The Hermosa Beach Neighborhood Association
City of HB Info HBNA Photo Gallery HB Crime Info HB Weblinks
The HBNA Newsletters for April and March of 2006
The State of the City - Mayor Tucker. Hermosa Beach: The Year in Review
2005 in Hermosa: the year of the punch line, Part I, II and III
The Easy Reader's " Best Of " Hermosa Beach for 2005
HB Crime 2005 HB Crime 2004 HB Crime 2003 HB Crime 2002 HB Crime 2001
A message from Hermosa Beach MOMS on Emergency Preparedness
The HBNA Newsletters for April and March of 2006 The HBNA Newsletters for Feb. and Jan. of 2006
The HBNA Newsletter for April 14, 2006 Man suffers multiple stab wounds in attack this past weekend on Ardmore Ave. near 4th Street.
West L.A. man attacked over the weekend - According to his account reported to police, a West Los Angeles man was stabbed several times by another man in Hermosa Beach while walking to his girlfriend's house in south Redondo Beach early Saturday morning. The victim, Jon Crush, said he was walking to the residence from the pier plaza around 2:30 a.m. when a man walked up from behind him and demanded his wallet. Crush said the man pulled his jacket over his head and stabbed him on the side near the rib cage. He said he fought with the man until he fled the scene without any of Crush's property.
Hermosa council approves merging lots - On a 2-1 vote, the Hermosa Beach City Council overturned an earlier decision by the Planning Commission and cleared the way for a merger of two lots on a street historically known for its larger parcels. The decision means that the two lots in the 700 block of Prospect Avenue will together have only one dwelling, despite a developer's plan to build two homes on them. A Cape Cod-style home has stood at the site for more than half a century.
What Is Your Opinion? Is Crime In Hermosa Beach Becoming More Dangerous?
HBPD receives a call of a man with a gun, wearing a T-Shirt with a Skull-and-Crossbones design, in the area of Park Avenue and Monterey Boulevard.
Assault With a Deadly Weapon: 2:06 a.m. April 9, 00 block of Pier Avenue. Police arrested one man on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon for allegedly hitting and kicking the victim, who was taken to a hospital for treatment. A second man, who may also have hit the victim, left with a third man. Assault With a Deadly Weapon: 2:45 a.m. April 8, Ardmore Avenue and Fifth Street. A man who police said had an approximate 10-inch cut on his stomach said he was walking south on Fifth Street when a man walked up behind him, asked how he was and what was up, then stabbed him and fled. The man said he then walked to a hotel and called his girlfriend. The report noted that the victim was uncooperative and initially refused medical treatment. ASSAULT / ATTACK. A man was reportedly assaulted by two men in the 1300 block of Manhattan Avenue April 1 around 2:06 a.m. The man told police he was with friends at a nearby restaurant and left around 2 a.m. to eat some food. The victim stayed behind outside the restaurant for unknown reasons and began to walk north on Manhattan Avenue. One of the suspects kicked the man in the face as he fell to the ground and continued to kick him in the head while he was motionless on the ground. The other suspect punched him in the face. The witness ran toward the scene and discovered that the victim was his friend. The suspects got back inside and drove away, and the victim was transported to a nearby hospital. Doctors said he suffered small fractures to his sinus area and also sustained a bump on the back of the head, some bruises and two black eyes.
ROBBERY. A man was reportedly confronted by a male juvenile and his friends in the 100 block of Hermosa Avenue March 24 at 11:56 p.m. The suspect confronted the man in a parking lot and asked, Do you got a problem? The suspect also bragged about being on parole and as he did, several of his friends began to encircle the victim. The victim, fearful of his safety, pushed backward and said he didn't have a problem with the suspect. More subjects, who were all dressed in black and appeared young, began to encircle him. The victim said he saw a shiny object and thought it was a knife. The suspect struck the victim along the jaw line with an open right palm and two other suspects began to punch him. He pushed his way through the group of subjects and made his way across the street to call 9-1-1. The subjects followed him into a deli. Once inside, the victim held up his phone to show them he was calling emergency services. The three subjects fled the store and stole the victim's skateboard. An officer detained three males in the 100 block of Beach Drive who matched the victim's description. The victim identified the subjects as those who hit him and stole his skateboard valued at $200, and they were placed under arrest.
Read about the Hermosa Beach MOMS and their efforts - To create a citywide Hermosa Beach Neighborhood Watch program.
The HB MOMS need HB Neighborhood Watch Block Captains!
Call 310-374-1828 for more information.
Read the story is in the Official City of Hermosa Beach E-Newsletter for April.
The saddest rule of government - One of the maxims told to me about government when I was first elected to office was a simple, sad, and frustrating one: You dont get a crosswalk until a kid gets killed. The accident that occurred on PCH two weeks ago, killing a teenage boy trying to cross the street, was tragic not just because it was likely preventable. It is tragic because the need for a signaled crosswalk at that intersection has been known for years.
HB City Council summary - Final notice - The council voted to authorize staff to send out final notices to all property owners in the Beach Drive under-grounding district who have not completed their private utility line conversions. The council's vote also directed staff to disconnect the overhead utility services to such properties that fail to complete the work within 30 days of receiving final notice.
HBPD is undergoing thorough review - Prompted in part by a string of lawsuits, the city has hired a decorated ex-lawman to do a thorough review of the Hermosa Beach Police Departments policies and operations. City Manager Steve Burrell on Monday said it was a good time to take a close look at the department as it changes hands from retired Chief Mike Lavin to a replacement, who the city expects to select soon. In answer to a question, Burrell said the review also was partly prompted by lawsuits that allege excessive force and other improper actions by police. Burrell said other city departments have undergone similar reviews. The review was begun in January by San Clemente-based R.M. McCarthy & Associates. Burrell said he expects to receive a report from the consultant by about June.
Torrance man, 19, dies after jumping off the MB pier - A 19-year-old thrill-seeker jumped off the Manhattan Beach pier and died this past weekend, authorities said. Daniel James Barth of Torrance was with several friends when he decided to jump off the pier on April 9 at about 2:30 a.m., according to Sgt. Steve Tobias of the Manhattan Beach Police Department. After an intense six-hour search, Barth's body was found approximately 35 yards off the end of the pier in about 20 feet of water, face down, Tobias said. According to Barth's friends, Barth jumped off the pier and into the cold ocean waters for a thrill.
HB Council reverses commission decision not to merge lots - To merge or not to merge? That was the question the Hermosa Beach City Council voted on Tuesday night after hearing public testimony from handfuls of residents on the issue of whether or not to merge a property that comprises two lots along Prospect Avenue. In a 2-1 vote, the council voted to direct city staff to draft a resolution that reflects its vote to reverse a Planning Commission decision not to merge the lots at 726 Prospect Ave., and to move forward in the merging of the two parcels which was originally developed to accommodate a single-family home.
MySpace will add warnings - The Web site, which has 60 million members, plans to educate youths about the dangers of people targeting them for sexual purposes. Popular online social networking hub on Monday said it will begin displaying public service ads aimed at educating its users, many of them teens, about the dangers posed by sexual predators on the Internet.
The HBNA Newsletter for April 7, 2006 Teen was fun-loving, precocious, adventurous - A 15-year-old Hermosan who was struck and killed in an intersection last week was a sweet-natured, precocious, adventurous young man who loved surfing and rock climbing, family members said. Ian Wright was walking at nine months, and rock climbing at nine months and one day, his mother Ellen Wright said. The teenager also was a voracious reader who loved history and mythology, and fantasy offerings such as The Lord of the Rings. Wright was crossing the six-lane highway going from east to west, within the painted crosswalk, and had cleared all but the final lane when he was struck by a southbound 2002 Mitsubishi Lancer driven by a 25-year-old West Covina woman, police said.
Pictures Of: Traffic Signals at PCH and 16th Street Intersection in Hermosa Beach are Nearing Completion
Police identify 3rd Manhattan Beach assault suspect - Warrant is issued for a woman in connection with beating of actor, friend in South Bay home. Two are in custody. A second suspect is in custody and a third has been identified in connection with the violent assault on an actor and his female companion in his Manhattan Beach home. Rolland Wormley, 20, of Bellflower was arrested March 22 on a parole violation and arraigned Wednesday in Torrance Superior Court on two counts each of attempted murder, robbery and assault with a deadly weapon.
7 Robberies in 10 days in the Hermosa, Manhattan and Redondo - 3 Robberies in Hermosa Beach in 4 days - ROBBERY: 12:30 a.m. March 26, 28th Court and Morningside Drive. Two men robbed the victims at knifepoint of a wallet and two cell phones. One was described as Latino, in his late teens, 5-foot-9, 150 pounds with a thin build, shaved head and goatee and wearing gray sweat shirt and blue jeans. The other was described as white, in his late teens, 6-foot-2, 170 pounds with a thin build, short dirty blonde hair and wearing a sweater and jeans.
Hermosa Beach and Manhattan Beach Crime Close-Up. Years 1998 to 2004 Crime Stat Comparison
HB School Board votes in new appointee to replace Wolin - Following a thorough public discussion, the Hermosa Beach School Board voted to appoint Lisa Claypoole to the open seat on the elected body at its March 29 meeting, filling a vacancy left by former member Linda Wolin. The School Board selected Claypoole over her two fellow candidates, Earl Keegan and Alison Suffet Diaz. All three submitted applications at the district office Friday, March 17, the last day in the filing deadline. All three candidates were very strong, all three had very different strengths, said Breen.
Second suspect in home attack arrested, two remain at large - The Manhattan Beach Police made one more arrest in a brutal home invasion robbery, leaving two of the four suspects still at large. A Manhattan Beach couple who had spent the evening at several bars in Hermosa Beach were followed home and then attacked by four suspects, two men and two women, in a home invasion-style robbery on March 2. The victims had spent much of the night with the two female suspects and on March 13, police released two photos of the women that were taken at one of the bars to the media.
Does a Higher Alcohol Outlet Density Create More Crime in Hermosa Beach?
HB School District moves ahead with naming program - In the hopes of producing auxiliary revenues for Hermosa Beach educational facilities and programs, school officials have begun the task of moving forward with a naming rights program. In recent years, School Board members have been in talks with both the Hermosa Beach Education Foundation and the Parent/ Teacher Organization about creating a program in which district buildings would be named after residents, organizations and/or businesses and corporations in exchange for a donation. The donation prices range from $10,000 (campus bench) to $1 million (the new gym).
Manhattan Beach farmers market set to begin in July - Come summer, Manhattan Beach residents won't have to go far for their organic produce, baked goods and gourmet cheeses. The city's first weekly farmers market is set to open July 11. It will take place from noon to 4 p.m. Tuesdays on 13th Street between Valley and Morningside drives.
Underage drinking rises in California, report says - Drug use among teens has dipped nationwide, but underage drinking persists -- with jumps in California and Wisconsin, according to a study released Thursday. The report by the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, based on interviews of 135,500 people, is the first to document state-by-state drug and alcohol use from 2002 to 2004. Among the youths ages 12 to 20, California drinkers rose from 24.7 percent to 26.3 percent.
The HBNA Newsletter for March 31, 2006
HB About Town - Scrip for school - Hermosa Valley PTO has become one of the top earning groups in the recent Vons 10 Percent Back to Schools Program. PTO Co-Presidents Kristin Thomas and Robin Bosmajian and eScrip Group Coordinator Janice Adler presented store manager Dan Graves with a certificate of appreciation at Vons Hermosa store recently. Hermosa Valley PTO uses eScrip funds to help pay for classroom supplies, field trips, assemblies, teacher development programs, and other school-related activities. The eScrip program has generated more than $130 million in merchant contributions to schools and organizations across the country. For more information, email Janice Adler
Hermosa Beach and Manhattan Beach Crime Close-Up. Years 1998 to 2004 Crime Stat Comparison
Valley and View scores on the rise in API base - Based on the 2005 base Academic Performance Index released this month by the California Department of Education, the Hermosa Beach School District once again performed above its target score of 800 based on a numeric index ranging from 200 to 1,000 points. California schools continue to make solid academic gains, stated Jack O'Connell, State Superintendent of Public Instruction. The API is a powerful tool to hold our schools accountable for progress. I encourage parents, students, educators and the public to review the API ranking for schools in their community.
Hermosa Beach hires 3rd party to review city police - Examination of police procedures began last month. The department is facing legal action from civilians and former employees. Plagued by lawsuits and strained by internal friction between line officers and managers, the Hermosa Beach Police Department is now under the microscope of a consultant hired by the city to do exactly that. City Manager Steve Burrell commissioned the third-party review of the Police Department's policies, procedures and practices, he said Monday. The review, which got under way last month, will delve into how the department works and what can be done to improve its functions. Does a Higher Alcohol Outlet Density Create More Crime in Hermosa Beach? Taser stun guns are purchased for HBPD officers - The City Council on Tuesday agreed to buy 20 Taser electro-shock stun guns to prevent injuries from altercations between police officers and suspects as well as to possibly reduce the number of damage claims against the city. Six of the small police departments officers are currently off duty with injuries. The council also agreed to buy the first of 12 digital video cameras for police vehicles and to buy more hardware to store video footage from the jail and police station, in part to protect the department from lawsuits.
HB City Council summary - Community center - The Hermosa Beach City Council Tuesday night voted to award a construction contract to Torres Construction that will work on ADA upgrades to the Community Center. The city advertised for bids and received nine by its closing date of Feb. 9. Torres' bid matched that of another company, 2H Construction. The bid prices ranged from about $275,000 to $378,000.
South Bay sees an overall drop in crime of 9.1% - Police, however, attribute rise in robberies in 2005 to criminals who target a specific area or age group. Cell phones and MP3 players popularity blamed for fueling teen-on-teen crimes. Despite increases in homicides and robberies, crime in the South Bay and Harbor Area continued its downward spiral in 2005 thanks to large drops in burglaries, auto thefts and assaults. The year's 9.1 percent overall drop echoes a trend across the country, and helped to keep crime levels at about half what they were in 1995. Hermosa Beach and Manhattan Beach Crime Close-Up. Years 1998 to 2004 Crime Stat Comparison City hires consultant to study police operations - As a way to gain new insight on the practices, policies and procedures of the Hermosa Beach Police Department, City Manager Steve Burrell recently hired a consulting firm to study the public safety agency in an independent review that could take up to several months. The independent review of the Police Department is the first in Burrell's tenure, which began in 1994. Police Chief Mike Lavin recently retired while interim chief David Barr took over Lavin's duties in February. Barr will oversee the department until Burrell has made a decision on who will be the next police chief which is about a four-month process.
Police discover fraudulent check scam - Redondo Beach police discovered heaps of false identification at a Los Angeles woman's home, implicating her and another man in a fraudulent check scam involving the Los Angeles County Animal Control. Police originally arrested Heather Adams for passing fraudulent checks at the South Bay Galleria, according to Sgt. Peter Grimm. Police uncovered evidence at Adams' home on March 23 that suggests that she and Jesus Silva used copies of checks written to the L.A. County Animal Control to create false identification and counterfeit checks. Adams would then use the checks to buy things.
Are Hermosa Beach Crosswalks like PCH/16th, Unsafe For Pedestrians? Are the 3 Other PCH Crosswalks Without Traffic Signals, Also Dangerous?
Boy, 15, killed crossing dangerous PCH crosswalk - A 15-year-old Hermosa Beach teenager was fatally struck by a car while riding a scooter across Pacific Coast Highway in a crosswalk at 16th Street last Thursday afternoon. According to Press Information Officer Paul Wolcott, Ian Wright was visiting The PetCare Company located on the east side of the busy thoroughfare just prior to the accident that occurred around 5 p.m. Wright was at the store playing with the puppies. He left and began to cross 16th Street on his Razor scooter. He was not wearing a helmet at the time of the accident.
It's end of the checkout line for HB Albertsons - The Albertsons supermarket on Pacific Coast Highway and Artesia Boulevard, which drew locals with its old-fashioned courtesy and laid-back feel, will close in April after serving the beach communities for nearly 50 years. The company said the decision was based on the performance of the store. The building, owned by Hope Chapel, will be used to expand church programs, said Dale Turner, church administrator and associate pastor.
Reward offered in fatal hit and run crash of Mira Costa student - The family of the Mira Costa junior who was killed in what authorities say could be a road rage incident last December is offering a $25,000 reward for information leading to an arrest. Unfortunately nothing will ever bring closure to the situation, said the slain teenager's mother, Kelly Rigby-Hyde. There are good and bad days. This is something you never think is going to happen to you or your family. On Dec. 2, 2005, at about 10:50 p.m., Casie Hyde, who was driving a BMW, and her boyfriend, Mike Archuletta, a passenger in the car, hit a telephone pole in the 2700 block of Manhattan Beach Boulevard in Redondo Beach.
Weight loss gives meth an edge with female teens - "I had lost so much weight by prom," says one recovering South Bay addict. "I was so happy with how I looked and the attention I was getting." Zorana was a senior at Torrance's North High School the first time she tried methamphetamine. A frequent churchgoer, she had managed to stay away from alcohol and marijuana since experimenting with them in middle school. But the winter of 2003, after returning from a holiday vacation with her family, the 17-year-old, who asked that her last name be withheld for this story, noticed there was something different about her friends at school. Torrance still sizing up RV options - Torrance's simmering debate over whether to restrict on-street parking for RVs and other oversized vehicles resumes tonight at City Hall. It's been four weeks since the City Council last took up the issue in a session brimming with recreational vehicle owners and critics of the boxy travel barges. In the end, council members decided they needed more information and more time for public testimony. Investigators sneak bomb materials across borders - Congressional investigators posing as businessmen were able to carry enough radioactive material across the borders from Mexico and Canada to potentially make two radiation-spewing bombs, according to a report that will be released Tuesday. While radiation monitors at the two borders detected the material, the investigators used easily faked documents to dupe border security officers into believing it was for legitimate purposes. The investigators had purchased the radioactive material over the phone without providing any documentation of their identities or its potential use. Letters to the Editor - RV ordinance must include permits, Neighborhood declines occur gradually
The HBNA Newsletter for March 25, 2006
Boy, 15, killed crossing dangerous PCH crosswalk - A 15-year-old Hermosa Beach teenager was fatally struck by a car while riding a scooter across Pacific Coast Highway in a crosswalk at 16th Street last Thursday afternoon. According to Press Information Officer Paul Wolcott, Ian Wright was visiting The PetCare Company located on the east side of the busy thoroughfare just prior to the accident that occurred around 5 p.m. Wright was at the store playing with the puppies. He left and began to cross 16th Street on his Razor scooter. He was not wearing a helmet at the time of the accident.
PCH and 16th Street traffic signal comes too late - I park on Pacific Coast Highway in Hermosa Beach to go to the 24-Hour Fitness gym because I refuse to pay a parking fee on top of a gym membership fee. I use the crosswalk at 16th Street and PCH to get to the gym, and many times I wondered what it would take to get a traffic signal installed there. Many cars do not stop -- even if the vehicle in the next lane has stopped to wait for a pedestrian. Instead, they race through, narrowly missing people. It's amazing.
1. Photos of Pedestrians Using The PCH and 16th St. Crosswalk
2. Photos of Pedestrians Using The PCH and 16th St. Crosswalk
3. Photos of Pedestrians Using The PCH and 16th St. Crosswalk
4. Are Hermosa Beach Crosswalks and Intersections Unsafe
Suspect in home invasion turns herself in to police - A suspect in the recent home invasion robbery turned herself over to Manhattan Beach Police after investigators released photos of two of the suspects to local media. After calling Manhattan Beach police several times, Edna Decembra Monrreal, 27, arrived at the temporary Peck Avenue Manhattan Beach Police station on March 16, accompanied by several family members, and turned herself in, Capt. Randy Leaf said. Monrreal was arraigned Monday and pleaded not guilty.
Hermosa Beach teen killed by car was 'a sensitive soul' - Ian Wright's family talks of his life and dreams and forgives the driver in Thursday's crosswalk accident. Family donates 15-year-old's organs. "He always wanted to help people." His small bedroom is just the way he left it before leaving for the gym: forlorn-looking stuffed animals on the top bunk, a bean bag chair covered with video game remote controls, shelves teeming with books and action figures.
Three candidates vying for open seat on board - Hoping to fill a soon-to-be-vacant seat on the Hermosa Beach School Board, three residents submitted applications with the district office last Friday for consideration of an appointment voted on by the elected body. Earl Keegan, Lisa Claypoole and Alison Suffet Diaz filed their applications and will await the board's vote that could happen later this month or early April.
Hermosa Beach teen dies after being hit by car - Ian Wright, 15, was hit while crossing Pacific Coast Highway on a scooter. Hermosa Beach police are investigating the accident but have not determined who's at fault. A 15-year-old Hermosa Beach boy was struck and fatally injured as he tried to cross what some consider a dangerous stretch of Pacific Coast Highway in Hermosa Beach, police said Friday. Ian Wright, who had been playing with puppies at a pet store just moments before he was hit, was taken off life support and died Friday night at County Harbor-UCLA Medical Center.
Suspect in Manhattan Beach home invasion denies guilt - One of two women suspected of meeting a Manhattan Beach actor and his girlfriend at a club and setting them up for a violent home-invasion robbery is in custody, charged with attempted murder and five other felonies, authorities said Tuesday. Edna Decembra Monrreal, 27, of Los Angeles turned herself in to police Thursday, three days after a photograph of her taken from a surveillance camera was released to the media, according to a statement issued by the Manhattan Beach Police Department.
MB is surveying residents about undergrounding project - Six of 14 utility districts have already voted on the expensive project, but City Council will ask for opinions from seven that have not. Manhattan Beach residents will get one more chance to express their opinions for or against burying utility lines.
MB Council to send undergrounding booklets to residents - The Manhattan Beach City Council attempted to tackle several key issues surrounding utility undergrounding at its March 21 meeting, voting to send every property owner a fact booklet about the controversial public works project. Along with approving a fact booklet, the City Council also approved sending out a survey to property owners located in several of the proposed utility undergrounding districts.
The HBNA Newsletter for March 17, 2006 A message from Hermosa Beach MOMS on Emergency Preparedness
The Importance of Neighborhood Watch in Hermosa Beach
Hermosa Beach About Town HB Neighborhood Watch A formal Neighborhood Watch has been established by Kelly Kovac-Reedy, Nancy Amato and Tracy Hopkins of Hermosa in conjunction with the city Police Department and City Manager Steve Burrell. The three women, calling themselves Hermosa Beach MOMS, started selling disaster kits as a fundraiser for the local PTO.
Following the hurricanes in the Gulf Coast, Hermosa Beach MOMS took to heart the message of experts who said communication is a key component in surviving a disaster. Because they are also concerned about local crime, the Neighborhood Watch system drew their attention.
They met with Manhattan Beachs Neighborhood Watch and Hermosa officials and began holding planning meetings to develop Hermosa Beach Neighborhood Watch. Hermosa Beach MOMS are looking for people to sigh up as block captains, maintain telephone and email trees for their blocks, pass along crime information, and hold crime prevention meetings.
Hermosa Beach MOMS will be available to answer questions at a booth on the Pier Plaza during the annual Hermosa Beach St. Patricks Day Weekend Parade and festival on Saturday.
St. Patrick's Day Parade and Festival returns to town - It's that time of year again when people all over the country pull out their green clothing and drink the day away in honor of St. Patrick - the patron saint of Ireland. St. Patrick's Day, a religious feast observed by Ireland for thousands of years, celebrates the anniversary of the widely popular saint who lived a somewhat mysterious life and is believed to have died March 17, 460 A.D.
Emergency? HB MOMS group has it covered in Hermosa Beach - There was no Neighborhood Watch, so three women took matters into their own hands. Police say passion will keep their cause alive. If Hurricane Katrina sowed a positive seed somewhere along its path of destruction, it probably sprouted in the hearts of three Hermosa Beach moms. Nancy Amato, Tracy Hopkins and Kelly Kovac-Reedy have jump-started the city's Neighborhood Watch program, which disbanded several years ago.
Mayor Tucker speaks on the State of the City - Serving out his first term in office, newly appointed Peter Tucker addressed a group of community members last Thursday during the fourth annual state of the city address. The event is sponsored by the Hermosa Beach Chamber of Commerce.
Police link pair to home invasion in Manhattan Beach - Two women suspected of meeting a Manhattan Beach actor in a bar and setting him up for a home invasion beating and robbery were sought for questioning Monday. Police released two apparent surveillance shots of the women in a bar but declined to say where they obtained the photographs. The pictures were released Monday in the hope someone can identify them. The crime occurred shortly after 5 a.m. March 2 at actor J. Kevin Scannell's home in the 600 block of Valley Drive. Suspects Pictures on - See the Video of this KCBS channel 2 news story - Manhattan Beach Robbery Leads To Assault After Leaving Hermosa Beach Club Blue 32 Video of Suspects
HB Residents say no' to undergrounding district - In an overwhelming victory, property owners near and around Bonnie Brae Avenue voted against forming an assessment district to underground their utility lines that would have cost on average around $33,000 following a public hearing at the Hermosa Beach City Council meeting Tuesday night. Among the 183 ballots cast, 151 (nearly 84 percent) were no votes to form the district while 32 (about 16 percent) were yes votes.
Four HB City Council candidates will run in June race - Following a nearly month long filing period, four Hermosa Beach residents have tossed in their name as one of the candidates for a special City Council race slated in June that will fill one open seat on the five-member body. Patrick Kit Bobko, Janice Brittain, Jeff Duclos and Jeff Maxwell will all be running in the June election. All of the candidates with the exception of Brittain participated in the November election.
Former Mira Costa student, 27, succumbs to injuries - Mira Costa High School graduate Ashlyn Dyer died due to injuries sustained when she was struck by a hit-and-run driver March 2 in San Francisco. She was 27. Dyer died on March 12 with friends and family by her side. Although there were early signs of improvement, it became apparent from tests that she had sustained severe and irreversible brain damage caused by lack of oxygen, states a Web page post created to keep friends and family apprised of Dyer's condition.
Police searching for suspects in beating - Manhattan Beach Police released pictures of two female suspects who were involved in a recent home invasion robbery that left the victims severely beaten. Four suspects, the two women and two unidentified men, were involved in the attack and authorities are hoping that someone will recognize the women and contact the authorities, said Sgt. Steve Tobias. The victims, Kevin Scannell, 54, and Sheila Becker, 43, of Redondo Beach, met the two women while at a bar in Hermosa Beach Wednesday night, March 1.
HB City Council summary - Firefighter salaries - The Hermosa Beach City Council Tuesday night voted to approve a pay raise for the Hermosa Beach Firefighters Association after the city and the bargaining unit reached an impasse in wages, hours and working conditions with the group. The council, in a 4-1 vote with Councilman Michael Keegan dissenting, voted to approve a 5-percent raise retroactively applied from Nov. 1, 2005, to June 30, 2006, at which time both parties will return to the bargaining table.
$20,000 reward offered in Presidio hit-and-run death of former Costa grad - A $20,000 no-questions-asked reward has been offered for information related to the hit-and-run death of a 27-year-old San Francisco woman earlier this month in The Presidio. The reward is being offered jointly by The City and the Presidio Parks Trust in hopes of getting information that will close the mystery of Ashlyn Dyers death on the morning of March 2.
HB voters ditch utility project - Bonnie Brae residents reject plan to underground wires, saying they can't justify the ballooning costs. Residents of the Bonnie Brae neighborhood in Hermosa Beach gave an emphatic "no" to burying utility wires underground, voting overwhelmingly against the pricey project. Of the 183 ballots received, nearly 84 percent voted against and only 16 percent favored the undergrounding. Balloting was weighted based on the size of an owner's property.
Man posing as police officer fondles woman in El Segundo - A man posing as a police officer conducting a traffic stop in El Segundo fondled a woman and said her problem would go away if she engaged in a sex act with him, police said Monday. The woman was sitting in her parked car at 11:45 p.m. Saturday in the 100 block of Maple Avenue when another car pulled behind her, police said. Leaving the headlights on, a man walked up to the woman's window and told her he had seen her weaving while driving down the street, El Segundo police Lt. Walt Krumbach said.
See the Video of this KCBS channel 2 news story - Man Poses As El Segundo Police Officer, fondles woman -
Plaza El Segundo slated to open in November - With concerns about traffic congestion assuaged for now and with solid backing by local governments, El Segundo's expansive shopping center with its array of corporate chain stores, boutiques and restaurants is slated to open in November. It will be our first major retail center in El Segundo, said City Councilman Carl Jacobson. The sales tax (revenue) is definitely needed and it's convenient for the residents. The HBNA Newsletter for March 11, 2006
Locals moms create Watch - In the hopes of better preparing Hermosa Beach residents in the event of a disaster, emergency or major crime, three local mothers have organized a Neighborhood Watch effort that they hope will involve the entire city. Kelly Kovac-Reedy, Nancy Amato and Tracy Hopkins, with the assistance of the Hermosa Beach Police Department and City Manager Steve Burrell, have established the program and hope to recruit 100 street block captains in time for the start of the city's centennial celebration in January 2007.
Delaney HB rape case dismissed - Motion is granted after the prosecutor says the Manhattan Beach teacher accused of sexual assault in Hermosa Beach would not be retried. Two trials and nearly three years passed before a visibly relieved Aran Delaney was able to walk out of a courtroom Friday without facing the possibility of prison time for an alleged sexual assault in Hermosa Beach. Following a second mistrial that ended last month, a prosecutor indicated she would not retry Delaney for rape and sodomy, and a judge granted the defense's motion to dismiss.
$13.1 million HB school bond measure put on ballot - The Hermosa Beach school board says funds from tax and a building "naming-rights" campaign are needed for Valley School. The Hermosa Beach school board has voted unanimously to place a $13.1 million school bond measure on the June ballot, four years after a similar measure was approved, because a lawsuit and soaring costs have delayed construction and put the district's projects seriously over budget. The amount sought nearly matches a 2002 bond measure to fund new school district classrooms, and will be supplemented by a first-of-its-kind "naming rights" campaign that has the district selling opportunities for naming a building.
Commission approves events for city's centennial - The Hermosa Beach Parks and Recreation Commission Tuesday night voted 4-0 to approve three events slated for 2007 as part of the yearlong celebration of the city's 100th birthday that will being in January and most likely end in the fall, and several fund-raising efforts that will assist in paying for such affairs. The commission's vote serves as a recommendation to the City Council, which will review the matter at its meeting March 14. Commissioner Robert Bell was absent from Tuesday's meeting.
South Bay's June races shape up - Hermosa Beach: Four candidates filed to run for one Hermosa Beach City Council seat. They are Janice Brittain, a retired Los Angeles Unified School District adult school principal; attorney Patrick "Kit" Bobko; Jeff Duclos, a public relations consultant and college teacher; and Jeff Maxwell, owner of Palos Verdes Limousine. Duclos and Bobko finished fourth and fifth, respectively, in November's election. Maxwell finished seventh.
What is Your Opinion? Plans are under way for the upgrading and renovation of Upper Pier Ave, Aviation Blvd and PCH. 1. How Many More Alcohol Outlets Are Needed On Pier Ave, Aviation Bl and PCH? Take a look at GIS map that details the Alcohol Outlet Density in Hermosa Beach.
Kite festival fun for the whole family - The Redondo Beach pier will host a festival this Sunday featuring kites, yo-yos and a flying 10-foot-tall bear. The 32nd annual Festival of the Kite will have something for everyone according to organizer Tom Fine. Visitors can come and watch an exhibition of sport kite ballet, participate in a yo-yo competition or just hang out and listen to live ethnic Peruvian music. The free event will also include a drum circle and an all-day kite contest for children. Prizes will be given out to the best handmade and highest flying kites. The festival begins at noon and lasts until 5 p.m. Fine said that different things will be happening all over the pier.
Details emerge about suspect in Manhattan Beach slaying - Hearing sheds light on the arrest of Herbert Gonzalez, held in connection with a housekeeper's death. A man arrested in connection with the death of a housekeeper, whose charred remains were found inside a burned-out Manhattan Beach apartment, was identified by a former relative as the suspect seen on surveillance camera videotape, a detective said Friday. During Herbert Gonzalez's preliminary hearing, some of the mystery surrounding the slaying of Libia Cabrera, 39, was lifted as investigators laid out how they came to suspect Gonzalez's involvement in the April 11 crime.
Sex and intoxication among women more common on spring break according to AMA poll - Alcohol and sex play a prominent and potentially dangerous role in spring break trips of college co-eds according to an American Medical Association (AMA) poll released today. Eighty-three percent of the respondents agreed spring break trips involve more or heavier drinking than occurs on college campuses and 74 percent said spring break trips result in increased sexual activity. The poll of college women and graduates, aged 17-35, was funded as part of the AMA's initiative to reduce high-risk drinking on college and university campuses.
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3 sentenced to 6 years in prison each in OC sexual assault - The son of a former Orange County assistant sheriff and two friends were each sentenced Friday in Santa Ana to six years in prison for the videotaped sexual assault of an unconscious teenage girl. Superior Court Judge Francisco Briseno sentenced Gregory Haidl, 20, the son of former Assistant Sheriff Don Haidl, and co-defendants Kyle Nachreiner and Keith Spann, both 21, after four hours of emotional testimony from the victim, two of the three defendants and family members on both sides of the case.
- When you get this KCBS-TV web page, Click on the "PLAY Button on the Lower Left of the TV window, to start this news story.
FBI nets alleged sexual predator - An El Segundo engineer who used explicit language in extensive Internet chats with what he allegedly believed was a 12-year-old girl was charged Thursday with trying to entice her into sex acts. Daniel Ross Best, 52, was arrested Wednesday when he arrived at a West Los Angeles mall for a rendezvous, according to a complaint filed against him in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles. Best had no idea that "Melissa," a seventh-grader who sometimes talked of needing to do her homework, was actually an undercover FBI agent.
- When you get this KCBS-TV web page, Click on the "PLAY Button on the Lower Left of the TV window, to start this news story.
California Supreme Court eases sex offender standard - California's justices overturned state law requiring adults 21 years or older who are convicted of having oral sex with 16- and 17-year-olds to automatically register as a sex offender for life. The California Supreme Court, ruling 6-1, said the 1947 law was unconstitutional. The majority said that the law was too harsh or unfair because adults 21 or older who are convicted of having sex with minors ages 16 and 17 are not mandated to register as sex offenders.
Website Puts Crime Tracking on the Map - Interactive LAPD service allows residents to view recent crime data from throughout the city. Angelenos can play gumshoe Philip Marlowe and track crime patterns in their neighborhoods and throughout the city, thanks to a new, high-tech initiative from the Los Angeles Police Department. he LAPD's interactive crime mapping, which went up on the department's website late Wednesday, allows users to pinpoint by date and location specific crimes, including robbery, assault, rape and homicide, up to five miles from their own addresses or anybody else's. The HBNA Newsletter for March 4, 2006
2 seriously injured in attack at Manhattan Beach home - Actor who has appeared in dozens of roles is believed to be one of those hurt. Victims were stalked and attacked after returning from Hermosa Beach club. An actor who has appeared in dozens of small roles in television shows, movies and on Broadway was attacked Thursday morning when robbers invaded his Manhattan Beach home. J. Kevin Scannell, 54, and a 43-year-old woman suffered serious injuries in the robbery, which occurred about 5 a.m. in the 600 block of Valley Drive.
HB City Council summary - Deny claim - The council voted to deny the claim of a Lomita man who alleges that he was falsely arrested in the early morning of Aug. 26, 2005, on the pier plaza. Donald Morgan claims that police arrested him and did not give him a breathalizer test. Police grabbed me, handcuffed me, searched me and took my work tools, and caused me to lose my job (that I had just gotten) as they put me in jail and took my work tools causing me to lose more than 150 days of work, states Morgan in his claim. He also stated that police failed, To give a breathalizer test or other test for sobriety (and was not drunk, did not drink). Morgan said the total damages incurred to date are nearly $19,000 and that the total prospective damages are $2 million.
Edison gets an earful from Hermosa Beach residents - Irate citizens and City Council members challenge the energy company on the rising cost of its utility line undergrounding program. Hermosa Beach residents and City Council members lashed out at Southern California Edison this week, claiming the utility's slow progress on undergrounding projects has led to skyrocketing costs and made such improvements unaffordable for many.
New Valley School project will include classrooms - The Hermosa Beach School Board last week voted to approve a new design plan for the construction project at Hermosa Valley School that will once again include two classrooms in the plans that also reflect the building of a gym and library. At the Feb. 21 meeting, John Reeves of the district-hired architecture firm Dougherty & Dougherty presented a reduced scope of the project in which the ground level of the main building that will house the school gym would include infrastructure to build classrooms on the second story in the future.
Police claims nixed, Edison hammered by the HB City Council - The Hermosa Beach City Council on Tuesday rejected two administrative claims against the Hermosa Beach Police Department, including one by a man who claimed he was forced from a wheelchair and suffered a concussion and injuries to his neck and arms when he was violently arrested. The council also sharply criticized cost increases and engineering delays in a proposed project to bury overhead utility lines, at the expense of property owners, in an area of town spreading northeast from Ralphs Shopping Center.
What is Your Opinion? Plans are under way for the upgrading and renovation of Upper Pier Ave, Aviation Blvd and PCH. 1. How Many More Alcohol Outlets Are Needed On Pier Ave, Aviation Bl and PCH? Take a look at GIS map that details the Alcohol Outlet Density in Hermosa Beach.
Former Teacher Acquitted Of Sexual Assault Charge - A Torrance Superior Court jury acquitted a former Catholic school teacher Wednesday of sexually assaulting another educator in Hermosa Beach. Aran Delaneys first trial ended in October 2004 after the jury deadlocked on three counts of sexual assault. The present jury acquitted 29-year-old Delaney of one count of penetration by a foreign object, deadlocked 11 to one on a rape count and 10-2 on a sodomy charge, both in favor of acquittal.
Torrance debate over RV parking is far from over - Torrance RV enthusiasts and some of their exasperated neighbors will have to wait a little longer to find out if there will be new on-street parking restrictions for motor homes, trailers and other supersized barges. Capping hours of public testimony, the Torrance City Council voted late Tuesday to continue discussing the issue at its March 28 meeting.
Popular charity event returns - Marking its 10th anniversary, the annual Hearts of Hermosa charity event sponsored by the Hermosa Beach Education Foundation will return to town next week as the nonprofit's most notable fund-raiser of the year in the hopes of generating thousands of dollars for the local public school system. This year's festivities known as ? on 10 will take place at Sangria restaurant located on the pier plaza for the second consecutive year next Friday, March 10, from about 6 p.m. to midnight.
Cycling race takes over South Redondo - Like a street in an Old West ghost town, Catalina Avenue was completely empty. All was silent save the quiet murmur of the crowd that lined the sidewalks. Suddenly, something turned the corner at the top of the hill. People craned their necks to see what it was. A black and white Dodge Durango tore down the street with lights flashing. The crowd began pulsing with excitement. Then, like a river that has burst through a dam and is rushing down a dry riverbed, cyclists began pouring into the street. The crowd roared and a chorus of cowbells echoed throughout the Village.
Local hopes to hear, You're hired' - Since the first broadcast of the NBC show The Apprentice, New York City magnate Donald Trump has been forever associated with the saying, You're fired. According to NBC's Web site, the latest season of the reality series kicked off last Monday and has attracted candidates from all over the world such as the former U.S.S.R., England and Canada along with the U.S. The contestants' ages range from 22 to 38 with professions that range from a sticker company owner to a clothing designer to a criminal defense attorney.
Tests indicate contaminated sand now bacteria-free - Tests show that the beach near 21st Street where large sand berms were created to stop sewage from entering the ocean is bacteria-free after crews treated the area with a bleach and water solution. Tests conducted by the Los Angeles County Sanitation District indicate that the sand is bacteria-free and officials are waiting to hear the results of tests done independently by the Department of Health Services, said Sanitation District spokesman Don Avila.
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