The Hermosa Beach Neighborhood Association

"Neighbors working together for a better Hermosa Beach" 


 2024 Hermosa Beach City Council Debate Questions


The 2024 Hermosa Beach Candidate Debate will be Broadcast Live and Replayed on Cable

Spectrum Channel 8 and Frontier FIOS Channel 31


This Debate Will Also Be Available Live and for Replay on the City’s YouTube Channel:





The Hermosa Beach Neighborhood Association will sponsor a Hermosa Beach City Council Candidate Debate to be held on Thursday, September 26, 2024.

This City Council Candidate Debate will take place in the:  Hermosa Beach City Council Chambers at 1315 Valley Drive from 7 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

All Hermosa Beach residents and members of the public are invited to attend this candidate debate. 

Public Safety and Quality of Life Issues in Hermosa Beach will be among the topics addressed by each city council candidate. 

The Future of Residential and Commercial Development in Hermosa Beach will also be discussed.

Time has been set aside for the Audience to Ask Questions.

This Hermosa Beach City Council candidate debate will also be broadcast live and re-aired on Spectrum cable channel 8 and Frontier FIOS channel 31.

For additional information you can go to the HBNA website at:



Documents and Sources used for the

2022 Hermosa Beach City Council Debate -

September 26, 2024


 Hermosa Beach Action Agenda 2016-2017


PLAN Hermosa - Integrated General Plan and Coastal Land Use Plan






Press Release: Los Angeles County Dept. of Public Health

PRESS RELEASE: Reducing Alcohol-Related Harms in Los Angeles County


Los Angeles County Dept. of Public Health Report:

Reducing Alcohol-Related Harms in Los Angeles County - March 2011


  ICMA Police Operations Report for the Hermosa Beach Police Department


State of California Department of Justice

Bureau of Criminal Information and Analysis

Criminal Justice Statistics Center – CJSC

CJCS Statistics Home Page:


FBI Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program –

UCR Offense Definitions -


Hermosa Beach Police Department

Monthly Crime Statistics



Hermosa Beach City Council Meeting – February 23, 2016

Study Session: Downtown Cost/Benefit Finance Analysis - 6:00 PM


1. Draft Downtown Cost Benefit Analysis Report 2-8-16.pdf

2. Downtown Cost Benefit Public Comments and Responses.pdf


The Official - City of Hermosa Beach - Online Website

City of Hermosa Beach - CALENDAR OF EVENTS

City of Hermosa Beach - Agendas, Minutes & Video


2015 CITY COUNCIL CANDIDATE DEBATE -  Now Online 24 Hours a Day:

2015 Hermosa Beach City Council Debate on the City’s Granicus Online System:



Hermosa Beach Municipal Election Information


2022 Hermosa Beach City Council Debate Questions

2021 Hermosa Beach City Council Debate Questions

2019 Hermosa Beach City Council Debate Questions

2017 Hermosa Beach City Council Debate Questions

2016 Hermosa Beach City Council Debate Questions

2015 Hermosa Beach City Council Debate Questions



The 2013 & 2011 Hermosa Beach City Council Candidate Debates are Now on YouTube:

The 2011 HBNA Candidates Debate Video on YouTube.

The 2011 HBNA Candidates Debate on the City's Granicus Video

Hermosa Beach 2009 City Council Candidate Debate Video




Home Page       HB Web Community       Surveys & Forums        HB Crime Info

Hermosa Letters to the Editor's           Hermosa Beach History

The  Easy Reader's  " Best Of The Beach" for 2006      

Photos of pedestrians using the 16th Street and PCH crosswalk

 Hermosa Beach & Manhattan Beach Crime Stats for 1998 to 2004 Comparison


Official - CIty of Hermosa Beach Hompage

City of Hermosa Beach - CALENDAR OF EVENTS

Hermosa Beach Municipal Election Information



Compare the CA CJSC Crime Statistics
since the 1997 HB Pier Plaza Renovation for: 


Hermosa Beach, Manhattan Beach, Redondo Beach

 and El Segundo



2015 Hermosa Beach City Council Debate Questions

2015 DEBATE NOW ONLINE 24 Hours a Day:

2015 Hermosa Beach City Council Debate on the City’s Granicus Online System:


2015 Hermosa Beach City Council Candidate Debates

TV Replay Schedule:

All Hermosa Beach Candidate Debates will Replay on:


Time Warner channel 8 and Verizon FIOS channel 31



MONDAY - October 5, 2015

2 pm - - - - - - START TIME For 2015 Candidate Debate

6:30 pm - - - - START TIME For 2015 Candidate Debate

12 Midnight - - START TIME For 2015 Candidate Debate


TUESDSAY  – October 6, 2015

8 am - - - - - START TIME For 2015 Candidate Debate

7:30 pm - - - START TIME For 2015 Candidate Debate



November 3, 2015 - Municpal Election Information:


YouTube Videos of: 

Statements, Questions and Answers from the  

2013 Hermosa Beach Candidates Debate  

sponsored by the Hermosa Beach Neighborhood Association

held on October 2, 2013 in the City Council Chambers



Hermosa Beach Treasurer Candidate Statements

City of Hermosa Beach Treasurer Candidates:

Karen Nowicki 

and J.R. Reviczky

YouTube Video:


Measure B Debate

Jim Lissner and Ron Newman debate Measure B

YouTube Video:




Start of 2013 Candidate Debate



Opening Statements:


Candidates Opening Statement –  

YouTube Video:





Debate Question 1:


What is your “vision” for economic development 

in the Hermosa Beach downtown and Civic Center? 


The City has started this process:


Strategic Plan for Economic Development of Civic Center Complex 

and Key Downtown Opportunity Sites.


Public Comments: Summary of Input on the 

Strategic Economic Development Plan-Downtown Core:



What is your “vision” for economic development 

in the Hermosa Beach downtown and Civic Center?   

YouTube Video:




Debate Question 2:

What type of mix of new commercial buildings and new businesses 

do you want to see in the future Hermosa Beach downtown area?

The maximum commercial building height in the Manhattan Beach downtown area is 26 feet.

Should building heights for new commercial buildings in Hermosa Beach, 

be increased beyond the current 30 foot height limit?

YouTube Video: 



Debate Question 3:


What is your opinion regarding the positive and negative impacts from oil drilling 

and oil production operations near residential neighborhoods?


YouTube Video: 




Questions from the Audience

Each candidate has up to 1 minute to respond. 





Debate Question 4:


Do you believe the findings from the "Reducing Alcohol-Related Harms in Los Angeles County" report regarding the relationship of alcohol outlet density to increased violent crime, 

car crashes and drinking-related deaths in a city?


Do you think Hermosa Beach has health related impacts caused by too many alcohol outlets?


Press Release: Los Angeles County Dept. of Public Health:

Reducing Alcohol-Related Harms


Los Angeles County Dept. of Public Health Report:

Reducing Alcohol-Related Harms in Los Angeles County - March 2011


YouTube Video:



Debate Question 5:

How significant of a problem is alcohol-related crime in the downtown area after midnight?

Do positive impacts out weigh the negative impacts, as a result of alcohol sales 

and consumption after midnight in Hermosa Beach?

YouTube Video:  




Debate Question 6:

A law passed in March 2009 in Hermosa Beach that allowed 
restaurants that closed by 10 p.m. the ability to obtain an 
ABC On-Sale Beer and Wine license “by right”. 

The 2009 “alcohol by right” law eliminated a long standing 
Conditional Use Permit process and the public hearings for the approval 
of an ABC license for a restaurant that closes at 10 pm.

Before this "alcohol by right" law was passed in 2009, 
all Hermosa residents and homeowners within 500 feet of the new 
ABC license were notified by mail and the Hermosa Beach 
Planning Commission held public hearings and voted to approve 
or deny any new ABC license to sell beer and wine in a restaurant.

The construction of a new multi-level parking garage can create 400 
or more new “in lieu” parking spaces in Hermosa Beach. 

These new “in lieu” parking spaces, when purchased by a new restaurant operators
will allow the opening of numerous 10 pm “alcohol by right” restaurants 
that can not open now, because of the lack of parking.

Should the Hermosa Beach City Council restore the 
Conditional Use Permit process and the holding of 
public hearings in order to grant any 
new ABC licenses for restaurants?

YouTube Video:




Closing Statements:


Candidates Closing Statements 


YouTube Video:



End of the 2013 City Council Candidate Debate Information provided to  the City Council Candidates for the  HBNA Candidate  Debate




The following information was provided to  the 

Hermosa Beach City Council Candidates 

for the 2015 and 2013 HBNA Candidate Debates




For each year, 2011 and 2012,
the Hermosa Beach Police Department per capita Calls for Service
exceeded the Manhattan Beach PD Calls for Service by more than 2.5 times.



For each year from 2006 to 2012, Hermosa Beach

exceeded the Manhattan Beach per capita Part 1 crime rate,

for Rape, Robbery, Aggravated Assault and Burglary.



For the period, 2009 thru 2012 Hermosa Beach had a per capita

Part 1 Rape crime rate that was more than double that of Manhattan Beach.



For the period, 2009 thru 2012 Hermosa Beach had per capita

Part 1 Aggravated Assault crime rate that was
more than double that of Manhattan Beach.



For the period, 2008 thru 2011 Hermosa Beach had a per capita

Part 1 Robbery crime rate that was more

than 50 percent higher than Manhattan Beach.



For the period, 2006 thru 2009 Hermosa Beach had a per capita

Part 1 Aggravated Assault crime rate that was

more than 3 times that of Manhattan Beach.


From the County of Los Angeles Public Health Department Report:

Reducing Alcohol-Related Harms in Los Angeles County

A Cities and Community Health Report - 16 pages


Revised Edition, December 2011

Press Release: Los Angeles County Dept. of Public Health




Quotes and Hermosa Beach information from the:

Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, Office of Health Assessment and Epidemiology.

Reducing Alcohol-Related Harms in Los Angeles County:

A Cities and Communities Report.  March 2011.

You can print out a pdf of the"Reducing Alcohol-Related Harms in Los Angeles County" report from this weblink:

or this weblink:


The City of Hermosa Beach was included in the "Reducing Alcohol-Related Harms in Los Angeles County" report, which includes 117 cities and communities in Los Angeles County.

Here is a quote from paragraph 4 of a 5 paragraph statement from Jonathan E. Fielding, Director of Public Health and Health Officer, from page 2 of the pdf, "Reducing Alcohol-Related Harms in Los Angeles County":


"A high density of alcohol outlets increases alcohol consumption, motor vehicle crashes, alcohol-related hospital admissions, injury deaths, assaults and violent crime, suicides, drinking and driving, child maltreatment and neighborhood disturbances.  

In this report, we examined the relationship between the density of alcohol outlets and three alcohol-related harms in 117 cities and communities across Los Angeles County and found similar results; increased rates of violent crime, alcohol-involved motor vehicle crashes, and alcohol related deaths were all associated with having a high density of alcohol outlets in that city or community."

Jonathan E. Fielding, MD, MPH

Director of Public Health and Health Officer


Quote from page 6 of the pdf "Reducing Alcohol-Related Harms in Los Angeles County" report.

"Communities with a high density of either On- or Off-Premises outlets were . . 9 to 10 times more likely to have increased rates of violent crime"


Quotes from page 11 of the pdf, "Reducing Alcohol-Related Harms in Los Angeles County" report.

"Excessive consumption of alcohol is a major public health concern among teenagers and adults in Los Angeles County, with significant health and economic impacts.  

These impacts include societal harms not only from illnesses, but also due to injuries, violent crimes and property crimes, traffic accidents, work loss, and community and family disruptions."

"The findings in this analysis are consistent with previous studies which have shown significant associations between alcohol availability and alcohol-related harms.  

For example, environmental factors such as the density of alcohol outlets have been found to play an important role in teenage drinking.  

Among teenagers in California, binge drinking and driving after drinking have been associated with the availability of alcohol outlets within a half-mile from home."



Reference data compiled from page 6 to page 10 of the report's pdf:

"Reducing Alcohol-Related Harms in Los Angeles County" report.


Hermosa Beach had more than double the rate of violent crime compared to Manhattan Beach.

refer to data on pdf pages - 8, 9

    Hermosa Beach had 3.5 violent crimes per 1000 of population.

    Manhattan Beach had 1.4 violent crimes per 1000 of population.


Hermosa Beach had 4 times the On-Premises alcohol outlet density compared to all of Los Angeles County. 

refer to data on pdf page - 7

    Hermosa Beach had 38.6 On-Premises establishments per 10,000 residents

    Los Angeles County had 8.9 On-Premises establishments per 10,000 residents


- Among the 7 South Bay cities bordering the ocean, from El Segundo south to Rancho Palos Verdes, Hermosa Beach ranked number 1 in the rate of violent crime.       

refer to data on pdf pages - 8, 9, 10


The following is a ranking of the violent crime rate for the 7 South Bay Cities that border the ocean, from El Segundo south to Rancho Palos Verdes. 

Compiled from the: "Reducing Alcohol-Related Harms in Los Angeles County" report.   

refer to data on pdf pages - 8, 9, 10

- Hermosa Beach ranked number 1, and had 3.5 violent crimes per 1000 of population.

- Redondo Beach ranked number 2, and had 3.1 violent crimes per 1000 of population.

- Torrance ranked number 3, and had 2.3 violent crimes per 1000 of population.

- El Segundo ranked number 4, and had 2.1 violent crimes per 1000 of population.

- Manhattan Beach ranked number 5, and had 1.4 violent crimes per 1000 of population.

- Rancho Palos Verdes ranked number 6, and had 0.9 violent crimes per 1000 of population.

- Palos Verdes Estates ranked number 7, and had 0.3 violent crimes per 1000 of population.

        "Reducing Alcohol-Related Harms in Los Angeles County" report.      

Refer to Reference 21: on pdf page - 15

Aggregated data from State of California Department of Justice, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, and City of Los Angeles Police Department, for 2006-2008.  

Violent crimes include aggravated assault, homicide, rape, and robbery.


Hermosa Beach had the 4th highest alcohol outlet density for On-Premises establishments, comparing the 117 cities and communities in the "Reducing Alcohol-Related Harms in Los Angeles County" report.    

refer to data on pdf pages - 7, 8

-  Hermosa Beach ranked 114 for On-Premises AOD, out of the total of 117 cities and communities in the report.


 - Hermosa Beach had the 9th highest alcohol outlet density for Off-Premises establishments, comparing the 117 cities and communities in the "Reducing Alcohol-Related Harms in Los Angeles County" report.  

refer to data on pdf pages - 7, 8

    Hermosa Beach ranked 109 for Off-Premises AOD, out of the total of 117 cities and communities in the report.



Public Health News

County of Los Angeles Public Health

313 N. Figueroa Street, Room 806 | Los Angeles, CA 90012

For Immediate Release:

April 21, 2011  For more information contact:

Public Health Communications

(213) 240-8144 | After-hours/wknds: (213) 990-7107

Greater Alcohol Availability Associated with Increase in Violent Crime, Car Crashes, and Drinking-Related Deaths

Report examines relationship between alcohol outlet density by community and alcohol-related harms

LOS ANGELES - Excessive consumption of alcohol is a major public health problem among teenagers and adults in Los Angeles County. 

According to a report released by the Department of Public Health today, each year 2,500 people in the county die from alcohol-related causes, with the loss of approximately 78,000 years of potential life. It is the second-leading cause of premature death and disability in the county.

The report, "Reducing Alcohol-Related Harms in Los Angeles County," examines the density of alcohol outlets in 117 cities and communities across the County and highlights the relationship between alcohol outlet density and alcohol-related harms.

"Excessive alcohol consumption, which includes binge drinking and heavy drinking, not only has devastating personal effects, but also takes a tremendous toll on families and communities," said Jonathan E. Fielding, MD, MPH, Director of Public Health and Health Officer.

"Increased alcohol availability contributes to abuse, leads to serious medical illnesses and impaired mental health. Drinking too much also results in increased motor vehicle crashes and violent crime, family disruptions, and impaired performance at work and school - costing Los Angeles County nearly $11 billion dollars a year."

Key findings from the report include:

- 16 percent of county adults are binge drinkers, and one in five Los Angeles-area 
high school students reported binge drinking at least once in the past month

- Communities with a high density of restaurants, bars or stores selling 
alcohol were much more likely to have increased rates of violent crime

- Communities with a high density of outlets where patrons can consume alcohol 
were three times more likely to have increased rates of alcohol-involved vehicle crashes

- Communities with a high density of outlets where alcoholic beverages are sold for consumption elsewhere were five times more likely to have increased rates of alcohol-related deaths

"Alcohol is the most frequently used drug among teenagers and is a 
leading cause of death from injuries among people under the age of 21," 
said John Viernes, Jr., Director of Substance Abuse Prevention and Control, 
Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. 

"Preventing and reducing underage drinking, which increases 
the risk of alcohol- related problems later in life, is especially important. 

We would like to work closely with communities to take preventive actions at the community level."

The report lists several strategies communities can use 

to reduce alcohol-related consequences including:

- Implementing and enforcing local ordinances to limit alcohol outlet density.

- Restricting the availability and accessibility of alcohol to minors.

- Reducing youth exposure to alcohol advertising.

- Ensuring compliance with responsible sales and serving practices.

- Providing education to youth on the hazards of alcohol and the legal and social consequences of use.

- Improving access to mental health and substance abuse services.

For a full copy of the report, "Reducing Alcohol-Related Harms in Los Angeles County", 

log onto the Public Health website at

The Department of Public Health is committed to protecting and improving 
the health of the nearly 10 million residents of Los Angeles County. 

Through a variety of programs, community partnerships and services, Public Health oversees environmental health, disease control, and community and family health.

Public Health comprises more than 4,000 employees 

and has an annual budget exceeding $750 million.


To learn more about Public Health and the work we do, please visit, visit our YouTube channel at, or follow us on Twitter: LAPublicHealth.




Compare the Misdemeanor Arrests for each of the Beach Cities: 

Hermosa Beach, Manhattan Beach and Redondo Beach

since the Hermosa Beach Pier Plaza Renovation was completed in 1997.

The following 1998 to 2014 Misdemeanor Arrest statistics are from this CA CJSC web link:


"County Agencies" ex. "Los Angeles Co. - Hermosa Beach"

and "Misdemeanor" for each Beach City




Bureau of Criminal Information and Analysis

Criminal Justice Statistics Center – CJSC

State of California - CJSC Homepage:


CJSC – 1998 to 2014 Table 16 - Adult Misdemeanor Arrests


1998 to 1999 – CJSC - Table 16 - Adult Misdemeanor Arrests

 Hermosa Beach  -     535 in 1998           663 in 1999          UP      23.9 %  

Manhattan Beach  1074 in 1998        1206 in 1999           UP      12.2 %

Redondo Beach -    2042 in 1998        2122 in 1999           UP        3.9 %


1998 to 2000 – CJSC - Table 16 - Adult Misdemeanor Arrests

 Hermosa Beach  -      535 in 1998         611 in 2000          UP       14.2 %  

Manhattan Beach -  1074 in 1998        1164 in 2000           UP         8.3 %

Redondo Beach -       2042 in 1998        1805 in 2000         Down    - 11.6%


1998 to 2001 – CJSC - Table 16 - Adult Misdemeanor Arrests

Hermosa Beach  -     535 in  1998          908 in 2001          UP       69.7 %

Manhattan Beach -     1074 in 1998          804 in 2001        Down    - 25.1 %

Redondo Beach -       2042 in 1998        1602 in 2001        Down    - 21.5%


1998 to 2002 – CJSC - Table 16 - Adult Misdemeanor Arrests

Hermosa Beach  -     535 in 1998          1135 in 2002          UP      112.1 %

Manhattan Beach -    1074 in 1998            695 in 2002        Down    - 35.2 %

Redondo Beach -      2042 in 1998          1371 in 2002        Down    - 32.8 %


1998 to 2003 – CJSC - Table 16 - Adult Misdemeanor Arrests

 Hermosa Beach  -     535 in 1998          1306 in 2003        UP       144.1 %  

Manhattan Beach -    1074 in 1998            778 in 2003        Down    - 27.5 %

Redondo Beach -      2042 in 1998          1289 in 2003        Down    - 36.8 %


1998 to 2004 – CJSC - Table 16 - Adult Misdemeanor Arrests

 Hermosa Beach  -    535 in 1998         1652 in 2004        UP       208.7 %  

Manhattan Beach -   1074 in 1998            643 in 2004       Down    - 40.1 %

Redondo Beach -     2042 in 1998          1549 in 2004       Down    - 24.1 %


1998 to 2005 – CJSC - Table 16 - Adult Misdemeanor Arrests

Hermosa Beach  -     535 in 1998          1320 in 2005           UP      146.7 %

Manhattan Beach -    1074 in 1998            850 in 2005        Down    - 20.8 %

Redondo Beach -      2042 in 1998          1621 in 2005        Down    - 20.6 %


1998 to 2006 – CJSC - Table 16 - Adult Misdemeanor Arrests

Hermosa Beach  -     535 in 1998           1089 in 2006          UP       103.5 %

Manhattan Beach -    1074 in 1998             986 in 2006         Down      - 8.1 %

Redondo Beach -      2042 in 1998           1661 in 2006         Down     - 18.6 %


1998 to 2007 – CJSC - Table 16 - Adult Misdemeanor Arrests

Hermosa Beach  -     535 in 1998          1099 in 2007           UP       105.4 %

Manhattan Beach -    1074 in 1998           1009 in 2007          Down      - 6.0 %

Redondo Beach -      2042 in 1998          1952 in 2007           Down      - 4.4 %


1998 to 2008 – CJSC - Table 16 - Adult Misdemeanor Arrests

Hermosa Beach  -     535 in 1998           708 in 2008            UP           32.3 %

Manhattan Beach -    1074 in 1998            944 in 2008          Down      - 12.1 %

Redondo Beach -      2042 in 1998          1805 in 2008          Down      - 11.6 % 


1998 to 2009 – CJSC - Table 16 - Adult Misdemeanor Arrests

Hermosa Beach  -     535 in 1998           833 in 2009          UP           55.7 %

Manhattan Beach -    1074 in 1998            995 in 2009         Down       - 7.3 %

Redondo Beach -      2042 in 1998          1698 in 2009         Down     - 16.8 % 


1998 to 2010 – CJSC - Table 16 - Adult Misdemeanor Arrests

Hermosa Beach  -     535 in 1998            998 in 2010          UP            86.5 %

Manhattan Beach -    1074 in 1998            792 in 2010          Down     - 26.2 %

Redondo Beach -      2042 in 1998          1653 in 2010          Down      - 19.0 %


1998 to 2011 – CJSC - Table 16 - Adult Misdemeanor Arrests

Hermosa Beach  -     535 in 1998          1009 in 2011          UP           88.5 %

Manhattan Beach -    1074 in 1998            745 in 2011         Down      - 30.6 %

Redondo Beach -      2042 in 1998          1525 in 2011          Down     - 25.3 % 


1998 to 2012 – CJSC - Table 16 - Adult Misdemeanor Arrests

Hermosa Beach  -     535 in 1998           928 in 2012            UP             73.4 %

Manhattan Beach -    1074 in 1998            910 in 2012             Down     - 15.2 %

Redondo Beach -        2042 in 1998         1322 in 2012            Down        - 35.2 % 


1998 to 2013 – CJSC - Table 16 - Adult Misdemeanor Arrests

Hermosa Beach  -     535 in 1998          1091 in 2013         UP          103.9 %

Manhattan Beach -    1074 in 1998            763 in 2013         Down      - 28.9 %

Redondo Beach -      2042 in 1998          1276 in 2013          Down    -  37.5 % 


1998 to 2014 – CJSC - Table 16 - Adult Misdemeanor Arrests

Hermosa Beach  -     535 in 1998          1123 in 2014           UP         109.9 %

Manhattan Beach -    1074 in 1998            869 in 2014          Down      - 19.0 %

Redondo Beach -      2042 in 1998          1342 in 2014          Down      - 34.2 %

The CJSC – Table 16 - Crime Data was obtained from:



Bureau of Criminal Information and Analysis

Criminal Justice Statistics Center – CJSC

Searched: "Jurisdication" ex. Hermosa Beach and "Misdemeanor Arrests"

CJCS Statistics Homepage:



The following 2014 HBPD Statistics are Compiled from: 

Hermosa Beach Police Department
Monthly Report

December - 2014


For 12 Months, December YTD (Year to Date) of 2013

Compared to

12 Months, December YTD (Year to Date) of 2014

Part 1 Rape / Sex Crimes

5 thru YTD December 2013
7 thru YTD December 2014

Rape / Sex Crimes Increased 40 %

Part 1 Robbery

6 thru YTD December 2013
11 thru YTD December 2013 

Robbery Increased  83 %


Part 1 Aggravated Assault

17 thru YTD December 2013

19 thru YTD December 2014

Aggravated Assault Increased    11.7 % 

Simple Assault

77 thru YTD December 2013
82 thru YTD December 2014

Simple Assault Increased   6.4 %



395 thru YTD December 2013
 407 thru YTD December 2014

Theft Increased 3.0 %

Misdemeanor Citations

944 thru YTD YTD 
December 2013
 1,031 thru YTD YTD December 2014

Misdemeanor Citations Increased  9.2 %


Hermosa Beach Crime Statistics

For the 10 years after the 1997 Hermosa Beach Pier Plaza renovation. 

Including Years 1998 to 2007


Hermosa Beach Police Department
Activity Report For 1995 - 2005  and

HBPD Activity Report For 2000 - 2010

The following HBPD statistics are from this weblink:


Statistics compiled for the 10 years after the 1997 Pier Plaza renovation.  

From Years 1998 to 2007

HBPD Statistics that have shown an increase from 1998 to 2007


Assault        77 in 1998        125 in 2007                62% Increase

125 / 77 = 1.623     

 62% Increase in Assaults from 1998 to 2007

Burglary     113 in 1998      155 in 2007             37% Increase

155 / 113 = 1.371    

 37% Increase in Burglary from 1998 to 2007

DUI            150 in 1998       314 in 2007             109% Increase

314 / 150 = 2.093     

 109% Increase in DUI  from 1998 to 2007

Disturbance Calls      3,199 in 1998         4,329 in 2007      35% Increase

4,329 / 3,199 = 1.353   

35% Increase in Disturbance Calls from 1998 to 2007



Adults Arrested        608 in 1998       983 in 2007           61% Increase

983 / 608 = 1.616     

61% Increase in Adults Arrested from 1998 to 2007

Juveniles Arrested    16 in 1998        25 in 2007        56% Increase

25 / 16 = 1.562       

56% Increase in Juveniles Arrested from 1998 to 2007

Misdemeanor Citations        562 in 1998      1,153 in 2007        105% Increase

1,153 / 562 = 2.051   

105% Increase in Persons Arrested for Misdemeanor Citations from 1998 to 2007



Property Damage Only     201 in 1998     246 in 2007     8.5% Increase

267 / 246 = 1.085    

8.5% Increase in Property Damage Only Accidents  from 1998 to 2007



Calls For Service        19,951 in 1998         28,531 in 2007       43% Increase

28,531 / 19,951 = 1.430    

43% Increase in HBPD Calls for Service from 1998 to 2007



Questions from the 2011

Hermosa Beach City Council Candidate Debate 

sponsored by the Hermosa Beach Neighborhood Assoc. 
October 5, 2011 in the CIty Council Chambers



The Hermosa Beach Treasurer's Debate:


YouTube Video - 9 min 00 sec:





Hermosa Beach Measures Q & N Debate:


YouTube Video - 4 min 55 sec:





2011 Hermosa Beach City Council Candidate Debate Questions

and Opening and Closing Statements


Candidates Opening Statement 


YouTube Video - 10 min 12 sec:




The first block of debate questions will 

be based the following document:

Hermosa Beach City Council GOALS AND WORK PLAN FOR 2011-12.




Debate Question 1:


From the City Council’s Goals and Work Plan 2011-2012:


What are your top two priorities that would 

most benefit our local Hermosa Beach businesses?



YouTube Video – 8 min 14 sec:




Debate Question 2:


From the City Council’s Goals and Work Plan 2011-2012:


What are your top two priorities that would 

most benefit our Hermosa Beach residential neighborhoods?


YouTube Video - 9 min 12 sec:





Debate Question 3:


What are your top priorities that you would want 

to add to the City Council's Goals and Work Plan 2011-2012?


YouTube Video – 8 min 13 sec:




What is your position on Ballot Measure Q and Ballot Measure N.

YouTube Video – 8 min 49 sec:





The first block of debate questions will be based the following report:

“Reducing Alcohol-Related Harms in Los Angeles County

- A Cities and Communities Report.”



Published by: The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health in March 2011




One of the quotes from the: 


Reducing Alcohol-Related Harms in Los Angeles County” report stated:

"Communities with a high density of either On- or Off-Premises outlets were

. . 9 to 10 times more likely to have increased rates of violent crime"

Data compiled from the: 

Reducing Alcohol-Related Harms in Los Angeles County” report showed that:

- Hermosa Beach had 4 times the On-Premises alcohol outlet density
compared to all of Los Angeles County.


- Among the 7 South Bay cities bordering the ocean, 

from El Segundo south to Rancho Palos Verdes, 

Hermosa Beach ranked Number 1 in the rate of violent crime.  



- Hermosa Beach had more than double the rate of violent crime 

compared to Manhattan Beach.  



- Hermosa Beach had more than 3 times the rate of violent crime 

compared to Rancho Palos Verdes.



- Hermosa Beach had more than 10 times the rate of violent crime 

compared to Palos Verdes Estates.    


Debate Question 4:


Do you believe the findings in the 

"Reducing Alcohol-Related Harms in Los Angeles County" report 

regarding the relationship of alcohol outlet density 

to increased violent crime in a city?


Question 4 Part 1

YouTube Video – 4 min 6 sec:

Question 4 Part 2

 YouTube Video – 7 min 19 sec:




Debate Question 5:


Hermosa Beach and Manhattan Beach were both listed 

as having a “High Level” of alcohol outlet density.  


Data from the report showed that Hermosa Beach had more than

double the rate of violent crime compared to Manhattan Beach.   


In the past the HBPD has stated that over-crowding, over-serving 

and under-age drinking were problems that had to be dealt with.


Does over-crowding, over-serving and under-age drinking 

continue to be problem in Hermosa Beach? 


YouTube Video – 11 min 39 sec:


 4 Questions from the Audience




Question from Daniel Marinelli, Public Works Commissioner - Public Works Question

YouTube Video – 8 min 26 sec:



Question from Raymond Waters, Hermosa Beach School Board Member 

- Hermosa Beach School Question

YouTube Video – 11 min 19 sec:



Question from Bernie Robbins, resident - City Council Pay Question

YouTube Video – 6 min 48 sec:



Question from Sandy Saeman, resident - Muni-Code Enforcement Question

YouTube Video – 14 min 31 sec:






Debate Question 6:


One of the recommendations from the "Reducing Alcohol-Related Harms in Los Angeles County" report was to:

"Ensure compliance with responsible sales and serving practices."


Would strict enforcement of the 50-50 law with verified documentation; 

reduce the alcohol related problems that the HBPD has to deal, 

from restaurants that over-serve alcohol?



YouTube Video – 8 min 18 sec:




The next block of debate questions relate 

to future policy options for Hermosa Beach.



Debate Question 7:


From the report the 7 South Bay city ranking showed that city’s with 

a High alcohol outlet density had a higher rate of violent crime.  

While cities listed with a Low alcohol outlet density had a lower rate of violent crime. 


Currently new beer and wine restaurants that close by 10pm can open up 

in Hermosa Beach without going thru the CUP process, which includes public hearings. 


This same by “by right” process can also add new liquor stores.


Is there a net economic benefit to Hermosa Beach, when new beer and wine 

restaurants or new liquor stores are allowed to open without public hearings?



YouTube Video – 11 min 25 sec:




Question 8:


Under current zoning, businesses such as nightclub cabarets, 

pornography stores, massage parlors or tattoo shops are allowed 

to open in designated Hermosa Beach commercial zones.


Does the addition of new adult-oriented businesses 

near residential neighborhoods and schools, benefit the city?


Is there a net economic benefit to the city from adding 

more adult-oriented businesses in Hermosa Beach?


YouTube Video – 9 min 13 sec:





Question 9:  


The Public Safety budget, which includes the HBPD and the HBFD, 

makes up about 65% of the city's yearly budget.

The HBPD is operating with 5-6 less police officers positions due to budget cuts. 


The HBFD also recently lost 3 firefighter positions due to budget cuts. 


What are your top priorities for the future of 

public safety operations in the Hermosa Beach?


YouTube Video – 9 min 46 sec:




Hermosa Beach City Council Candidates Closing Statements:


YouTube Video – 9 min 45 sec:




End of the 2011 Hermosa Beach City Council Debate







The Top Hermosa Beach News Stories:


The Daily Breeze June 17, 2008

Blue 32 faces early last call in Hermosa Beach

By Andrea Woodhouse, Staff Writer

The Hermosa Beach Planning Commission is chasing last month's decision to close a rowdy downtown bar early with another round tonight.

This time, the target is Blue 32, a popular tavern that could also see its operating permit modified in response to alleged violations of occupancy and state alcohol laws.

During its annual behavior check of the city's bars and taverns, the commission in February agreed to further study Blue 32, as well as the Shore and Dragon, which saw its hours slashed by the panel in May.

For the Hermosa Avenue establishment, Blue 32, the city staff has proposed several revisions to the bar's operating permit, including a provision that would allow the city to temporarily revoke alcohol sales and live entertainment if Blue 32 exceeds its occupancy limit of 126 people.

Most notably, as it did with Dragon, Hermosa has also proposed an earlier close time for Blue 32 - midnight instead of 2 a.m. on weekends.

Shaving two hours off the bar's weekend hours would significantly threaten its survival - specifically costing the 3-year-old business up to $10,000 in weekly revenue, owner Dave Lowe said.  "At stake is the entire survival of the businesses," he said. "We can't operate under those restrictions."

In a 466-page packet that Blue 32 owners submitted to the city, dozens of letters from patrons advocate a 2a.m. closing time. Â "It is not uncommon that night life, beginning with dinner, doesn't even begin until 9 p.m.," wrote Simon Giles, a Redondo Beach resident.

"To imagine that my night would end before it even begins would definitely lead me outside Hermosa Beach to take my revenue to a destination where I can linger and enjoy all it has to offer."

Wrote patron Kimberly Glasing: "My husband and I have two young children and have a hard time getting a night out before 9 p.m. We enjoy being able to go to a nice establishment for dinner and would be sadden(ed) if the Planning Commission closed such establishments."

Hermosa Beach police statistics show the department received 118 calls for service in 2007 and the first few months of 2008.

City planners believe an earlier last-call for Blue 32 would help curb nighttime noise and disruptions.  "It is concluded that an earlier closing time would substantially reduce the calls for police service and better protect public safety," the staff report stated.

But Blue 32 owners strongly dispute the police figures.  After spending about 100 hours going through police reports and logs, Lowe determined that at least 40 percent of the police calls linked to Blue 32 were incorrectly attributed, he said.

To ensure the establishment follows Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control requirements that it sell no more booze than food, city staff also have proposed Blue 32 owners have a certified public accountant to monthly sign off on food and alcohol sales receipts.  Following that regulation could cost Blue 32 up to $5,000 a week, Lowe said.

The Planning Commission in recent months has taken a hard stance on Hermosa's raucous downtown night life.  February's bar review was the first in four years to spark any further examination of a tavern's adherence to its operating permit.

And last month's decision to modify Dragon's operating permit came as a pleasant surprise to Hermosa's bar critics.  Dragon owners have appealed the decision to the City Council, which will take up the matter next week.

The Planning Commission tonight also is set to discuss the operating permit of downtown hotspot the Shore, but that hearing will likely be continued until next month.

While he doesn't believe Blue 32 has been unfairly targeted, Lowe said Hermosa Beach should treat all downtown bars and restaurants equally.  "It just doesn't seem like a fair system," said Lowe, who has spent $20,000 in legal fees for tonight's hearing. "If the city wants to move down the line of closing everyone at midnight, then do that across the board."


The Daily Breeze June 16, 2008

Monday's Letters to the Editor

Don't fence off beaches

I again enjoyed watching Hermosa Beach's Association of Volleyball Professionals tournament recently.

Many were surprised to see paid admission and fenced-off portions of the beach. Others probably stayed away from the event. Attendance appeared to be down from previous years.

I testified at a 2007 Coastal Commission hearing that paid admissions need to be controlled on public beaches and thought that commission staff recommended 25 percent paid stadium seating (such as in Manhattan Beach) was a reasonable compromise and in the spirit of the Coastal Act. The commission instead voted 6-5 to allow the maximum paid to 90 percent and fenced-off beaches for paid courts. That maximum remains until a new commission takes a new vote. The reason we saw this for the first time in the South Bay was that Hermosa's outdated AVP contract allowed for it.

This year, Hermosa will negotiate a new contract. I hope that the City Council will negotiate a reasonable contract that allows the AVP to bring in revenue to pay more players, provides a reasonable amount of free seating in the stadium and absolutely has no fenced-off areas on the sand. I encourage people to follow the issue and get involved before we see continued privatizing of our precious sand.


Redondo Beach


The Daily Breeze June 12, 2008

Hermosa Beach hit-and-run sentencing postponed for the 7th time


By Denise Nix

Deputy District Attorney Paul Guthrie thinks the 8th time will be the charm for Ruben Vargas, who is expected to be sentenced to 16 months in prison for leaving the scene of an accident. His truck went into a Hermosa Beach house, injuring a sleeping 5-year-old inside.

Proceedings actually got underway today, as both sides began haggling about restitution. In the end, Judge Eric Taylor agreed that the family should get the full $66,192.16 they're asking for - but there's a hold-up because it's not clear how much Vargas' insurance company has paid them, and for what.

Vargas' attorney tried arguing that his client shouldn't pay the full restitution, maintaining Vargas wasn't driving when the truck crashed, only that he drove away. None of that is very clear, but Taylor agreed with Guthrie that it's a moot point since Vargas, has, in fact, pleaded no contest.



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The Daily Breeze June 12, 2008

Hermosa Beach pair object to fee hikes

By Andrea Woodhouse, Staff Writer

It was the new guard vs. the old guard Tuesday as two first-term Hermosa Beach City Council members refused to approve a budget containing nearly $600,000 in fee increases to help balance the books.

City Councilmen Kit Bobko and Michael DiVirgilio, with the support of longtime Councilman Michael Keegan, managed to delay approval of the 2008-09 budget, requesting more time to study it and explore possible reductions instead of fee hikes.

"I have some problems with these fees," said Bobko, who was elected to his first term in a special June 2006 election. "I do not support just raising the fees out of hand without having corresponding cuts somewhere."

The $27.8 million operating budget proposed about $596,000 in fee increases to meet a shortfall without slashing services.

Attributing the deficit to lower property tax revenues, as well as flattening sales and utility-users' tax revenues, the city staff proposed charging for street sweeping; hiking recreation activities, business license applications and business license renewal fees; as well as parking fines.

In a 3-2 vote, the council decided to hash out the budget again in another workshop, this time reviewing proposed reductions equal to the revenue raised by the proposed fee hikes - except for parking fine increases, which council members didn't contest Tuesday.

"I'm sorry if I'm new," said DiVirgilio, who won his seat in November. "I expect someone is going to find me very cute this evening. But if I was sitting on my couch watching this, I'd be saying, `Why are they raising before cutting?"'

Bobko and DiVirgilio's dissatisfaction with the budget proposal, which the council already vetted in a May 29 workshop, visibly rankled Mayor J.R. Reviczky.

"You know, I keep throwing them and you keep missing them," he said. "This budget is based on no cuts. OK? This budget is based on doing the exact same thing we did last year, and to do the exact same thing as we did last year, the city manager came up with ways to pay for it."

Bobko and DiVirgilio also disapproved of the budget on a philosophical basis, arguing that it focused too much on individual elements of the city's coffers, instead of an overall policy and direction for the city's finances and planning.

"I think the days of doing everything are probably behind us, at least for the next few years, and that we need to make some hard choices," Bobko said. "And I, for one, don't really believe we have faced those choices yet."

Also Tuesday, a handful of residents appealed to the council to budget some cash assistance for the city's struggling school district.

Hermosa voters last week shot down a parcel tax aimed at maintaining existing school programs, including class-size reduction, music and technology.

While it didn't offer any cash, the council promised to discuss ways the city could assist the school district in upcoming regular meetings between officials from both agencies.

But with a council majority looking to slash next year's budget by more than $500,000, Reviczky warned that extra cash for the school district would be unlikely.

"You cut $600,000 out of this budget," he said, "and you can kiss a gift to the schools goodbye."



The Daily Breeze June 8, 2008

Heirs put Hermosa Beach's Mermaid on sale again

Plan to build a seaside hotel on Pier Plaza site derails.


By Andrea Woodhouse, Staff Writer

The Strand-front property housing a landmark Hermosa Beach tavern, as well as an adjacent chunk of Pier Plaza property, will go back up for sale this week - and at a discount, insiders said.

After recently falling out of escrow with a local developer envisioning a hotel for the site of the Mermaid and several other businesses, the properties will hit the market again by Friday with about $1.5 million knocked off their combined asking prices, said the land's broker, Jack Gillespie of South Bay Brokers.

The two properties - a 7,000-square-foot seaside parcel housing the iconic bar, as well as Good Stuff and the Poop Deck; and a 6,900-square-foot chunk facing Pier Plaza that's home to four businesses - first went up for sale for a combined $33.5 million in October, about three months after longtime owner Quentin "Boots" Thelan died.

The land had been in escrow with El Segundo-based Urban Pointe Development and Bancroft Capital of Manhattan Beach since early this year, but plans to build an oceanfront hotel recently stalled, Gillespie said.

"The buyers were very nice and doing very complete due diligence," he said. "They just weren't able to pull things together right now."

The decision to end the escrow was mutual, Gillespie said; Urban Pointe founder Brad Scott did not return a telephone message for comment Friday.

This time around, heirs hope to float the properties as a single listing, rather than two separate offerings, Gillespie said.

"We prefer to have them packaged because we feel it's better ultimately for the city and what can be done, especially with the amount of money tied up with them," he said.

"Because of city regulations and requirements and coastal requirements, it's harder to deal with small pieces of property," Gillespie added.

This time around, owners will shave $2 million off the original $27million asking price for the Strand-front property, but increase the plaza property price from $6.5million to $7 million, Gillespie said.

A hefty estate tax bill was the driving force behind the decision by Thelan's heirs to sell the land - including the wood-paneled, Naugahyde-upholstered Mermaid, which the former Hermosa mayor bought in 1954.

And apparently the tax man is knocking again: a May 31 letter from the Thelan Family Trust to tenants explained that the properties' values were reassessed and taxes were increased by "approximately 1,000" percent, it stated.

"While we do not intend to increase rents to the current market value, we find that we're not able to bear the whole burden of the below-market rents you have enjoyed with Boots," the letter stated.

In some cases, rent will increase by almost 38 percent, effective next month.

The properties have been watched with great interest by real estate buffs, residents, city officials and business owners - and surrounded by rumors - in the eight months since they first hit the market.

Any changes to the property, currently zoned for light-commercial uses, will undoubtedly have a significant effect on Hermosa's landscape.

But any significant alterations to the city's shoreline still appear distant: The letter sent to tenants also reassured the properties' occupants that any buyer would need up to three years to obtain necessary permits even if a sale happened immediately.



   Read all the Hermosa Beach News from the HBNA Newsletters 

 The HBNA Newsletters for 2007

 The HBNA Newsletters for 2006

You can get The HBNA Newsletter.  Please e-mail:



 Compare the Crime Statistics since the 1997  HB Pier Plaza Renovation for:

 Hermosa Beach, Manhattan Beach, Redondo Beach and El Segundo


Hermosa Beach News Stories:

KNBC-TV Burbank – April 10, 2007

Hermosa Police Release Sketch Of The Man Who Tried To Rape Woman In Home

Hermosa Beach Police released a composite drawing Monday of a man who tried to rape a woman in her Hermosa Beach home.  The attempted rape occurred early Sunday morning in the 700 block of Monterey Boulevard, said Hermosa Beach police Sgt. Paul Wolcott.  The man apparently entered the 28-year-old woman's residence through an unlocked door, possibly after following her home, Wolcott said. The man struggled with the woman, but she fought him off and he fled.  

"Composite of Attempted Rape Suspect"

An unidentified suspect attempted to sexually assault

a 28 year old female victim inside the victim's home.


Suspect Description:

Sex:          Male

Race:       Appeared Black, However the victim described him as possibly mixed race

Age:          Early 20's

Hair:         Short/Black

Eyes:        Dark

Height:     5'-10" to 6"0"

Weight:     160-180 lbs.

Additional Information: The suspect has soft rounded features and smooth skin. No facial hair. He acted in a focused, methodical manner.
Details: On 04-08-07 (Sunday) at about 2:30AM in the morning a 28 year old female was attacked inside her home in 700BLK of Monterey.  The victim was sitting watching television when she noticed the male suspect standing behind her.  The suspect violently punched the victim and attempted to disrobe her.  The victim was able fight off the suspect and then escape to a neighbor's house where she telephoned police.  Responding officers checked the area and made broadcasts to surrounding law enforcement agencies.  It is unknown how the suspect entered the victim's residence, but there was no evidence of forced entry.  At this time, it appears to be an isolated incident, but the investigation is ongoing.

Anyone with information regarding this incident is encouraged to contact

the Hermosa Beach Police Department @ (310) 318-0360.


KCBS-TV -- April 10, 2007 - Attempted Rapist Terrifies Beach Community -

Hermosa Beach residents are urged to lock their windows and doors after a woman was attacked and nearly raped in her apartment.  Suzie Suh reports.  Aired on KCBS on 4/10/07.



View this KCBS-TV News Story at the following weblink:


Hermosa signature drive gets cutthroat -


Accusations include stalking in fight over parking rule affecting the expansion of Baja Sharkeez


The popular tavern burned down in May.  Decoys and diversions. Punching and spitting. Surveillance and spying.  It could be an action movie, a screwball comedy or a political farce.  Such were the shenanigans apparently under way in Hermosa Beach this week as one resident rallied voters to oppose a city ordinance that eases parking requirements downtown, and supporters of one Pier Plaza business hustled to keep him from succeeding.  Thursday was activist Jim Lissner's deadline to collect signatures from people opposing a new law that exempts Pier Plaza businesses from providing a certain amount of on-site parking if they pay fees to the city -- an ordinance crucial to an expansion plan for popular tavern Baja Sharkeez that burned down in May.  Lissner had 30 days to gather signatures from 10 percent of the city's voters in hopes of triggering a ballot referendum to repeal the law, but the last leg of the drive has been marked by accusations of high jinks, intimidation and violence from both sides. 


Carjack suspect pulled out a metal knife or razor and held it to the victim's throat.

Carjack Attempt -

Hermosa Police made an arrest after a man allegedly cut two people with a knife or razor during a failed carjacking on Monday.  The man told the painter “I have a big truck coming through and you need to move your van.”  The man slid over, and the painter hopped in behind the wheel and drove about 10 feet.  Then the man pulled out a metal knife or razor and held it to the painter’s throat saying, “Keep driving or I will kill you,” a police report stated.


Regarding Pier Plaza - Ten Years Later . . .What Are The Results?

The result, though, has been an abundance of bars and restaurants that leaves a heavier emphasis on nightlife in town, said Councilman J.R. Reviczky, who voted to create a specific plan years ago.


HB Council seeks more control of Pier Plaza Majority apparently would like to have greater latitude in determining future businesses in the bustling area.  Hermosa Beach city officials hoped for success when they approved plans more than a decade ago to turn lower Pier Avenue into an open-air piazza decked out with palm trees, metal benches and nautical-style lighting.  And they got what they wanted: Pier Plaza today is a hefty sales tax generator for the city and a bustling hot spot filled with families looking for food and sunshine during the day, and young party animals searching for a drink and a good time at night.  But officials now want more control of the thriving downtown's future.



The date of the AVP tour in Hermosa Beach was moved to the third weekend of May, a full two months earlier than in previous years.

HB AVP Open fees won't change this year - But volleyball event's dates are moving -- to May -- and permit to add more paid seating was just for July.  South Bay beach volleyball fans can count on another year of mostly free admission to the Hermosa Beach Open after all.  The tournament's owners will continue charging admission to a quarter of spectators at this year's tournament, rather than the 90 percent of fans approved last month by the California Coastal Commission, said Dave Williams, market director for the Association of Volleyball Professionals.  The AVP has agreed to charge 25 percent of spectators admission in exchange for moving Hermosa Beach's tournament up a couple of months, said Teresa Henry, South Coast District manager for the Coastal Commission.  Traditionally a July event, this year's tournament is now scheduled for May 17-20 to accommodate a recently added tournament stop in Long Beach. 



HB Mother w/Kids, Robbed at Gunpoint in Home


Police identify suspects in Hermosa home invasion - Two men suspected of barging into a Hermosa Beach home and robbing a woman at gunpoint in front of her children are identified.  Asi Sekona was arrested on suspicion of parole violations, armed robbery, kidnapping, possession of a firearm and being a felon in possession of a firearm. 


Sharkeez 2nd Floor Expansion is Approved, w/Outdoor Dining


Sharkeez's plans to expand move forward – After a dramatic public hearing that touched upon some of the core issues facing Hermosa Beach, the commission signed off on plans to expand the business by a 4-1 vote.  The decision was a clear victory for the owners, Ron and Greg Newman.



 AVP "Hermosa Open" Allowed to Charge for Beach Volleyball Seating


AVP scores with decision on beach volleyball ticket sales - Coastal panel's ruling on charges in Hermosa Beach could affect Manhattan decision.  Association of Volleyball Professionals proposed to charge all spectators admission fees at the tournament scheduled for July 20-22.  South Bay free beach advocates were not pleased with the commission's decision. 


AVP may charge admission for spectators on the last three days of the Hermosa Open volleyball tournament this summer. 


Full paid seating for Hermosa Open? - The California Coastal Commission next week will discuss whether the AVP may charge admission for all spectators on the concluding three days of the Hermosa Open pro beach volleyball tournament this summer.  The AVP’s application to the Coastal Commission seeks to charge admission for about 10,400 spectators seated at the event.  A three-year contract with the City of Hermosa Beach states that the city will allow the AVP to charge admission at any level granted by the Coastal Commission. 



Two men suspected of breaking into a Hermosa Beach house and robbing a mother at gunpoint in front of her children.


Police capture suspects in Hermosa home invasion - One man suffers a broken leg while running from police officers. Another man is found hidden nearby.  Two men suspected of breaking into a Hermosa Beach house and robbing a mother at gunpoint in front of her children, were captured Tuesday following a chase into Redondo Beach, police said. 



A Police Department report listed 507 responses by officers in the downtown in 2006, including 354 reported as disturbances.


HB Nightspots move to police themselves - Owners of popular downtown nightspots are getting together to “police” themselves and cut down on excessive noise and rowdiness.  A Police Department report listed 507 responses by officers in the downtown in 2006, including 354 reported as disturbances, 42 as loud music, 41 as medical aids, 28 as batteries, 21 as theft, one as rape, one as kidnapping and one as assault. 


HB Zoning change hints at new facilities - Officially speaking, there's nothing in the works for a new high-priced facility like the one that houses both of Manhattan Beach's Police and Fire Departments. Nor are there any plans to construct a new parking structure on land directly adjacent to City Hall.  A proposal aired at last week's meeting of the Planning Commission appears to be laying the groundwork for the city to move in precisely that direction.


HB Planning Commission restricts Club 705 permit


Hit and Run Driver Strikes 4 people exiting a “party bus” near Pier Plaza


Upper Pier Avenue committee hashes out options


Letters - HB Office Condo project lacks adequate parking


Trial is ordered in Hermosa Beach house crash - DUI driver injures 5yr old boys


 Wrongful death claim filed in traffic death of teenager

  Current Topics on The HBNA Discussion Forums:

  Read the opinions of Hermosa Beach residents and include you own.



NEW ALCOHOL OUTLETS IN HERMOSA BEACH. A GOOD IDEA? What is your opinion on adding more alcohol outlets to Upper Pier Ave, PCH and the Downtown?


BUILD A 400 CAR PARKING GARAGE FOR UPPER PIER AVE? Good Idea? Does Hermosa Beach need a new 400 car multi-level parking garage at City Hall, as part of a new Public Safety complex?


THE UPPER PIER AVE. PROJECT - Should the Pier Plaza theme be extended to Upper Pier Ave, with wider sidewalks for outdoor dining, palm trees, and removing 2 traffic lanes?


HAS CRIME & THE QUALITY OF LIFE BEEN MADE BETTER OR WORSE, from growth in the sales and service of alcohol in Hermosa Beach, since 1998?

WHAT IS YOUR OPINION?  Read almost 500 postings from Hermosa Beach residents.



The Hermosa Beach City Council Meeting

for December 12, 2006 at 7:10 pm

 Important PUBLIC HEARING for Hermosa Beach residents

living near 16th Street and Pacific Coast Highway 


The Conditional Use Permit for an On-Sale alcohol license

at the Still Water American Bistro at 1601 PCH

The Still Water Contemporary American Bistro - Conditional Use Permit


What are the Impacts for Hermosa Residents and

Hermosa Valley School Children Living Near a New Alcohol Outlet

at 16th Street and Pacific Coast Highway?


Possible Questions for the Hermosa Beach City Council


A.  Does the City of Hermosa Beach incur additional legal liability by granting new alcohol licenses in the city?  How many lawsuits have been filed against the city that are a result of “alcohol related” arrests and crime?

B.  Will there be an increase of “alcohol related crime and nuisance” in Hermosa Beach, by granting new alcohol licenses?  Has there been an increase in assault related violence in Hermosa Beach since the Pier Plaza renovation?

C.  Will the safety of Hermosa Beach school children be put at increased risk because the alcohol outlet location is within 600 feet of the Hermosa Valley School?  Why does CA Law and the ABC Act specifically prohibit alcohol outlets within 600 feet of schools?

D.  Is the 16th Street “Still Water Bistro” parking garage entrance and exit located on a “Safe Route to School”?  In the future, will drivers over the "DUI limit", drive out the “blind exit” from the parking garage exit, onto the 16th Street sidewalk?

E.  Does the proposed “wine shop” at the 1601 PCH location, violate an ABC moratorium on new Off-Sale Alcohol Licenses in Hermosa Beach?  Why has the ABC imposed a moratorium on granting new Off-Sale licenses in Hermosa Beach?

Background Information Regarding the above, Alcohol Outlet Questions

What are the Beach Cities Crime Statistics for Years 1998 to 2004 ?

From The California Dept. Justice - Criminal Justice Statistics Center:


Compare the Crime Statistics since the 1997  HB Pier Plaza Renovation for:

Hermosa Beach, Manhattan Beach, Redondo Beach and El Segundo

   State of California laws and the ABC Act regarding Alcohol Licenses:


 Undue Concentration of alcohol licenses.


 The license will cause residents to be affected by increased crime.


 The premises will not interfere with the quiet enjoyment of local residences.


 The premises is located within the 600 feet of a school. (the Valley School)


GIS Map of the Alcohol Outlet Density in Hermosa Beach

Get more information on: "Alcohol Outlet Density and Crime"

This link is a Google Search for: "Alcohol Outlet Density and GIS Data Mapping"




 The Easy Reader – January 18, 2007

Hermosa Beach

About Town

Laker takes cake?

The city prosecutor has declined to file charges after a man accused Los Angeles Laker Kwame Brown of swiping his birthday cake and flinging it at someone in a late-night incident on Hermosa Avenue.

The man had been celebrating his 30th birthday at the Shore restaurant and lounge on Friday, and walked out onto the avenue carrying his single-layer chocolate cake, according to a police report. The birthday boy saw Laker Ronny Turiaf and asked him to pose for a photo with him, and Turiaf did so.

Moments later, the man told police, Brown took the cake from his hands and gave it a toss, then left in a limousine.

The man reported that he saw Laker Lamar Odom emerge from Pedone’s Pizzeria and confronted him about the cake. The man complained that a person, possibly the bodyguard of a Laker, pushed him, but did not injure him. The man reported that Odom told the alleged pusher, “Calm down, he didn’t do anything.”

The man reported the value of the two-foot-square cake at $190. A spokesman for the Lakers was not immediately available.

Injuries follow dispute

At least one broken bone was suffered when four passengers emerging from a “party bus” were struck by a vehicle following a verbal dispute, police said.

According to a preliminary investigation, the incident began early Saturday morning when riders in a double-decker bus heading to downtown Hermosa got in a dispute with four people in a black Jeep Cherokee.

The bus parked in the area of Beach Drive and 11th Street to unload its passengers about 12:30 a.m.  The Cherokee drove by, and it occupants “flipped off” bus passengers, police said.

The Cherokee was driven away only to return, striking four people who exited the bus, police said.  Paramedics treated the injured people at the scene, and according to preliminary police reports, at least one person suffered a broken leg.  The Cherokee later was discovered parked on Valley Drive and the investigation is continuing.

Sand sponsors, Strand sponsors

The nonprofit Project Touch, a Hermosa Centennial participant, is putting out a call to local businesses for sponsorship of the 55th Annual Sand and Strand Run/Walk. Proceeds from the event benefit the youth and family programs of Project Touch.

The Sand and Strand, described as the second oldest such race in the LA area, is run 45 percent on the Strand and 55 percent on the beach sand. Last year more than 400 people took part, ages 4 to 80-plus. Also included is the popular Munchkin race for ages 10 and under. For information call (310) 379-5206 or see ER


  The Beach Reporter – January 11, 2007

Hermosa Beach News

Hermosa Beach through the years

By Chris Yang

This is the first in a three-part look at the 100 years of Hermosa Beach.

When people think of Los Angeles, they think of sun, sand and surf. Though technically part of Los Angeles County, Hermosa Beach has gained a reputation as a unique and distinct beach town with its own personality. Later this week, an event commemorating the 100-year anniversary of the city's incorporation is slated to take place. In light of this, The Beach Reporter will take a look back at the city's history and the changes that have befallen the city and its residents. This piece is the first in an installment that will chronicle some of the more noteworthy events to take place in its 100-year history.

Early years

Prior to its incorporation, Hermosa Beach was part of a 10-mile-long tract of land known as Rancho Sausal Redondo, which translates to “the ranch of the round willow-grove.”

The Biltmore Hotel provided a bird’s-eye view of Hermosa Beach. (photo courtesy of the Hermosa Beach Historical Society)


In 1900, Amos Burbank and Eugene Baker, acting on behalf of the Hermosa Beach Land and Water Company, purchased 1,500 acres from the owner of Rancho Sausal Redondo for $35 per acre, or roughly $54,000. The company, which also included two silent partners, Gen. Moses Hazeltine Sherman and E. P. Clark, would go on to make several improvements over the next few years, including a sewer system, wharf, pier and water supply.

Then in July 1906, a petition was prepared for the County Board of Supervisors regarding the potential incorporation of Hermosa Beach. A Los Angeles Times story about the proposal stated that the petition called for the incorporation of the area as a city “of the sixth class” and indicated that at least 550 people resided “within the territory proposed to be incorporated.” Interestingly, the headline for the story read “Newspaper Blunder” and stated that a typographical error in the publication of the official notice required that the petition be redone. Apparently, the proposed name of the city appearing in the notice was incorrectly listed as Wilmington and not Hermosa Beach.

Despite the typo, the city's first election was held later that year on Dec. 24. At that meeting, six men were elected as the city's first trustees - John Q. Tufts, Herman Vetters, John Bunz, Otto Meyer, Benn H. Hiss and Arthur Jones. In addition to selecting the city's officers, residents voted to proceed with incorporation, with 24 in favor and 23 against. The city's official charter was issued by the state soon thereafter on Jan. 14, 1907.

According to “The Early History of Hermosa Beach,” by Fern Rhein, the city subsequently acquired ownership of its two-mile stretch of coastline from the Hermosa Beach Land and Water Company, excluding 210 feet on either side of the pier. The deed stated that it was to be held “in perpetuity as a beach playground, free from commerce, and for the benefit of not only the residents of Hermosa, but also for the sea lovers of Southern California.”

In December 1907, the young town suffered a minor setback, losing the use of its pier to the high tide. The “recreation pier,” an all-wood structure measuring 24 feet wide, was built three years earlier at a cost of $8,000.

In 1908, the young municipality fought off an attempt to disincorporate it, as well as several other proposals to merge the city with its neighbor to the south, Redondo Beach.

Seaside resort

In 1912, the city's trustees agreed to issue bonds worth approximately $60,000 to finance the construction of a new pier. The city's second pier was completed in 1913 and officially opened in 1914. It helped Hermosa Beach continue its reputation as a seaside resort.

Despite these improvements, the city did not experience as large a growth spurt as did its neighbor to the south, Redondo Beach. Some believed the reason was that local law forbade the use of property for the sale of “spirituous liquors.” It was not until the repeal of prohibition in 1933 that Hermosa Beach joined the ranks of other “wet” cities, allowing alcohol to be served at public establishments.

The primary attraction for many of the town's visitors, aside from the beach, was the Hermosa Biltmore Hotel, formerly known as the Surf and Sand Club. Built in the late 1920s, the hotel gave vacationers from all across Southern California a place to stay and enjoy the town. In 1932, the hotel served as the setting for a banquet honoring Olympic athletes from India.

The city's growth was aided by the Pacific Electric Red Car, which provided residents from other areas a cheap and efficient means of transportation to get to the South Bay. The trains ran up until 1939 when service was discontinued. The tracks ran along what is now Hermosa Avenue and were eventually pulled out in 1941.

Coming soon

In the next installment, The Beach Reporter will look at Hermosa Beach post-World War II and beyond.


Hermosa Beach News

Web sites keep residents in the loop

By Chris Yang

In addition to a wide assortment of grass-roots activists and civic organizations, Hermosa Beach also maintains a strong presence in cyberspace. The following Web sites provide residents with a unique blend of information about current events and the news of the day.

The official site of the Hermosa Beach Art Walk, provides updates and information about the city's annual fine arts festival.


The site's founder, Ken Klade, also owns and operates a local business known as the Klade Gallery.


The Neighborhood Association's Web site focuses primarily on news of the day and local crime.


The site was started by former City Council candidate Al Benson and provides visitors with a plethora of information about local government meetings, current events and police statistics.


The site also includes a forum for people to post comments about anything at all, which leads to a variety of interesting and informative discussions.

This site is the home of the Hermosa Beach Neighborhood Watch. Though it has a similar name to that of the Neighborhood Association, the Neighborhood Watch is another civic organization that focuses primarily on crime prevention.


Its founders are Kelly Kovac-Reedy, Tracy Hopkins and Nancy Amato, who were originally involved with Hermosa MOMS. It was formed partly in response to the perceived lack of government response following Hurricane Katrina. Residents interested in emergency preparedness and public safety will find relevant information at this site.


Run by local resident Jim Lissner, the site is a blend of interesting facts and tidbits that primarily focuses on issues of local government. Lissner, a regular at various council and commission meetings, has been critical of the overwhelming use of city resources to police the pier plaza.

Lissner's site is a play on the ancient fable involving the goose that laid the golden egg. The implication is that local officials have looked to short-term gains in the city's business community instead of benefiting the community as a whole.

This site was set up to chronicle the emergence of the city's experiment with free wireless Internet service. It provides instructions for those nontech-savvy residents who may have trouble connecting to the city's wireless network, including a support forum complete with a message board to exchange messages with fellow residents. describes itself as “sort of a running dialogue” on news and events in the area. Created by Hermosa Beach native Garrison Frost, the site includes a unique perspective on current events not only within the confines of Hermosa Beach, but across the entire South Bay.


Frost, who at one time served as the editor of this publication, now lives in Lomita.

Anyone interested in information about Hermosa Beach's history should look no further than the Historical Society's Web site, which includes pictures and stories about the past. Information is also available at the site regarding the current renovation of the city's museum, which is expected to reach completion prior to the Centennial Celebration early next year.

In conjunction with the city's Centennial Celebration, the city of Hermosa Beach created, a site to provide residents with the latest news and information about the historical event.

The online home of The Beach Reporter provides weekly content found in the newspaper edition plus an archive of content from past issues.

This site serves as a portal for residents of Hermosa Beach to find general information and as a good starting point for new residents of the area.


Live shots from the local webcams are visible in the upper left corner of the site, as are links to many of the most popular sites about Hermosa Beach.

The County of Los Angeles Lifeguard Division's online offering can be found at


The site provides real-time information from the county's many beaches, as well as pictures from webcams found across the South Bay. A Flash animation about the opening of the lifeguard facility is also available for visitors, who can watch up close the work behind the new facility located next to the Hermosa Beach Pier.


Other information is also available like surf conditions, water temperature and wind conditions.


Hermosa Beach News

HB City Council wrap

By Chris Yang

Hermosa Pavilion

A car wash, restaurant and wine-tasting area located in the multiuse facility at 1601 Pacific Coast Highway were all approved by the City Council Tuesday night.

The council's decision was the culmination of months of navigating through the city's planning bureaucracy by Pavilion owner Gene Shook, who stated that he was “pleased” with the outcome following Tuesday night's meeting.

Clark Building


The council awarded a contract worth approximately $17,056 to Everlast Painting Company to refurbish the Clark Building. According to a city staff report, the contract will include painting the interior of the auditorium, refinishing the wood floor and minor repairs to the wood floor.

The contract was awarded following an amendment by Councilman Pete Tucker to include refurbishing the building's doors so that they may provide better protection from the weather and not jeopardize any future work done on the wood floors.

More slurry seals

The council approved a staff recommendation to include Hermosa and Monterey avenues in a contract to perform slurry seal work within Hermosa Beach. The contractor, Cypress-based Pavement Coatings Company, was initially awarded a contract on Nov. 14 to perform slurry sealing along Aviation Boulevard and Prospect Avenue. That contract was worth $148,287. Tuesday's decision will cost an extra $233,625 and will see the city use unspent funds received under Prop. 42.

A staff report indicated that the primary reason for performing the work was due to the competitive nature of securing funds under Prop. 1A, which was recently approved by the voters of California.

“I can see that this is kind of a last-minute thing, this project, evidently is to make sure that we qualify for some other money,” said local resident Jim Lissner. “It doesn't seem like the streets that are targeted for the slurry sealing are in bad shape at all compared to some of the other streets in town, and it's a big hunk of money.”

City Manager Steve Burrell responded to Lissner's concerns and explained why the city was moving so quickly to spend such a sizable amount of money.

“As you know with the passage of the propositions in November there's going to be some extra money available,” said City Manager Steve Burrell. “A couple of the programs are actually competitive, but what they want to do is see how you've committed your Prop. 42 funds and you're actually spending money on things like this.”

Consent items

The council approved an agreement with the county of Los Angeles to maintain 34 “trash excluders” that are to be installed at catch basin openings along Hermosa Avenue. Under the agreement, county officials will purchase and install the devices, after which the city will maintain them.

The council also approved the purchase of approximately $8,699 worth of ammunition for the Police Department. The city received only one bid from a company in Anaheim following the issuance of a request for proposals.


 The Easy Reader – December 29, 2005

2005 in Hermosa: the year of the punch line, Part I, II and III

A bitter land-use battle, a hulking emptiness and the police

 The Daily Breeze – December 30, 2005

Friday Letters to the Editor


HB disaster forum impels action

I attended the Hermosa Beach Emergency Town Hall Forum on Dec. 14 and was very impressed with the information the city officials shared with us. They were able to tell us what they will be able to do in case of a disaster. Well, what will I be able to do?

A couple of other moms and I have been thinking what have we been doing to prepare ourselves, our families and our neighbors so that we may be better prepared in the event of a disaster. Since then, we have created Hermosa Beach MOMS with Kelly Reedy-Kovac, Nancy Amato and I, in the hopes of getting our school families and all members of our community more prepared by providing a special fund-raising event offering U.S. Coast Guard-approved survival kits which would be invaluable to a family should any type of disruption in their lives occur. Information on these kits can be found at and more information on this subject and order forms for the kits can be found at

We also feel it is important to get our community involved and have decided to organize a Neighborhood Watch/Community Preparedness Association to help assist the emergency services of our city as well as be first responders for our families and our local neighborhood. So just from one town hall meeting we are beginning to make the city of Hermosa Beach more prepared as individuals and families.

I would like to thank City Manager Steve Burrell, Fire Chief Russ Tingley, Police Chief Mike Lavin, the Area "G" disaster coordinator Mike Martinet, Councilman J.R. Reviczky, the Hermosa Beach School District, the Beach Cities Health District and all the others that are working hard for the citizens of this wonderful city. I would also like to thank all the residents who attended the meeting or watched it on TV. I know that we as concerned citizens will take the information shared at this meeting and incorporate it into our lives, so that, as Mike Martinet said, "People have to be prepared."


Hermosa Beach


 KCBS-TV Channel 2 News at 5 PM -

 Hermosa Beach Police Issue Warning To Women - Broadcast on 7/29/05 at 5pm. 

 Hermosa Beach Police detectives believe the two incidents may be linked to a March 8, 2004, attack on a woman who was dragged into a stairwell and beaten. 

View the CBS-TV Channel 2 news story on the Pier Plaza Assaults . . .  You need Windows Media Player in order get the audio/video of this CBS-TV  news story reported by Paul Dandridge.


HERMOSA BEACH, Calif. (CBS) Hermosa Beach police are warning women to avoid walking alone from Pier Plaza nightspots following two attempted assaults possibly committed by the same man who attacked a woman last year.  Detectives told the Daily Breeze that they believe the man -- dubbed the "Late Night Attacker" -- was trying to rape a woman when he grabbed her as she walked on Monterey Avenue in the south end of the city early Sunday.  The victim was walking alone at 2:15 a.m. on a well-lighted sidewalk when a muscular man confronted her. The woman was able to escape by kneeing him in the groin, police said.  On July 8 about 3:30 a.m., a woman was walking home from the downtown area in a dimly lighted alley near 10th Street and Monterey Avenue when a man tried to force her into a car, the Daily Breeze reported.  That woman also managed to escape.  If you have any information related to the incidents, please call Detective Robert Higgins at 310-318-0341.


  Images of America - Hermosa Beach 

Book tells Hermosa’s tale in pictures

- Admirers of Hermosa love to hear old-timers talk about what “used to be here” before it was torn down and replaced by what is here now. Thanks to two authors, admirers of the city can see those landmarks for themselves in a 127-page book of rare photos that trace Hermosa’s history. 


Images of America: Hermosa Beach by Chris Miller and Jerry Roberts chronicles the town from the days before it was a town, when the electric Red Car train brought people in over the sand dunes from greater L.A.


If you buy the book, Images of America - Hermosa Beach from the HB Historical Society, The Chamber of Commerce, or PINK, all the profits go to fund the Hermosa Beach Historical Society's Museum Expansion.



  The Hermosa Beach Historical Society 


The Easy Reader – December 1, 2005

 Hermosa Beach News

 Police seek help after home attack

 Hermosa police were seeking witnesses after a man broke into a home in the 3500 block of Manhattan Avenue about 3:30 a.m. Oct. 29 and fled when a woman resident screamed, and hit and scratched him.

Police urged anyone who might have seen the man flee to call Hermosa Beach Police Detective Bob Higgins at 318-0341.

The man was described as 6 feet tall and athletic wearing a long-sleeved, button-down shirt and possibly khaki pants.

He entered the home, possibly through an unlocked door, police said. The woman was awakened by a sound, shouted, and confronted the man, who was wearing a smooth, latex, skin-colored mask, in a hallway. The man grabbed her throat and she fought back, police said.

Police are hoping witnesses might have seen the man running from the home. ER

 The Daily Breeze - November 30,2005


Hermosa police ask help in search for intruder Masked person broke into a Hermosa Beach home last month but fled when a female resident fought him off. 

 Hermosa Police Issues Warning to Women on Pier Plaza Assaults . . . 

  View the CBS-TV Channel 2 news story:


Women attacked in 3 incidents near Pier Plaza in Hermosa. . .

  Read the The Daily Breeze story -


 Hermosa Beach Crime Statistics - 1998 thru 2003


    Rape      Burglary      Non-Injury       ALL              DUI          Criminal       Adult           Total Calls

                                                        Auto Acc.       Assaults                      Citations      Arrests       for Service

1998 --       8          113           201              77          150         562          608         19,951

1999 --       6          118           170            119          203         613          680         21,378

2000 --       6          145           195              97          152         545          616         25,147

2001 --       9          104           176            141          170         668          846         32,422

2002 --      15         118           202            131          214         943        1,012         28,728

2003 --      11         143           258            140          285         989        1,315         32,241



Crime Categories That Have Shown an Increase from 1998 thru 2003


                   Rape       Burglary        Non-Injury       ALL             DUI           Criminal       Adult          Total Calls

                                                          Auto Acc.       Assaults                      Citations      Arrests      for Service

               Up          Up             Up             Up           Up          Up           Up            Up

               37 %      26 %         28 %         81 %       90 %      75 %      116 %       61 %   


Crime Statistics from: The Hermosa Beach Police Department Activity Reports


Excerpts from:

The Easy Reader - February 3, 2005

Hermosa Beach News

Arrests hit an all-time high


by Robb Fulcher


---   The year 2004 saw a record number of arrests in Hermosa -- 1,388 -- topping the old record of 1,315 set the year before.


---   Those high-water marks go back at least to 1991, when the Hermosa Beach Police Department began keeping detailed arrest records, Chief Mike Lavin said.

---   The downtown area with its active and sometimes rowdy nightlife has contributed to the increased arrests, Lavin said. 



 ---   That is a reflection, I would have to say, of the downtown. We have so much activity there,” he said.

 ---   In another possibly downtown-related development, misdemeanor citations ballooned from 989 to 1,419. Disturbance calls to police rose from 3,025 to 4,201.

 Hermosa Beach Crime Statistics from the HBPD



                                                                                                    Criminal        Adult        Total Calls       Disturbance


                  Burglary    Robbery       Assaults      DUI        Citations      Arrests     For Service     Calls            

1998 --     113           17             77          150         562            608        19,951       3,199

2004 --     140           20           143          195       1,419         1,388        30,215       4,201



Crime Categories That Have Shown an Increase from 1998 thru 2004


                                                                                                 Criminal         Adult        Total Calls       Disturbance

                  Burglary    Robbery       Assaults       DUI        Citations       Arrests     For Service     Calls               

                    Up           Up           Up          Up         Up            Up           Up            Up

               23.9 %    17.6 %     85.7 %     30 %    152 %       128 %      51.4 %      31.3 %


Source: The Hermosa Beach Police Department Activity Reports

 The Beach Reporter – August 12, 2004

 Hermosa Beach News                               

 HB Residents complain about Pier Plaza patrons (8/12)

 By Whitney Youngs

 In a public meeting, Hermosa Beach residents and business owners along with a few elected city officials and employees Aug. 4 discussed several ongoing issues that just don't ever seem to go away pertaining to the city's raucous nightlife in the downtown area and on the pier plaza.  City officials fielded numerous complaints from residents who live in the nearby neighborhoods who are sick and tired of waking up in the middle of the night to drunken party animals, some of whom yell and scream down residential streets, urinate in front yards or vandalize private property.

 Police Chief Mike Lavin commented on the present environment spanning roughly the past six months, and said that there have been no major incidents and the area overall has improved.

 Newly appointed Planning Commissioner and lifetime resident Rick Koenig attended the meeting and said most of the issues discussed centered on a "fraternity-like atmosphere" in the downtown in which a handful of police officers are regulating a scene comprising hundreds of restaurant and bar patrons  "I know a lot of people are fed up with the 'red cup syndrome' where people are walking around in public drinking openly," said Koenig, "and the urination and trash in everyone's yard, including mine. These kind of meetings are good in the sense that at least it allows people to vent instead of building up animosity and so it's a step in the right direction."

 The public meeting, which began as proactive but eventually turned into a rather heated debate, provided residents with an opportunity to verbalize their frustrations and concerns about a downtown that attracts throngs of young people, both local and from out of town, most every weekend and on some weeknights.

 "I think these problems can be fixed. We just need some positive solutions because if all we do is antagonize each other then that's all we've done," said City Councilman J.R. Reviczky. "Unfortunately, if you get 10 people in a room, one of them is going to be an idiot; with 100, 10 are going to be; and with 1,000, you have 100. That's really what the scenario is down there and anywhere. Half of the laws that are passed by government are passed because 10 percent of people have no respect for others. You have a lot of people down there and you have a lot of people down there spending money, you're going to have that 10-percent figure no matter what. That ratio stays the same and we'll always have to deal with that 10 percent.

 "We used to staff officers that were on overtime and now we actually have a special shift down there which helps with overtime costs and gives those officers a better grasp of what is going on when you have the same people down there all the time. You have to give that a chance to work and I think that is the phase we are in right now."

 The meeting also served as a platform in brainstorming solutions to such problems, which have been at the forefront in the city for years now.  Planning Commissioner Sam Perotti also attended the meeting and suggested that at the next session an agenda be drafted as a way of providing a bit more structure.  "I think there needs to be continued coordination between the business operators, and the Police and Fire departments. I think that in the long run, things will work out," he said. "In the past, the Planning Commission has modified business conditional use permits by limiting hours mainly based on excessive noise and that has been an effective resource."

 Resident Al Benson has been a strong proponent of cracking down on bars and restaurants that become nightclubs in the evening that he believes serve as a breeding ground for much of the boisterous behavior of patrons.

 "Of all the things that are going on down there, there are monetary costs - cleaning the plaza, police overtime - and then there are human costs, people are getting hurt and I'm tired of reading in the newspapers of police being attacked as well. All these costs, are they worth it?" said Benson. "It seems like even with implementing some solutions - like reducing noise and occupancy, enforcing underage drinking - but the number of people who come down there does not change and the age group does not change and the amount of alcohol really does not change, we won't have a real effect on alcohol-related crimes."

 According to the city's quarterly statistical reports for 2003, the Police Department cited the largest number of adults arrested in more than a decade.  According to the report, robbery stayed the same with 13 cases reported in 2002 and 2003. Both assaults and burglaries increased this year compared to 2002 with 140 reported assaults and 143 burglaries compared to 131 assaults and 118 burglaries reported in 2002. The number of reported D.U.I. arrests rose with 214 cases reported in 2002 and 285 cases reported in 2003.

 Police transported more people to jail in 2003 with 1,012 adult arrests in 2002 and 1,315 adult arrests in 2003. The number of police calls for service increased this year from 28,728 to 32,241 while the number of disturbance calls dropped from 3,343 to 2,788.

 In mid-February, the Planning Commission unanimously voted to review conditional use permits of Aloha Sharkeez and Sangria.  "The thing that I don't think people really understand is that the downtown area in the overall picture in terms of parking, taxes, licenses is about $5 million to the city and people tend to forget what it was like 10 years ago," said Sharkeez owner Ron Newman. "For the amount of people who come down, it's pretty well-run. Most of the businesses are upscale and sell food, and it's not going to go away. The people who have businesses have a right to be here. If there are problems, then those problems need to be solved between the individual and the business, and it has to be solved realistically. Hermosa is what it is and without these businesses Hermosa wouldn't be able to survive. I think there should be a city liaison that someone could go to, and that person could meet with both the business and the citizen because if you don't try and solve these problems, no one is going to win."

 At its February meeting, the commission reviewed an incident report drafted by Lavin that details the history of officer calls responding to incidents taking place inside or outside downtown restaurants and bars, and several along Pacific Coast Highway.  "For the past several years, the city of Hermosa Beach has enjoyed a very popular downtown area," stated Lavin in his report. "In particular, the Hermosa night life has become very popular and several thousand patrons frequent the downtown nightclubs especially on the weekend nights. The Police Department has had to increase the amount of enforcement activity on the Hermosa plaza to keep a lid on the crowds and the associated public disturbances, assaults and public intoxication that have become very commonplace each evening between the hours of 10 p.m. and 2:30 a.m."

 The Police Department staffs the plaza with foot patrol units on every night of the week with the exception of Monday and designates additional foot patrols on weekend nights.  "All of this activity is paid through overtime and is costing the city several hundreds of thousands of dollars each year," added Lavin. "This activity on the plaza has also been the source of numerous personnel complaints against officers, claims against the city, lawsuits and injuries to officers."

 According to Lavin's report, officers received 83 and 71 disturbance calls from Sangria and Aloha Sharkeez, respectively. The report tracks the history of calls from Dec. 1, 2002, to Jan. 10, 2004. Lavin also wanted to make it clear that such number of calls were made in front of an establishment, not necessarily inside of them.  Because the two establishments ranked as the first and second in the highest number of calls among the 15 other restaurants and bars mostly located in downtown and some along PCH, Lavin asked the commission to review both CUPs. The commission will determine whether the CUPs were properly and adequately implemented as a way of controlling some of the problems that have come in the form of such disturbance calls.

 Among the restaurants with the lowest number of calls, Patrick Malloy's was ranked the lowest with one call followed by the Poop Deck with two calls, the Hermosa Yacht Club and Caf/ Boogaloo with three calls, and the Mermaid restaurant and Barnacles tied for fourth place with five calls each. The report focuses on calls directly dealing with disturbances, assaults and public intoxication.  Of the remaining establishments, Shark's Cove received six calls, followed by Pointe 705 with 10, Hennessey's with 11, TJ Charly'z and the North End Bar with 13, Hermosa Saloon with 16, the Pitcher House with 17, the Underground with 33 and the Lighthouse with 45.

 Carla Merriman, executive director of the Chamber of Commerce, commented on the "red cup" drinking scene and expressed satisfaction in knowing that the bars have begun to take initiative in recent months.  "It was good to hear that the bars are cleaning up their act," she said. "I think that more information should be given to residents regarding the value of these businesses on the plaza - Sangria, Sharkeez and Hennessey's are consistently among the top 25 sales tax producers. When I hear residents talking about people on The Strand with red cups and blaming the establishments for that, I think it's ridiculous. The restaurants and bars do not pour drinks to go. I think we need to work in the community as a whole and whatever the chamber can do to help, we would like to as a way to move in a more positive direction."

 "Neighbors working together for a better Hermosa Beach"

 The goal of the HBNA is to bring neighbors together to address

 the needs and concerns they have for quality of life issues in Hermosa Beach.  


The Hermosa Beach Neighborhood Association

"Neighbors working together for a better Hermosa Beach"