Last week two of them were marked by parking
control because they had been parked so long, and they just switched the cars to
the other space. This is clearly abusing the system and is something that needs
to be addressed. It would be more work for the city to make sure that people
used their own garages and driveways, but this is done in other cities and
should be done here. This, along with not issuing resident parking stickers to
employees of all the businesses in the impact area and not painting a blue curb
for someone who has a garage and/or driveway would be a great start to leveling
the playing field for those of us who have no choice but to park on the street
and would greatly appreciate not having to walk blocks with our groceries, or to
just be able to go home at night. Anyone who is truly handicapped should qualify
for special help and not be made to feel that their able-bodied neighbors are
going to resent them for it.
Sylvia Simmons
Hermosa Beach
Redondos Option C
Dear ER:
Thomas Jozwiaks letter (ER April 7, 2004) regarding the Redondo Beach Park
Plan hit the nail on the head. Although I was not fond of Option B on the
Redondo ballot, it was realistic and would not cost taxpayers any money. If the
proponents of Option A truly believe that the current owners of the property are
going to donate their property to the City, or that there is any money in the
City or State coffers to purchase the land, think again -- there will be no
donation and there is no taxpayer money to support this pipe dream. In any case,
they were unable to think about what would happen if the landowner refused to
donate his valuable piece of land, or if we the taxpayers would not pony up
the millions of dollars to be sucked up by a black hole of costs. Jozwiak
figured it out and so did I. What will happen is after the moratorium is lifted
in September. The landowner will start to develop his property. Neither the
proponents of Option A nor Option B will get their way. The landowner will
develop Option C. There was considerable compromise by the proponents of Option
B. There was no compromise by the proponents of Option A. Remember, Option A
people, for every action there is always a consequence. Now, live with Option C.
Stewart Kahn
Redondo Beach
Esplanade care
Dear ER:
During my sixty-six years of living on the Avenues, I have enjoyed walking along
the Esplanade. Recently, I have been dismayed by the debris and graffiti that is
collecting on the sidewalk. How often do professionals clean these benches and
sidewalks? Surely, our high city taxes are adequate for the upkeep. The
Esplanade is one of the few open views of the ocean in our South Bay.
Marian Back
Redondo Beach
Heartfelt thanks
Dear ER:
The Manhattan Beach Police Department and the Manhattan Beach Department of
Parks and Recreation held their annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner at the
California Science Center on April 8. This years theme recognized that
volunteers dont necessarily have time to spare but they do have heart to spare.
Over 1,000 volunteers contributed approximately 22,000 hours of service to the
City this past year. This years event could not have been as successful without
the efforts of the following people: Millie Newton, Erin Williams and Sally
Rendler. Additionally, many thanks to the California Science Center, Beaches
Restaurant, Corner Bakery, Jamba Juice, Islands Restaurant, Panchos Restaurant,
Uncle Bills Pancake House, Cocos Restaurant, and Skechers for generously
donating door prizes.
Officer Neal OGilvy, MBPD
Eve Kelso, Community Programs Supervisor
The Hermosa Beach Neighborhood Association
City of HB Info HBNA Photo Gallery HB Crime Info HB Weblinks