The Hermosa Beach Neighborhood Association
City of HB Info HBNA Photo Gallery HB Crime Info HB Weblinks
Hermosa Beach Crime Statistics Compared To Manhattan Beach
For Years 1998 to 2003
1998-2003 HB Crime Stats HBPD Community Policing
1998-2003 HB Crime Stats Compared to Manhattan Beach
HB Downtown March to Jan. of 2005 HB Downtown Dec. to Aug. of 2004
HB Downtown July to June of 2004 HB Downtown May of 2004
HB Crime 2005 HB Crime 2004 HB Crime 2003 HB Crime 2002 HB Crime 2001
Hermosa Beach Crime Statistics
Crime Categories Yearly Totals from 1998 to 2003
Rape Robberies ALL Burglary Larceny Stolen DUI All Total
Assaults Vehicle Arrests Calls for Service
1998 -- 8 17 77 113 411 76 150 624 19,951
1999 -- 6 14 119 118 509 75 203 692 21,378
2000 -- 6 13 97 145 501 60 152 629 25,147
2001 -- 9 17 141 104 469 60 170 873 32,422
2002 -- 15 13 131 118 407 80 214 1,027 28,728
2003 -- 11 13 140 143 388 56 285 1,343 32,241
Hermosa Beach Crime Categories - Percentage Change from 1998 to 2003
Year Rape Robberies ALL Burglary Larceny Stolen DUI All Total
Assaults Vehicle Arrests Calls for Service
1998 -- 8 17 77 113 411 76 150 624 19,951
2003 -- 11 13 140 143 388 56 285 1,343 32,241
Up Down Up Up Down Down Up Up Up
37 % 24 % 82 % 26 % 6 % 26 % 90 % 115 % 61 %
Manhattan Beach Crime Categories - Percentage Change from 1998 to 2003
Year Rape Robberies ALL Burglary Larceny Stolen DUI All Total
Assaults Vehicle Arrests Calls for Service
1998 -- 5 42 133 227 832 110 278 1,487 20,766
2003 -- 10 25 149 274 779 83 186 981 21,413
Up Down Up Up Down Down Down Down Up
100 % 41 % 12 % 20 % 7 % 25 % 33 % 34 % 3 %
Manhattan Beach Crime Statistics
Crime Categories Yearly Totals from 1998 to 2003
Rape Robberies ALL Burglary Larceny Stolen DUI All Total
Assaults Vehicle Arrests Calls for Service
1998 -- 5 42 133 227 832 110 278 1,487 20,766
1999 -- 4 41 122 231 837 89 222 1,210 21,142
2000 -- 4 36 99 295 751 93 314 1,393 27,039
2001 -- 6 54 144 249 725 108 114 1,092 19,975
2002 -- 4 34 164 280 604 119 335 1,043 20,369
2003 -- 10 25 149 274 779 83 186 981 21,413
The Hermosa Beach Pier Plaza Renovation was completed in 1997.
Hermosa Beach Crime Statistics
Categories that have shown an increase from 1998 to 2003
Year Rape Burglary Non-Injury ALL DUI Criminal ALL Total
Auto Acc. Assaults Citations Arrests Calls for Service
1998 -- 8 113 201 77 150 562 624 19,951
1999 -- 6 118 170 119 203 613 692 21,378
2000 -- 6 145 195 97 152 545 629 25,147
2001 -- 9 104 176 141 170 668 873 32,422
2002 -- 15 118 202 131 214 943 1,027 28,728
2003 -- 11 143 258 140 285 989 1,343 32,241
Hermosa Beach Crime Statistics
Categories Percentage Increase from 1998 to 2003
Rape Burglary Non-Injury ALL DUI Criminal All Total
Auto Acc. Assaults Citations Arrests Calls for Service
Up Up Up Up Up Up Up Up
37 % 26 % 28 % 81 % 90 % 75 % 115 % 61 %
Crime Statistics provided by: The Hermosa Beach Police Department
1. Hermosa Beach Rape / Sex Crimes
Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Rape 8 6 6 9 15 11
From 1998 to 2003 Hermosa Beach experienced an 37 % increase in Rape / Sex Crimes
8/11 = 1.3750 8 x 1.3750 = 11 Rapes
1995 to 2002 Hermosa Beach Rape / Sex Crimes - Eight year average - 7 Rapes
2. Hermosa Beach - Burglary
Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Burglary 113 118 145 104 118 143
113/143 = 1.2654 113 Burglaries x 1.2654 = 143 Burglaries
From 1998 to 2003 Hermosa Beach experienced an 26 % increase in burglary
1995 to 2002 Hermosa Beach Burglary - Eight year average - 161 Burglaries
3. Hermosa Beach - Non-Injury Auto Accidents
Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Auto Acc. 201 170 195 176 202 258
From 1998 to 2003 Hermosa Beach experienced a 28 % increase in non-injury accidents.
201/258 = 1.2835 201 accidents x 1.2835 = 257.99 or 258 accidents
4. Hermosa Beach - Aggravated and Simple Assaults
Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Assaults 77 119 97 141 131 140
From 1998 to 2003 Hermosa Beach experienced an 81 % increase in all assaults.
77/140 = 1.8181 77 assaults x 1.8181 = 139.99 or 140 assaults
1995 to 2002 Hermosa Beach All Assaults - Eight year average - 110 Assaults
5. Hermosa Beach - Driving Under the Influence, DUI
Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
DUI 150 203 152 170 214 285
From 1998 to 2003 Hermosa Beach experienced a 90 % increase in DUI arrests.
150/285 = 1.900 150 DUI x 1.900 = 285 DUI
1995 to 2002 Hermosa Beach DUI - Eight year average - 203 DUI
6. Hermosa Beach - Criminal Citations / Misdemeanors
Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Citations 562 613 545 668 943 989
From 1998 to 2003 Hermosa Beach experienced a 75 % increase in criminal citations.
562/989 = 1.7597 562 x 1.7597 = 989 Criminal Citations
1995 to 2002 Hermosa Beach Criminal Citations - Eight year average - 715 Citations
7. Hermosa Beach - All Arrests; Adult and Juvenile
Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
All Arrests 624 692 629 873 1,027 1,343
From 1998 to 2003 Hermosa Beach experienced a 115 % increase in all arrests.
624/1343 = 2.1522 624 arrests x 2.1522 = 1342.98 or 1343 arrests
8. Hermosa Beach - Total Adults Arrested
Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Adult Arrests 608 680 616 846 1,012 1,315
From 1998 to 2003 Hermosa Beach experienced a 116 % increase in adults arrested.
608/1315 = 2.1628 608 arrests x 2.1628 = 1314.98 or 1315 arrests
1995 to 2002 Hermosa Beach Adults Arrested - Eight year average - 772 Arrests
9. Hermosa Beach - HBPD Total Calls for Service
Calls for service include those called in by citizens as well as self-initiated by police officers.
Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Calls/Serv 19,951 21,378 25,147 32,422 28,728 32,241
From 1998 to 2003 Hermosa Beach experienced a 61 % increase in total calls for service.
19,951 / 32,241 = 1.6160 19,951 calls x 1.6160 = 32240.81 or 32,241 calls
1995 to 2002 Hermosa Beach Calls for Service - Eight year average - 25,064 Calls
10. Hermosa Beach - HBPD Total Calls for Service; by year, by day, by month
Calls for service include those called in by citizens as well as self-initiated by police officers.
Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Calls a Year 19,951 21,378 25,147 32,422 28,728 32,241
Calls a Day 55 59 69 89 79 88
Calls a Month 1,663 1,782 2,096 2,702 2,394 2,687
From 1998 to 2003 Hermosa Beach experienced a 61 % increase in total calls for service.
The 2003 Calls for Service total of 32,241 was 1.61 times higher the 1998 Calls for Service of 19,951.
19,951 / 32,241 = 1.6160 19,951 calls x 1.6160 = 32240.81 or 32,241 calls for service
1995 to 2002 Hermosa Beach Calls for Service - Eight year average - 25,064 Calls
Total Calls for Service
Hermosa Beach Police Department
Manhattan Beach Police Department
Calls for service include those called in by citizens as well as self-initiated by police officers.
Total Calls for Service
Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Hermosa Bch 19,951 21,378 25,147 32,422 28,728 32,241
Manhattan Bch 20,766 21,142 27,039 19,975 20,369 21,413
From 1998 to 2003 Hermosa Beach experienced a 61 % increase in the yearly total calls for service.
From 1998 to 2003 Manhattan Beach experienced a 3 % increase in the yearly total calls for service.
The MB 2003 Calls for Service total of 21,143 was 1.03 times higher the MB 1998 Calls for Service of 20,766.
20,766 / 21,143 = 1.0311 19,951 calls x 1.0311 = 21,412.99 or 21,413 calls for service
Calls for Service per capita for Hermosa Beach and Manhattan Beach
1998 Calls for Service
Hermosa Beach - 19,951 Calls Manhattan Beach - 20,766 Calls
In 1998, the Per capita Calls for Service were 75 % higher in Hermosa Beach than Manhattan Beach.
1999 Calls for Service
Hermosa Beach - 21,378 Calls Manhattan Beach 21,142 Calls
In 1999, the Per capita Calls for Service were 84 % higher in Hermosa Beach than Manhattan Beach.
2000 Calls for Service
Hermosa Beach - 25,147 Calls Manhattan Beach 27,039 Calls
In 2000, the Per capita Calls for Service were 69 % higher in Hermosa Beach than Manhattan Beach.
2001 Calls for Service
Hermosa Beach - 32,422 Calls Manhattan Beach 19,975 Calls
In 2001, the Per capita Calls for Service were 195 % higher in Hermosa Beach than Manhattan Beach.
2002 Calls for Service
Hermosa Beach - 28,728 Calls Manhattan Beach 20,369 Calls
In 2002, the Per capita Calls for Service were 157 % higher in Hermosa Beach than Manhattan Beach.
2003 Calls for Service
Hermosa Beach - 32,241 Calls Manhattan Beach 21,413 Calls
In 2003, the Per capita Calls for Service were 174 % higher in Hermosa Beach than Manhattan Beach.
Hermosa Beach population is 18,566 from the 2000 census.
Manhattan Beach population is 33,852 from the 2000 census.
33,852 / 18,566 = 1.823
The year 2000 population of Manhattan Beach is 1.823 times larger than the year 2000 population in Hermosa Beach.
All Assaults - Aggravated and Simple
Total Assaults 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Hermosa Beach 119 97 141 131 140
Manhattan Beach 122 99 144 164 149
Hermosa Beach and Manhattan Beach - Total assaults per capita
1999 Assault Totals
Hermosa Beach 119 assaults Manhattan Beach 122 assaults
Assaults per capita for 1999 were 77 % higher in Hermosa Beach than in Manhattan Beach.
2000 Assault Totals
Hermosa Beach 97 assaults Manhattan Beach 99 assaults
Assaults per capita in 2000 were 78 % higher in Hermosa Beach than in Manhattan Beach.
2001 Assault Totals
Hermosa Beach 141 assaults Manhattan Beach 144 assaults
Assaults per capita in 2001 were 78 % higher in Hermosa Beach than in Manhattan Beach.
2002 Assault Totals
Hermosa Beach 131 assaults Manhattan Beach 164 assaults
Assaults per capita in 2002 were 45 % higher in Hermosa Beach than in Manhattan Beach.
2003 Assault Totals
Hermosa Beach 140 assaults Manhattan Beach 149 assaults
Assaults per capita in 2003 were 71 % higher in Hermosa Beach than in Manhattan Beach.
Rape and Sex Crimes
Total Rapes 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Hermosa Beach 6 6 9 15 11
Manhattan Beach 4 4 6 4 10
Hermosa Beach and Manhattan Beach - Total rapes per capita
1999 Rape Totals
Hermosa Beach 6 rapes Manhattan Beach 4 rapes
Rapes per capita in 1999 were 173 % higher in Hermosa Beach than Manhattan Beach.
2000 Rape Totals
Hermosa Beach 6 rapes Manhattan Beach 4 rapes
Rapes per capita in 2000 were 173 % higher in Hermosa Beach than Manhattan Beach.
2001 Rape Totals
Hermosa Beach 9 rapes Manhattan Beach 6 rapes
Rapes per capita in 2001 were 173 % higher in Hermosa Beach than Manhattan Beach.
2002 Rape Totals
Hermosa Beach 15 rapes Manhattan Beach 4 rapes
Rapes per capita in 2002 were 583 % higher in Hermosa Beach than Manhattan Beach.
2003 Rape Totals
Hermosa Beach 11 rapes Manhattan Beach 10 rapes
Rapes per capita in 2003 were 100 % higher in Hermosa Beach than Manhattan Beach.
Hermosa Beach Police Department
Office of the Chief of Police
Tuesday, April 16, 2002
To: The Honorable Mayor and Members of The Hermosa Beach City Council
For: The April 23, 2002 Regular meeting of The Hermosa Beach City Council
Statistical Report of Crimes and Police Activity for 2001
Staff recommends that the City Council:
Background and Analysis:
With an increase in the number of reported assaults for the calendar year of 2001, an analysis has been done in regards to the types of assaults that occurred. During 2001, the police department reported 141 assaults on its year end statistical report. However, after extracting the individual reports from the computer system, there were only 132 assaults that could be accounted for, during 2001. During the course of the year, reports are sometimes modified or reclassified for a variety of reasons that would have reduced this number.
It should also be noted that assaults are classified into two major categories, aggravated and simple. Aggravated assaults simply put, describe assaults where a deadly weapons was used, (gun, knife, bat, etc.), or where hands, fists, or feet are used resulting in an aggravated injury. Simple assaults are classified as a battery that has taken place yet there are not significant injuries or no injuries have occurred. It has been the policy of the Hermosa Beach Police Department to report all assaults. We have learned that it is the policy of some surrounding police agencies to only report aggravated assaults. Domestic violence assaults are also classified within these numbers along with assaults on police officers and these categories are broken apart from regular assaults. The breakdown of assaults is as follows:
42 Domestic Violence assaults
17 Aggravated assaults
25 Simple assaults
37 Simple assaults (no injury to minor injury)
48 Aggravated assaults
4 Aggravated assaults on Police Officers
1 Simple assault on a Police Officer
132 Total Assaults
Domestic Violence accounts for 32% of all of the assaults for 2001. A total of 53 assaults (40% of the total) were reported in the downtown area. Of these 53 assaults, 4 were domestic violence assaults and 4 were assaults on our police officers. There were 17 simple assaults and 28 aggravated assaults.
Calls for service for the downtown area were also examined. In the computer, the downtown area is between 10th Street to 16th Street and from The Strand to Palm Dr. including a small section of Manhattan Avenue from Pier Avenue to 14th Street.
Calls for service includes those called in by citizens as well as self-initiated by police officers. These totals do not reflect all activity in the downtown area. For example, these numbers do not reflect burglary reports, traffic accidents, etc. , which occurred in the downtown area. The categories listed are the types of call that were searched.
Calls for Service categories Downtown Citywide Total
Calls regarding fighting and assaults 65 159
Calls regarding a reported rape 5 19
Disturbance calls 998 3074
Family disturbance calls 12 154
Disturbance calls regarding loud parties 26 633
Drunk and disorderly calls 60 196
Totals - Calls for Service categories 1166 4235
In the first two categories, a call regarding a fight or a rape did not necessarily mean that an assault or rape took place, or that a report was even taken. Some of these calls were probably officer initiated for example when officer come upon a fight in progress. Disturbance calls are not only a result of calling in but also include self-initiated calls by officers. With the numbers of officers assigned to the downtown foot patrol beats with the mission of being proactive, it should be understandable that a number of calls would be self-initiated by them.
As a point of reference, there were a total of 32,422 calls for service citywide during the year 2001. The 1166 calls illustrated above represents only 3.6% of this call volume.
Foot patrols in the downtown area will continue not only on the weekend nights but will now be expanded to Thursday and Sunday evenings as well. Staff feels that the presence of foot patrols over the past few years has in fact reduced the number of assaults and other related crimes in the downtown area that would have occurred if the patrols had not been deployed. The police department will also continue to organize special details to focus enforcement efforts on crime problems citywide.
Respectfully submitted,
Michael Lavin, Chief of Police Stephen Burrell
Hermosa Beach Police Department City Manager
Statistical Report of Crimes and Police Activity for 2001
By HBPD Chief of Police Michael Lavin
Calls for Service in the Hermosa Beach downtown area compared to citywide Calls for Service in year 2001.
Hermosa Beach 2001
Calls for Service categories Downtown Citywide Total
1. Calls regarding fighting and assaults 65 159
65 / 159 = .4088
In 2001, the downtown area total of 65 calls for fighting and assaults makes up 40 percent of the Hermosa Beach citywide total of 159 fighting and assault calls.
2. Calls regarding a reported rape 5 19
5 / 19 = .2631
In 2001, the downtown area total of 5 calls for reported a rape makes up 26 percent of the Hermosa Beach citywide total of 19 reported rape calls.
3. Disturbance calls 998 3074
998 / 3074 = .3246
In 2001, the downtown area total of 998 disturbance calls makes up 32 percent of the Hermosa Beach citywide total of 3074 disturbance calls.
4. Drunk and disorderly calls 60 196
60 / 196 = .3061
In 2001, the downtown area total of 60 drunk and disorderly calls makes up 30 percent of the Hermosa Beach citywide total of 196 drunk and disorderly calls.
March 4, 2004
Honorable Chairman and Members of the Hermosa Beach Planning Commission
Regular Meeting of March 16, 2004
That the Planning Commission receive and file this report.
On January 20, 2004, the Planning Commission conducted an annual review of downtown
conditional use permits and directed staff to provide police incidents reports for the
businesses. The incident reports were provided at the February 17, 2004 meeting and the
Commission reviewed the incident reports and a memorandum from the Police Chief. The
Planning Commission directed staff to set a hearing for review of two business conditional
use permits and further directed staff to have the code enforcement officer investigate whether
there were any code or CUP violations.
In response to the Commission direction, staff has reviewed the incident information again
and rather than proceeding at this time on a program to review two businesses, staff suggests a
broader approach to deal with area problems or concerns. This approach should focus on a
reduction of the number of police and fire response calls and ensure that the Downtown area
is not taking an undo amount of city resources. As you may be aware, from time to time staff
has met with representatives of all of the Pier Plaza and Downtown businesses to review
issues and concerns that have been expressed about the operation of businesses, general
activities and special events. These meetings have been an effective communication tool in
the past, and with active and continued participation by all concerned parties, staff is
confident that they can be an effective tool to deal with the present concerns. The task for
this group will be to come up an area wide approach and solutions that result in less need for
police response in the downtown. The group will include participation from area merchants
and staff and can be expanded to include others, should there be broader interest in
participating. Once the group has developed strategies and a consensus for dealing with area
concerns, staff will document the recommendations, which can be made available to the
Planning Commission and the City Council for review and possible response. Further actions
may include changes to conditional use permits or other parts of the Municipal Code.
This approach is being suggested as it is difficult to lay the blame at any one business in the
area. Hopefully, this will allow for a broad discussion of the problem and potential solutions.
____________________________ __________________________
Sol Blumenfeld, Director Mike Lavin,
Community Development Police Chief
Russell Tingley,
Fire Chief
Stephen R. Burrell,
City Manager
Commissioners Allen, Hoffman, Perrotti, Pizer, Chairman Kersenboom
Absent: None
Also Present: Sol Blumenfeld, Community Development Director
Ken Robertson, Senior Planner
Denise Bothe, Recording Secretary
Chairman Kersenboom requested that Agenda Item No. 9, Review of Incident Reports for Pier Plaza and Downtown Area, be considered as the next order of business so that the police and fire personnel do not have to wait. No objection was noted.
(Item 9 was considered out of Agenda order.)
Staff Recommended Action: To receive and file.
Director Blumenfeld noted that at the January meeting, the Planning Commission conducted its annual review of Downtown conditional use permits for those that require periodic reviews; advised that the Police Department provided a tally of the incident reports; stated that Police Chief Lavin expressed concern with the operations of some of the Downtown businesses due to the increasing number of reported police calls at or nearby these businesses; and that as a result of that memorandum from Chief Lavin, the Planning Commission felt compelled to review the matter with the Police and Fire Departments. As a result of conversations among City staff, the City Manager, the Police and Fire Departments, it has been decided that it would not be appropriate to conduct a review of the two businesses in question because there isn't enough evidence at this point to indicate that these two businesses are in violation of their conditional use permits; stated that staff is proposing to meet with some of the Downtown businesses to review the concerns, such as discussing operational issues, security; and that based on those discussions, to develop a mutual strategy to ensure area wide code enforcement rather than site specific code enforcement. Director Blumenfeld stated that staff is proposing that these meetings take place over the next few months; that the City Manager and staff will make arrangements to meet with the Downtown business owners/operators. He added that what might come from these meetings is the desire to add common area security activity. He suggested the code enforcement team may include members from various departments, such as Community Development, Fire Department, and the Police Department.
Police Chief Lavin introduced Lieutenant Lance Jacola and Sergeant Kevin Gabrielle, who have spent a great deal of time working Downtown for a number of years and who are familiar with the problems. He advised that the Police Department is experiencing a larger number of problems in the Downtown area and arresting an increasing number of individuals; stated that the Police Department has already begun to meet with some of the business owners/operators - such as Sangria and the Light House - to talk about some of the issues of concern; and that the business owners/operators have responded in a positive manner to these discussions.
Commissioner Hoffman noted the reason that this issue is being addressed is the Planning Commission received a letter from Police Chief Lavin asking that the Commission look at the conditional use permits of Sangria and the Light House; and questioned if Police Chief Lavin is comfortable with the new proposal to meet and confer with the business owners/operators and various City staff.
Police Chief Lavin noted for Commissioner Hoffman that he would like to meet with the businesses to address his concerns.
Commissioner Hoffman noted that at this point, this issue is out of the Planning Commission's hands and that the kind of policy the City is now proposing needs to be worked out with various City staff, Police and Fire Department personnel and the business owners/operators.
Vice-Chairman Perrotti questioned if the incident reports can better identify how or where an incident occurred.
Police Chief Lavin noted for Vice-Chairman Perrotti that the incidents are captured more accurately and that he had provided the Commission with an abbreviated report; and stated that the Department does have more complete reports relating to the incidents. He advised that the Police Department is starting to see a rowdier clientele frequenting the Downtown area, even gang members.
Commissioner Pizer questioned if the Police Department has taken into consideration the problems with liquor stores selling alcohol to people early in the morning.
Sergeant Kevin Gabrielle advised that there are three areas of concern with regard to the taverns themselves - over-crowding of an establishment, over-serving of alcohol, and serving under-aged people. He commented on the Foot Patrol members meeting with bar staff and security personnel to educate them on identifying false I.D.'s and to address other areas of concern; and stated that these businesses are encouraged to contact the Police Department if they need assistance in any area of concern. With regard to the liquor stores, he confirmed that the alcohol sales do pose some problems early in the morning throughout the City, noting that the level of intoxication goes up around the holidays. He advised that the Police Department is seeing an increase in more violence as far as serious incidents than has been experienced in the past; and stated that some of the officers have been injured. He stated that these issues are being discussed with the business owners/operators and that they are trying to work toward a solution; and stated that these meetings with the Foot Patrol will soon result in a report that will be presented to the City.
Vice-Chairman Perrotti commented on past plans to reduce the use of bottled liquor after a certain hour.
Responding to Vice-Chairman Perrotti's comment, Sergeant Gabrielle advised that approximately 3 to 4 years ago, he obtained the cooperation from 70 percent of the businesses to not serve bottles of alcohol after midnight, that they were serving alcohol in plastic cups; but advised that because this activity has fallen off, it is something that should be revisited during the discussions.
Fire Chief Russell Tingly provided a general overview of what the Fire Department does in response to the Pier Plaza and Downtown area; advised that there are basically two types of incidents that draw the Fire Department Downtown: one being occupant load issues and the other being paramedic response/support. With regard to occupant load issues, he noted that the Foot Patrol sometimes does contacts the Fire Department when there is a concern with a great number of people inside an establishment and that calls are also received from patrons who feel uncomfortable or unsafe inside an establishment. He commented on the considerable effort it takes to conduct the inspections of the establishments when there is a concern with over-crowding - highlighting the task of counting with clicker devices the number of patrons inside a business. He noted that the number of citations being written has increased from 1 to 2 per year up to a peak of 5 last year. He noted his support for staff to work with these businesses to come to a solution with the various concerns.
Fire Chief Tingly noted for Vice-Chairman Perrotti that the Fire Department has asked the businesses to use these counting clickers, but that the businesses are not required to count with this method. He stated that when there is an issue of over-crowding, both the Fire Department personnel and the doormen/security will compare patron counts; and stated that if the Department issues a citation, no less than 3 clicker counts would be compared.
Vice-Chairman Perrotti requested a status report on the code enforcement activity at the Pitcher House.
Director Blumenfeld noted for Vice-Chairman Perrotti that a Code Enforcement Officer visited this business establishment on Friday, February 17, 2004, from 10:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M. advised that the Code Enforcement Officer found at the Pitcher House that there was a live band playing rock 'n roll; that the doors and windows were closed, as is required; that there was a security guard at the front door, which is also a requirement; that there was additional security personnel inside, which isn't a requirement; and stated that the Code Enforcement Officer did not notice any rowdy behavior or observe any noise outside the business establishment. Director Blumenfeld noted that the Code Enforcement Officer indicated that when the band was playing, if one was standing immediately adjacent to the north wall of the business to hear the music, it was audible, but not loud; that the music was also audible across the street at the parking lot immediately across from the establishment, but that it was only audible if there was no traffic on Pacific Coast Highway. Director Blumenfeld advised that when he has been out to this business establishment himself at those same hours, he found that there was not a significant amount of noise; and that there was some noise but not enough to make a determination that it was a violation of the noise ordinance. He added that the Police Department has also been out there from time to time, and that they have also indicated they have not observed noise problems with this establishment.
Director Blumenfeld highlighted Gary Kazanjian's letter that was distributed to the Planning Commission wherein Mr. Kazanjian, who is a business owner on upper Pier Avenue, complains that his business and some of the businesses outside of Pier Plaza have suffered some vandalism that he thought might be connected to some of the Downtown bar patrons; and he noted that Mr. Kazanjian was advised of this proposed area wide solution to meet with the business owners to seek a solution to these problems. He noted Mr. Kazanjian's intent to make it clear that upper Pier Plaza businesses are also experiencing problems.
Ron Newman, representing Sharkeys, requested that all sides of this issue be addressed; stated that the crime statistics for the South Bay area indicate that crime has decreased 38 percent in this area since 1995; and stated that this issue should be worked out among the homeowners, the Police and Fire Departments and that no business should be singled out by the City.
Chairman Kersenboom suggested that Mr. Newman work with the new task force.
Karla Merryman, Hermosa Beach Chamber of Commerce, noted her opposition to considering Agenda items out of order.
Director Blumenfeld explained that the Commission had determined that the matter is out of the jurisdiction of the Planning Commission; and that staff, the Police Department and the Fire Department and business owners/operators were seeking a solution to the concerns.
Vice-Chairman Perrotti questioned if there is in place or plan to have an alternate security force in the area.
Ms. Merryman noted for Vice-Chairman Perrotti that the Chamber has addressed the possibility of instituting a volunteer policing group.
David Cohen, 631 6th Street, stated that he has lived in Hermosa Beach for 7 years; explained that he has talked to several of the club owners about sponsoring a Citizen Club Owner Interaction Committee; and advised that it would be necessary to formulate detailed plans on the creation of this interim entity that would monitor the Plaza area, provide a security bubble on holidays, weekends. He explained that these people would act as monitors and would take on a decreased enforcement role but would be supervised by the Police Department. He advised that so far, the club owners have responded in a positive manner; and noted that legal issues still need to be worked out. He noted that the Committee would need to develop a plan, budget, guidelines, review the legal issues, address potential liabilities, identify the scope of duties and responsibilities, review insurance issues, etc.; and stated that he intends on studying similar and successful programs in other jurisdictions.
Director Blumenfeld stated that staff will go forward with these meetings involving the various groups; and that a report of the discussions and solutions will ultimately be presented to the Planning Commission and City Council.
Vice-Chairman Perrotti thanked the Police and Fire personnel for attending this evening's meeting and for providing the information; stated that he was involved with a lot of decisions when the Plaza area was first created with a certain vision in mind, but that the Plaza as it currently exists does not conform to that vision, which is unacceptable.
Michael Morretti, 845 Second Street, stated that since he last attended the Planning Commission meeting to address the noise coming from the Pitcher House, he has recorded 35 hours of audio and video taken from his house of the Pitcher House activities; and he urged the City to take action on the nuisance his family is experiencing.
Director Blumenfeld stated that the Code Enforcement Officer could once again go out to this site to monitor the situation; and that he will also visit the site once again if the Planning Commission so desires another check of the facility. He noted that staff has not yet been able to corroborate the noise complaint by the Morretti's.
Mr. Morretti stated that it has only been the last 2 weekends that a security guard has been on site.
MOTION by Commissioner Hoffman, seconded by Vice-Chairman Perrotti, to RECEIVE AND FILE C-36 -- Review of incident reports for Pier Plaza and downtown area.
HB Crime 2005 HB Crime 2004 HB Crime 2003 HB Crime 2002 HB Crime 2001
1998-2003 HB Crime Stats HBPD Community Policing
1998-2003 HB Crime Stats Compared to Manhattan Beach
HB Pier Plaza Reporting HBPD Crime Prevention Info
The Hermosa Beach Neighborhood Association
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