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HBPD Chief of Police reports to the Hermosa Beach City Council and city council actions - For the HBNA candidate forum on May 25, 2006 at the Hermosa Beach City Council Chambers, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

e-mailed to all the Hermosa Beach City Council candidates.

All the e-mails the HBNA sent to the candidates for the HBNA Candidate Forum

May 1, 2006 e-mail to the HB City Council candidates

May 11, 2006 e-mail to the HB City Council candidates

May 15, 2006 e-mail to the HB City Council candidates

May 21, 2006 e-mail to the HB City Council candidates

May 22, 2006 e-mail to the HB City Council candidates

May 23, 2006 e-mail to the HB City Council candidates

Hermosa Beach Crime Statistics - MS Excel Spreadsheets

These Excel spreadsheets were e-mailed to all four Hermosa Beach City Council Candidates

for use in the HBNA Candidate Forum on May 25, 2006.

fpdb/HBPD CRIME STATS - 1995 to 2004 p3.xls

fpdb/CJSC - BCH CITIES CRIME STATS 1998 to 2004 p.xls



Hit Counter


From: Hermosa Beach Neighborhood Assoc. []
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 12:32 PM
To: Kit Bobko (
Subject: HBPD Chief of Police reports to the Hermosa Beach City Council and city council actions - For the HBNA candidate forum on May 25, 2006 at the Hermosa Beach City Council Chambers, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.




To:      Patrick “Kit” Bobko                                                                   May 23, 2006
           Hermosa Beach City Council candidate




From:   Alan Benson    

             The Hermosa Beach Neighborhood Association                                                                                   

             Hermosa Beach, CA  90254





Re:      Reports for from HBPD Chief of Police and HB City Council actions




Hi Kit,


Here is some additional information for the HBNA candidate forum on May 25, 2006 at the Hermosa Beach City Council Chambers, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.


This e-mail includes a number of reports from the former HBPD Chief of Police, Michael Lavin, to the Hermosa Beach City Council and HB Planning Commission, from 2002 to 2005.


The Conditional Use Permits for the alcohol outlets on Pier Plaza are also included at the end of this e-mail.


The HBNA candidate forum will be broadcast live and replayed on Adelphia channel 8.



Best regards,


Al Benson




Hermosa Beach Police Department


Office of the Chief of Police




Tuesday, November 05, 2002


TO:                  Steve Burrell, City Manager


FROM:            Michael Lavin, Chief of Police


SUBEJCT:      Disturbance Calls at Nightclubs and Bars


We have conducted a tally of service calls at most of the popular nightclubs and bars in town.  The time frame selected was from October 1, 2001 to September 30, 2002. 


The computer provided a listing of all calls associated with each business and address.  However, I tallied up only calls that were classified as disturbance or “415” calls.  I also tallied up all calls that were classified as assault or “242/245” calls and all calls classified as drunk in public or “647f” calls. 


It is important to realize that although the dispatcher entered the call as a 415 or 242 call based on the initial information obtained, the call may have turned out completely different. 


Many of the 415 calls probably turned into assault reports and arrests or arrests for drunk in public.  Likewise, a call labeled as an assault call, may have resulted in no arrest or report. 


However, I feel that it is fair to say that these three types of calls are in reality disturbance calls.  It is not surprising to note which establishments provided the highest levels of call activity.



Business                     Address                       Disturbance Calls       Assault            Public Drunkeness


Poop Deck                  1272 Strand                               5                        0                              1

The Mermaid               11 Pier Ave.                               5                        0                              0

Cantina Real               19 Pier Ave.                               4                        1                              0

Brewski’s                    73 Pier Ave.                               4                        1                              0

Einstein’s                    1301 Manhattan Ave.               26                        4                              1

Aloha Sharkeez         52 Pier Ave.                           73                        2                              2

Point 705                     705 Pier Ave.                             6                        2                              1

Pitcher House 142 PCH                                                7                        2                              0

Hermosa Saloon         211 PCH                                   6                        2                              1

Shark’s Cove              1220 Hermosa Ave.                11                        1                              0

TJ Charley’s                1332 Hermosa Ave.                  6                        1                              1

Sangria                       68 Pier Ave.                           58                        4                              3

Patrick Malloy’s           50 Pier Ave.                             44                        5                              0

Hennessy’s                 8 Pier Ave.                               19                        1                              3

Beach Club                 22 Pier Ave.                             44                        4                              1

Dano’s             1320 Hermosa Ave.                              8                        2                              2


                                                            Total:               326                     32                             16


Respectfully submitted,



Michael Lavin, Chief of Police








Thursday, February 26, 2004     


TO:                    Stephen Burrell, City Manager 


FROM:              Michael Lavin, Chief of Police


SUBJECT:        Abbreviated Call Histories


I have attached the abbreviated call histories of the nightclubs and taverns listed in my report to the Planning Commission.  I have highlighted those calls that are considered to be disturbance calls.  Those calls under the "Type" column that are listed as "415, 647f, 242, 245 and UNTRB” designate disturbance types of calls.  These call histories do not indicate which calls occurred inside the business and which occurred in front of or near the business and they do not indicate which calls may have occurred near the business but had no connection with their particular business.  For example, if an officer spotted a fight breaking out in front of a bar that officer would inform dispatch of the fight and that it was occurring in front of that particular bar.  The call would be entered as a fight in front of that bar.  Generally there is no attempt to determine if the fight had any connection with that bar.  The officer’s objective is to simply stop the fight.


These abbreviated call histories are in my opinion one indicator of activity levels at these various establishments.  While it is the case that some of these calls happened in front of or near a particular business but had no connection to the business, believe it is reasonable to say the majority of these calls are directly or indirectly connected to the address indicated.


I realize that there might be some argument that these calls are taking place in front of these nightclubs and have nothing to do with the business operation.  However, it is my opinion that the majority of these calls are directly or indirectly connected to the listed business.  For example I have spoken with officers that have worked the downtown foot patrols for many years.  It was certainly no surprise to them that Sangria and Sharkeez have had and continue to have the most disturbances connected to their businesses. 


I should also point out that if a call takes place on the plaza or if officers put themselves out on the plaza with some type of incident, the call is categorized as "2 Pier PZ."  I have attached a printout of calls just associated with the plaza from August 2. 2003 to February 20 2004.  There is total of 79 calls associated with just the plaza during this period. 


The police department is seeing an ever-increasing level of violence in the downtown.  There have been some serious incidents that have taken place.  We have determined that it is now necessary to staff foot patrols in the downtown every night of the week except Monday nights.


We are seeing gang members in greater numbers and people that simply come to Hermosa to brawl and cause problems.  We are attempting to find out why this type of customer is coming here.




Hermosa Beach Police Department


Office of the Chief of Police




Tuesday, February 17, 2004


TO:                  Sol Blumenfeld, Director of Community Development


FROM:            Michael Lavin, Chief of Police


SUBEJCT:      Request CUP Review by the Planning Commission of Aloha Sharkeez and Sangria



For the past several years the City of Hermosa Beach has enjoyed a very popular downtown area.  In particular, the Hermosa nightlife has become very popular and several thousand patrons frequent the downtown nightclubs especially on the weekend nights. 


The police department has had to increase the amount of enforcement activity on the Hermosa Plaza to keep a lid on the crowds and the associated public disturbances, assaults and public intoxication that have become very common place each evening between the hours of 10:00 PM and 2:30 AM.  The police department is staffing nightly foot patrols on the plaza each evening with the exception on Monday nights.  There are additional foot patrols on the weekend nights.  There are additional foot patrols on the weekend nights.


All of this activity is paid through overtime and is costing the City several hundreds of thousands of dollars each year.  This activity on the Plaza has also been a source of numerous personnel complaints against officers, claims against the City, lawsuits and injuries to officers.  All of these activities have associated costs as well.


In reviewing the call logs of various downtown businesses, it is obvious that Aloha Sharkeez and Sangria create a lot of business for the police department.  


Attached to this memorandum is a report dated November 5, 2002 addressed to the City Manager Stephen Burrell.  In that report, staff tabulated the number of calls associated with each of the listed businesses that specifically dealt with disturbances, assaults and public intoxication.


You will note that the two leaders at the time were Aloha Sharkeez and Sangria.  We have complied additional data regarding the downtown establishments to provide an update of recent activity levels. 


However, I have combined all three categories of calls relating to assaults and public intoxication with all disturbances.  In essence, all these categories of all calls are in reality disturbances.


The call history period is from December 1, 2002 until approximately January 10, 2004.



Business                                Address                                  Disturbance calls


Pitcher House                         142 PCH                                             17

Hermosa Yacht Club              66 Hermosa Ave.                                  3

Barnicles                                 837 Hermosa Ave.                                5

Poop Deck                              1272 The Strand                                   2

Point 705                                 705 Pier Ave.                                       10

Hermosa Saloon                     211 PCH                                             16

North End Bar                         2626 Hermosa Ave.                            13

Mermaid                                  11 Pier Ave.                 `                         5

Patrick Malloy’s                       50 Pier Ave.                                           1

Shark’s Cove                          1220 Hermosa Ave.                              6

TJ Charliez                              1332 Hermosa Ave.                            13

Underground                           1334 Hermosa Ave.                            33

Hennessey’s                           8 Pier Ave.                                           11

Café Boogaloo                        1238 Hermosa Ave.                              3

The Lighthouse                       30 Pier Ave.                                         45

Sangria                                   68 Pier Ave.                                       83

Aloha Sharkeez                     52 Pier Ave.                                       71


I respectfully request that the Planning Commission review the conditional use permits to Sangria and Aloha Sharkeez.


Respectfully submitted,



Michael Lavin, Chief of Police

Hermosa Beach Police Department


February 19, 2003      


Honorable Mayor and Members of the Hermosa Beach City Council

Regular Meeting of February 25, 2003





That the City Council review the information provided by staff and the information provided by the downtown area businesses and provide any further direction to staff on any changes to policies.



The City Council, at its meeting of January 28, 2003, appointed a City Council subcommittee of Councilmembers J.R. Reviczky and Art Yoon to meet with downtown area business operators in order to begin working on a plan to address the concerns that had been expressed about increased fighting in the downtown area during the past few months. The business group coordinated with staff and a meeting was held on Monday, February 3, 2003 with most, if not all, restaurants, taverns and bars represented. The business group had a lively discussion on how they viewed the problem and what steps they could take to reduce the problems. A number of business owners/operators spoke and many had specific suggestions on what they could do to improve the downtown area. The business group, with assistance from the Chamber of Commerce, has written a report that is attached for your review.


Some of the specific proposals included adding lights on the fronts of each business that could be turned on when the business closes. A radio system between businesses was suggested so they could communicate problems or provide assistance to each other. The volume and type of music was discussed by the business operators and they all seemed to believe they could impact the behavior if the music was changes or mixed up to include a wider variety of music. A ban on drink specials was also suggested.


Staff that attended the business meeting included the Police Chief, Fire Chief and City Manager. The Police Chief stated his concerns about over-serving, over-crowding, making sure I.D.s are being checked and lowering the volume of the music. The Fire Chief mentioned the ongoing issue of over-crowding and that during the past weekend a number of the businesses were over their posted occupancy limits. It was noted that the City would be checking and would issue a citation if a business were found to be over the approved limit.


It was also noted that ABC was involved in following up on some complaints in the downtown area.


There were also a few other items that were discussed including banners, sidewalk signs, unauthorized items in the encroachment areas and other CUP compliance issues. Staff will, as a matter of course, follow-up on these issues. This follow-up will include checking occupancy during busy times, both on a complaint basis as well as an area wide check. In addition, we will review the CUPs and encroachment permits to ensure that everyone is up to date. Those who are not will be given an opportunity to correct the issue. If the violation is not corrected, then either a citation would be issued or referral to the Planning Commission for a CUP violation would follow. Encroachment issues would be referred to the City Council.


Respectfully submitted,



Stephen R. Burrell
City Manager





The following are official City documents, from the packet for the city council meeting of February 25. 2003. 




of the City of Hermosa Beach, California, held on Tuesday, February 25, 2003, at the hour of 7:24 p.m.



a.     DOWNTOWN AREA ACTIVITIES - DISCUSSION ITEM. Memorandum from City Manager Stephen Burrell dated February 19, 2003 (PDF File).

City Manager Burrell presented the staff report and responded to Council questions. Subcommittee members Reviczky and Yoon reported on a very productive meeting with the business owners and said it was made clear that the City expects none of the past problems to continue.

Action: To receive and file the report.
Motion Keegan, second Yoon. The motion carried by a unanimous vote.




Restaurant and Tavern Meeting


This is a response to the meeting we set up with the City Monday January 27, 2003 to find out what concerns the City had with the Lower Pier Ave. area and surrounding areas.  Present at the meeting for the City were Art Yoon, J.R. Revicky, Steve Burrell, Chief of Police and Fire Chief.


Present at the meeting were representatives from Downtown Restaurant and Tavern Assoc.


The following are the concerns the City aired regarding the downtown area:


1)      Underage Drinking

2)      Unusual Amount of Altercations

3)      Capacity Concerns

4)      Over Serving


On Friday February 14, 2003 most to the restaurant and tavern owners and their managers got together to discuss the city’s concerns.  The following is the list of solutions we have put together:


1)      Underage Drinking: More vigilant in the checking of ID’s, in conjunction with utilizing electronic scanners / ID readers, flashlight, work closer with police, send staff to ABC course (LEADS) to get better handle on how to spot questionable ID’s.  Improve training and hiring of door host.


2)      Altercations: Stiffen-up dress code and enforce, put on more doormen, handle perceived problems before they start.  Utilized walkie-talkies / pagers to inform other establishments of trouble makers, keep a list of trouble makers and make it clear that a “Three Strike Rule” applies.


3)      Capacity Issues: Work closer with the City and Fire Department to get a fair occupancy load, keep a reasonable number, come up with ways, to legally expand occupancy.


4)      Over Serving: Have bar staff take ABC course (LEADS) in order to be able to monitor patrons.  Have management and doormen on the look out for obviously intoxicated individuals.


5)      Music: Improve music rotation, more upbeat, KROC and Classics, less Hip-Hop, Punk, and Rap.  At the end of the night; slow music down, turn up lights gradually.


6)      Other thoughts / Ideas: At the beginning of each night meet with the police liaison (the most visible of all officers) to discuss the evening and the previous night.  Help move patrons off promenade; install flood lights to light up promenade for the closing hours.


It is our objective to work with the City to make the Downtown area and surrounding areas a better and safer place to visit.  Together we should address problems as the occur.






9.    C-36 -- Review of incident reports for Pier Plaza and downtown area. (PDF File).




Honorable Chairman and Members of the                         Regular Meeting of

Hermosa Beach Planning Commission                                        March 16, 2004






That the Planning Commission receive and file this report.



On January 20, 2004, the Planning Commission conducted an annual review of downtown

conditional use permits and directed staff to provide police incidents reports for the



The incident reports were provided at the February 17, 2004 meeting and the

Commission reviewed the incident reports and a memorandum from the Police Chief. The

Planning Commission directed staff to set a hearing for review of two business conditional

use permits and further directed staff to have the code enforcement officer investigate whether

there were any code or CUP violations.




In response to the Commission direction, staff has reviewed the incident information again

and rather than proceeding at this time on a program to review two businesses, staff suggests a

broader approach to deal with area problems or concerns.


This approach should focus on a reduction of the number of police and fire response calls

and ensure that the Downtown area is not taking an undo amount of city resources.


As you may be aware, from time to time staff has met with representatives of all of the Pier Plaza

and Downtown businesses to review issues and concerns that have been expressed about the

operation of businesses, general activities and special events.


These meetings have been an effective communication tool in the past, and with active and

continued participation by all concerned parties, staff is confident that they can be an effective

tool to deal with the present concerns. The task for this group will be to come up an area wide

approach and solutions that result in less need for police response in the downtown.


The group will include participation from area merchants and staff and can be expanded to include

others, should there be broader interest in participating. Once the group has developed strategies

and a consensus for dealing with area concerns, staff will document the recommendations, which

can be made available to the Planning Commission and the City Council for review and possible



Further actions may include changes to conditional use permits or other parts of the Municipal Code.

This approach is being suggested as it is difficult to lay the blame at any one business in the

area. Hopefully, this will allow for a broad discussion of the problem and potential solutions.



____________________________ __________________________

Sol Blumenfeld, Director Mike Lavin,

Community Development Police Chief


Russell Tingley,

Fire Chief



Stephen R. Burrell,

City Manager







MARCH 16, 2004, 7:00 P.M.,





Present:  Commissioners Allen, Hoffman, Perrotti, Pizer, Chairman Kersenboom

Absent:  None

Also Present:  Sol Blumenfeld, Community Development Director

Ken Robertson, Senior Planner

Denise Bothe, Recording Secretary

Chairman Kersenboom requested that Agenda Item No. 9, Review of Incident Reports for Pier Plaza and Downtown Area, be considered as the next order of business so that the police and fire personnel do not have to wait. No objection was noted.

(Item 9 was considered out of Agenda order.)


9.    C-36 -- Review of incident reports for Pier Plaza and downtown area. (PDF File).


Staff Recommended Action: To receive and file.


Director Blumenfeld noted that at the January meeting, the Planning Commission conducted its annual review of Downtown conditional use permits for those that require periodic reviews; advised that the Police Department provided a tally of the incident reports; stated that Police Chief Lavin expressed concern with the operations of some of the Downtown businesses due to the increasing number of reported police calls at or nearby these businesses; and that as a result of that memorandum from Chief Lavin, the Planning Commission felt compelled to review the matter with the Police and Fire Departments.


As a result of conversations among City staff, the City Manager, the Police and Fire Departments, it has been decided that it would not be appropriate to conduct a review of the two businesses in question because there isn't enough evidence at this point to indicate that these two businesses are in violation of their conditional use permits; stated that staff is proposing to meet with some of the Downtown businesses to review the concerns, such as discussing operational issues, security; and that based on those discussions, to develop a mutual strategy to ensure area wide code enforcement rather than site specific code enforcement.


Director Blumenfeld stated that staff is proposing that these meetings take place over the next few months; that the City Manager and staff will make arrangements to meet with the Downtown business owners/operators. He added that what might come from these meetings is the desire to add common area security activity. He suggested the code enforcement team may include members from various departments, such as Community Development, Fire Department, and the Police Department.


Police Chief Lavin introduced Lieutenant Lance Jacola and Sergeant Kevin Gabrielle, who have spent a great deal of time working Downtown for a number of years and who are familiar with the problems. He advised that the Police Department is experiencing a larger number of problems in the Downtown area and arresting an increasing number of individuals; stated that the Police Department has already begun to meet with some of the business owners/operators - such as Sangria and the Light House - to talk about some of the issues of concern; and that the business owners/operators have responded in a positive manner to these discussions.


Commissioner Hoffman noted the reason that this issue is being addressed is the Planning Commission received a letter from Police Chief Lavin asking that the Commission look at the conditional use permits of Sangria and the Light House; and questioned if Police Chief Lavin is comfortable with the new proposal to meet and confer with the business owners/operators and various City staff.


Police Chief Lavin noted for Commissioner Hoffman that he would like to meet with the businesses to address his concerns.


Commissioner Hoffman noted that at this point, this issue is out of the Planning Commission's hands and that the kind of policy the City is now proposing needs to be worked out with various City staff, Police and Fire Department personnel and the business owners/operators.


Vice-Chairman Perrotti questioned if the incident reports can better identify how or where an incident occurred.

Police Chief Lavin noted for Vice-Chairman Perrotti that the incidents are captured more accurately and that he had provided the Commission with an abbreviated report; and stated that the Department does have more complete reports relating to the incidents. He advised that the Police Department is starting to see a rowdier clientele frequenting the Downtown area, even gang members.


Commissioner Pizer questioned if the Police Department has taken into consideration the problems with liquor stores selling alcohol to people early in the morning.


Sergeant Kevin Gabrielle advised that there are three areas of concern with regard to the taverns themselves - over-crowding of an establishment, over-serving of alcohol, and serving under-aged people.


He commented on the Foot Patrol members meeting with bar staff and security personnel to educate them on identifying false I.D.'s and to address other areas of concern; and stated that these businesses are encouraged to contact the Police Department if they need assistance in any area of concern.


With regard to the liquor stores, he confirmed that the alcohol sales do pose some problems early in the morning throughout the City, noting that the level of intoxication goes up around the holidays. He advised that the Police Department is seeing an increase in more violence as far as serious incidents than has been experienced in the past; and stated that some of the officers have been injured.


He stated that these issues are being discussed with the business owners/operators and that they are trying to work toward a solution; and stated that these meetings with the Foot Patrol will soon result in a report that will be presented to the City.


Vice-Chairman Perrotti commented on past plans to reduce the use of bottled liquor after a certain hour.

Responding to Vice-Chairman Perrotti's comment, Sergeant Gabrielle advised that approximately 3 to 4 years ago, he obtained the cooperation from 70 percent of the businesses to not serve bottles of alcohol after midnight, that they were serving alcohol in plastic cups; but advised that because this activity has fallen off, it is something that should be revisited during the discussions.


Fire Chief Russell Tingly provided a general overview of what the Fire Department does in response to the Pier Plaza and Downtown area; advised that there are basically two types of incidents that draw the Fire Department Downtown: one being occupant load issues and the other being paramedic response/support. With regard to occupant load issues, he noted that the Foot Patrol sometimes does contacts the Fire Department when there is a concern with a great number of people inside an establishment and that calls are also received from patrons who feel uncomfortable or unsafe inside an establishment.


He commented on the considerable effort it takes to conduct the inspections of the establishments when there is a concern with over-crowding - highlighting the task of counting with clicker devices the number of patrons inside a business.


He noted that the number of citations being written has increased from 1 to 2 per year up to a peak of 5 last year. He noted his support for staff to work with these businesses to come to a solution with the various concerns.


Fire Chief Tingly noted for Vice-Chairman Perrotti that the Fire Department has asked the businesses to use these counting clickers, but that the businesses are not required to count with this method.


He stated that when there is an issue of over-crowding, both the Fire Department personnel and the doormen/security will compare patron counts; and stated that if the Department issues a citation, no less than 3 clicker counts would be compared.


Vice-Chairman Perrotti requested a status report on the code enforcement activity at the Pitcher House.

Director Blumenfeld noted for Vice-Chairman Perrotti that a Code Enforcement Officer visited this business establishment on Friday, February 17, 2004, from 10:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M. advised that the Code Enforcement Officer found at the Pitcher House that there was a live band playing rock 'n roll; that the doors and windows were closed, as is required; that there was a security guard at the front door, which is also a requirement; that there was additional security personnel inside, which isn't a requirement; and stated that the Code Enforcement Officer did not notice any rowdy behavior or observe any noise outside the business establishment.


Director Blumenfeld noted that the Code Enforcement Officer indicated that when the band was playing, if one was standing immediately adjacent to the north wall of the business to hear the music, it was audible, but not loud; that the music was also audible across the street at the parking lot immediately across from the establishment, but that it was only audible if there was no traffic on Pacific Coast Highway. Director Blumenfeld advised that when he has been out to this business establishment himself at those same hours, he found that there was not a significant amount of noise; and that there was some noise but not enough to make a determination that it was a violation of the noise ordinance. He added that the Police Department has also been out there from time to time, and that they have also indicated they have not observed noise problems with this establishment.


Director Blumenfeld highlighted Gary Kazanjian's letter that was distributed to the Planning Commission wherein Mr. Kazanjian, who is a business owner on upper Pier Avenue, complains that his business and some of the businesses outside of Pier Plaza have suffered some vandalism that he thought might be connected to some of the Downtown bar patrons; and he noted that Mr. Kazanjian was advised of this proposed area wide solution to meet with the business owners to seek a solution to these problems. He noted Mr. Kazanjian's intent to make it clear that upper Pier Plaza businesses are also experiencing problems.


Ron Newman, representing Sharkeys, requested that all sides of this issue be addressed; stated that the crime statistics for the South Bay area indicate that crime has decreased 38 percent in this area since 1995; and stated that this issue should be worked out among the homeowners, the Police and Fire Departments and that no business should be singled out by the City.


Chairman Kersenboom suggested that Mr. Newman work with the new task force.


Karla Merryman, Hermosa Beach Chamber of Commerce, noted her opposition to considering Agenda items out of order.


Director Blumenfeld explained that the Commission had determined that the matter is out of the jurisdiction of the Planning Commission; and that staff, the Police Department and the Fire Department and business owners/operators were seeking a solution to the concerns.


Vice-Chairman Perrotti questioned if there is in place or plan to have an alternate security force in the area.

Ms. Merryman noted for Vice-Chairman Perrotti that the Chamber has addressed the possibility of instituting a volunteer policing group.


David Cohen, 631 6th Street, stated that he has lived in Hermosa Beach for 7 years; explained that he has talked to several of the club owners about sponsoring a Citizen Club Owner Interaction Committee; and advised that it would be necessary to formulate detailed plans on the creation of this interim entity that would monitor the Plaza area, provide a security bubble on holidays, weekends. He explained that these people would act as monitors and would take on a decreased enforcement role but would be supervised by the Police Department. He advised that so far, the club owners have responded in a positive manner; and noted that legal issues still need to be worked out. He noted that the Committee would need to develop a plan, budget, guidelines, review the legal issues, address potential liabilities, identify the scope of duties and responsibilities, review insurance issues, etc.; and stated that he intends on studying similar and successful programs in other jurisdictions.


Director Blumenfeld stated that staff will go forward with these meetings involving the various groups; and that a report of the discussions and solutions will ultimately be presented to the Planning Commission and City Council.

Vice-Chairman Perrotti thanked the Police and Fire personnel for attending this evening's meeting and for providing the information; stated that he was involved with a lot of decisions when the Plaza area was first created with a certain vision in mind, but that the Plaza as it currently exists does not conform to that vision, which is unacceptable.


Michael Morretti, 845 Second Street, stated that since he last attended the Planning Commission meeting to address the noise coming from the Pitcher House, he has recorded 35 hours of audio and video taken from his house of the Pitcher House activities; and he urged the City to take action on the nuisance his family is experiencing.


Director Blumenfeld stated that the Code Enforcement Officer could once again go out to this site to monitor the situation; and that he will also visit the site once again if the Planning Commission so desires another check of the facility. He noted that staff has not yet been able to corroborate the noise complaint by the Morretti's.

Mr. Morretti stated that it has only been the last 2 weekends that a security guard has been on site.


MOTION by Commissioner Hoffman, seconded by Vice-Chairman Perrotti, to RECEIVE AND FILE C-36 -- Review of incident reports for Pier Plaza and downtown area.



May 20, 2004

Honorable Mayor and Members of The Hermosa Beach City Council

Regular meeting of May 25, 2004





Staff recommends that Council:

1. Make a recommendation to the Department of the Alcoholic Beverage Control to reject the application by TJ Charlyz Nightclub and Restaurant to change their existing alcohol license to allow dancing in their establishment.



TJ Charlyz Nightclub and Restaurant at 1332 Hermosa Avenue was issued a type 47alcohol license by the ABC in December of 1996. One of the conditions of the license (condition #5) was no dancing allowed on the premises. Recently, officials of the ABC working with members of the Hermosa Beach Police Department observed that TJ Charlyz was allowing dancing in their establishment. The owner, Mr. Steve Dahdah, was advised by the ABC of the violation of this condition. During April of 2004, Mr. Dahdah applied to the ABC to modify his alcohol license to allow dancing in his establishment. The ABC has formally notified the City of this request to change the license and the City has the opportunity to file a written objection to the modification of this license if it so desires. The Police Department objects to the change in Mr. Dahdah’s alcohol license.



The Police Department has become very concerned with the operations of the nightclub TJ Charlyz. Long before the police department became aware that TJ Charlyz was prohibited from having dancing, our officers have become very concerned about the rowdy behavior at this business. Officers have encountered a number of confrontational patrons. As a result our police officers have had to deal with a number of situations at this establishment. Recently on March 27, 2004 a large fight broke out at TJ’s and a crowd of about 100 persons were dispersed from the area of the bar. Our officers have found and cited persons under the age of 21 drinking inside of the business. The police department has also received information from neighboring police departments regarding gang members patronizing this nightclub.


The owner has expressed concern to our officers about the difficulty of his business competing with the other popular bars and nightclubs of the downtown area. Our foot patrol officers must make a point to monitor activities inside of this particular nightclub because of the rowdy behavior. This is not the case at other adjacent nightclubs such as the Café’ Boogaloo and Sharks Cove where a more noticeably different and well-behaved clientele patronize these businesses.


The applicant has been aware of the fact that he was not to have dancing since 1996.  However, our officers can attest to the fact that there has been dancing at TJ Charlyz for the past few months. Even after TJ Charlyz was informed of the fact that they could not have dancing, dancing continued. Our officers observed dancing inside TJ’s over the weekend of May 15-16, 2004. This is an example of the applicant’s disregard to the conditions imposed by his alcohol license.


While the Police Department is not opposed to dancing in general, the Police Department is concerned about the daily operation of this particular nightclub considering its past. It is felt that if the applicant is allowed to have dancing in the establishment, the same type of rowdy crowd will continue to show up as patrons. Therefore, the Police Department objects to changing this condition in this alcohol license.


Respectfully submitted,










of the City of Hermosa Beach, California, held on Tuesday, May 25, 2004, at the hour of 7:10 p.m.




a.     DEPARTMENT OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL CONCERNING TJ CHARLYZ (1332 HERMOSA AVENUE) REQUEST TO ADD DANCING TO THEIR LICENSE. Memorandum from Police Chief Michael Lavin dated May 17, 2004 (PDF File). Supplemental information, P.C. Resolution No. 03-14 was received on May 25, 2004.


Police Chief Lavin presented the staff report and responded to Council questions.


Action: To recommend to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control the rejection of the application by TJ Charlyz Nightclub and Restaurant to change their existing alcohol license to allow dancing in their establishment.

Motion Reviczky, second Keegan. The motion carried by a unanimous vote.



of the City of Hermosa Beach, California, held on Tuesday, October 26, 2004, at the hour of 7:10 p.m.




a.     REQUEST TO RECONSIDER OBJECTION TO DANCING AT TJ CHARLYZ. Memorandum from City Manager Stephen Burrell dated October 14, 2004.(PDF File).

City Manager Burrell presented the staff report and responded to Council questions. Police Chief Lavin and City Attorney Jenkins also responded to Council questions.


Coming forward to address the Council on this issue were:


Rick Warren – attorney for the business owner, specializing in ABC (Dept. of Alcoholic Beverage Control) licensing issues, said there was dancing for the last seven years, and changes that were made to attract a different clientele had been a mistake and caused the problems, not dancing; said needed changes were discussed during meetings with the City Manager and the Police Chief; said the ban on dancing had decreased business significantly, employees had to be laid off; and sales tax, a benefit to the City, had dropped by two-thirds; said allowing dancing only until midnight would not work because they had live music until 1:30 a.m.; said the ABC would agree to a trial period of a few months to show improvement even with dancing being allowed;


Steve Dahdah – owner of TJ Charlyz, said he had been in business at this location for 22 years and, up until the last seven years, the name of the business was The Strawberry Patch; said the different format he tried had been a mistake and brought in a different crowd; said he was working with better security and a better staff and just wanted a chance to prove himself with a six-month probationary period;

Sean Barry – Hermosa Beach, said he would prefer no bars, but that regulations should be enforced equitably, and what applies to this business should apply to all similar businesses, including those on Pier Plaza, where there are frequently problems in the late evening;


Curtis Johnson – TJ Charlyz patron for about eight years, said banning dancing had a very negative impact on the business, said he had held several functions there but since dancing has not been allowed, people leave early; said the owner deserved a chance to re-establish his business;


Robin Lynch – Palos Verdes resident and TJ Charlyz patron for about eight years, said not only had the ban on dancing hurt T J. Charlyz but it had decreased her business of liquor distribution as well; said this business owner should have the same rights as others do;


Michael McDermott – TJ Charlyz patron for over 20 years, said the change in format was a mistake and that allowing dancing again might decrease the lines for people waiting to enter Pier Plaza businesses;

Jonathan Gleason – Redondo Beach resident and TJ Charlyz patron for about two years, said it was a shame dancing was no longer allowed; said there were no more problems at this establishment than at the ones on Pier Plaza;


Ron Newman – Owner of Sharkeez, said T J Charlyz had had some serious problems for a while but felt the business owner deserved a chance to show that things have improved; and


Joseph Tidman – TJ Charlyz patron for four years, said he missed the dancing.


Action: To write a letter to the ABC recommending that dancing be allowed, if the ABC agrees, with a three-month and then a six-month review and, if problems continue, to recommend to the ABC that the permit for dancing be revoked.


Motion Edgerton, second Tucker. The motion carried, noting the dissenting

vote of Councilmember Keegan.


Further Action: To agendize a discussion of enforcing the noise ordinance at Pier Plaza to the point of zero tolerance.


Motion Edgerton, second Keegan.



FEBRUARY 15, 2005, 7:00 P.M.,



February 1, 2005


Honorable Chairman and Members of the                                                      Regular Meeting of

Hermosa Beach Planning Commission                                                           February 15, 2005






Staff Recommendation:


To direct staff to:


1. Continue code enforcement inspections for three months and report back to the Planning Commission on CUP and code compliance for the businesses.


2. Schedule CUP revocation/modification hearings if the businesses continue to operate in violation of their CUP or otherwise violate the Municipal Code.




On January 18, 2005, the Planning Commission conducted an annual review of conditional use permits for various downtown businesses and heard reports from the Community Development and Police Departments. Based on the reported information, the Commission reiterated concerns about over-crowding and standing in outdoor dining areas, excessive noise and other public nuisance behavior and directed staff to proceed with informal hearings with six businesses that continue to violate their CUP or the Municipal Code. The Commission also directed staff to proceed with ticketing for CUP violations and to prepare a City Council report on possible revocation or modification of encroachment permits in response to patio encroachment violations after proper notice pursuant to Chapter 12.16 of the Hermosa Beach Municipal Code.


Over the last year the City has tried to correct CUP and Municipal Code violations of several Pier Plaza businesses through cooperative actions. As reported in January, some progress has been made, however, six businesses continue to violate their CUP and/or the Municipal Code. The businesses are: Aloha Sharkeez, Sangria, Patrick Malloy’s, Lighthouse, Fat Face Fenner’s Fishack and Dragon.


The violations typically related to noise and use of patio areas and included violations of standard conditions requiring:


? Doors and windows not closed during live entertainment or loud amplified music.


? Outdoor dining patios not being used for dining and/or not occupied pursuant to an approved plan and/or in violation of Building Code requirements for clear aisles and egress.



? Loud music and TV’s installed in encroachment patio areas.


Comments: Many businesses have permanently installed windbreaks up to 6 ˝ feet in height. Should these be permitted?


G. The use of awnings or umbrellas over the outdoor dining area is permitted,

provided they do not interfere with street trees. No portion of an awning or umbrella shall be less that eight feet (8’) above the sidewalk. Umbrellas must be contained within the encroachment area. Awnings may extend up to six feet six inches(6’-6”) from the building front or cover up to fifty percent (50%) of the outdoor dining area, whichever is less. A building permit must be obtained prior to installation of an awning.


Comments: This provision allows a business to cover ˝ of the outdoor dining area with an awning which may include a tent. Do we want to allow this on Pier Plaza?





May 19, 2005

Honorable Mayor and Members    


Regular Meeting of

of the Hermosa Beach City Council                                                                        May 24, 2005






Staff Recommendation:

That the City Council:

1. Review the existing ordinance provisions and conditional use permit conditions; and

2. Direct staff as deemed appropriate.



On May 10, 2005, the City Council reviewed Outdoor Dining Standards and Procedures and directed staff to return with a discussion of noise regulations as they pertain to Pier Plaza for City Council consideration.



The City’s noise regulations appear in Chapter 8.24 of the Municipal Code. The general prohibition on unreasonable noise appears at Section 8.24.030:


8.24. 030 Prohibited Noises - General Standard.

No person shall make, or cause to suffer, or permit to be made upon any public property, public right-of-way or private property, any unnecessary and unreasonable noises, sounds or vibrations which are physically annoying to reasonable persons of ordinary sensitivity or which are so harsh or so prolonged or unnatural or unusual in their use, time or place as to cause or contribute to the unnecessary and unreasonable discomfort of any persons within the neighborhood from which said noises emanate or which interfere with the peace and comfort of residents or their guests, or the operators or customers in places of business in the vicinity, or which may detrimentally or adversely affect such residences or places of business.


General noise prohibitions of this kind have been held enforceable by the courts, but they require a showing that noise is “unreasonable” to persons of normal sensitivity. Successful enforcement of this general prohibition depends heavily on the factual circumstances, such as time of day and setting.


In order to address noise impacts of commercial activities on residential uses, in 2000 the City Council enacted Section 8.24.040.I., which prohibits:



I. Commercial establishments adjacent to residential property. Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, continuous, repeated or sustained noise from the premises of any commercial establishment which is adjacent to one or more residential dwelling units, including any outdoor area part of or under the control of the establishment, between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. that is plainly audible from the residential dwelling unit’s property line.


The advantage of this provision is that it is entirely objective, does not depend on decibel readings and is relatively easy to enforce. Successful enforcement, however, requires the code enforcement officer to be able to trace the source of the noise to one or more particular establishments; this is easier in circumstances where there is a single bar or restaurant in close proximity to residences than entire area devoted to commercial activity. Nonetheless, this provision works well in dealing with invasion of commercial noise on residential uses.


Chapter 8.24 does not, however, contain any specific provisions that address noise emanating from commercial establishments as it may affect the public right-of-way or other commercial establishments. However, a number of conditional use permits issued to Pier Plaza restaurants/bars include noise mitigation conditions (See Attachment).



Staff makes these observations:


1. Other than the general standard based on “reasonableness,” the Municipal Code does not specifically address impacts of noise from commercial establishments on other nearby commercial establishments or on public areas.

2. Conditions of approval in CUPs are not entirely consistent, having evolved over the years as CUPs are issued.


3. Some CUP conditions are clear and easily enforceable (i.e. closure of doors and windows). Others are vague and more difficult to enforce (i.e. noise “shall not adversely affect welfare” or music must be played at “reasonable” volumes, or management is “responsible” for volume levels).


4. Some CUP conditions make reference to volume limits contained in the noise ordinance. These conditions are obsolete as the noise ordinance no longer contains decibel level limits.


5. The CUP condition requiring closure of doors and windows only applies to “live” entertainment (bands or DJs) and dancing, but not to other amplified music.


City Council may want to consider directing staff to amend the noise ordinance to address some of these deficiencies. For example, the ordinance could be amended to require that establishments with amplified music:


? close all doors and windows while any amplified music is being played.


? Be prohibited from playing music in outside eating areas.


? Be required to install self-closing exterior doors.


Such provisions could be enforced immediately upon the effectiveness of the ordinance on all establishments, whether they currently possess CUPs or not.


In addition, Council may want to direct staff to prepare a standard set of CUP conditions for future CUPs that reflect current Municipal Code provisions, remove obsolete and vague provisions and are more specific and enforceable.




Sol Blumenfeld, Director

Community Development



Stephen R. Burrell,

City Manager


1. Pier Plaza CUPs


Pier Plaza Conditional Use Permits


Aloha Sharkeez




Cantina Real






1. All exterior glass windows to be double paned. (Cond. #4)


2. Operator must prepare and implement City approved acoustical study prior to occupancy. (Cond. #5)


3. Management “responsible for music/entertainment volume levels.” (Cond. #5.B.)


4. Exterior windows and doors must remain closed during “live entertainment.” (Cond. #5.C.)


5. Exterior doors shall have self-closing hardware. (Cond. #5.E.)


6. No “amplified music, audio, television or speakers of any kind shall be permitted in the outside seating area. (Cond. #6)


7. The establishment shall not adversely affect the welfare of the residents and/or commercial establishments nearby. (Cond. #7)


8. Noise emanating from the property shall be within limitations of City’s noise ordinance and shall not create a nuisance to surrounding residential neighborhoods and/or commercial establishments. Noise shall be monitored to verify compliance with noise ordinance. (Cond. #13)


Fat Face Fenners


1. The establishment shall not adversely effect the welfare of the residents, and/or commercial establishments nearby. (Condition #6)


2. Noise emanating from the property shall be within the limitations prescribed by the City’s noise ordinance and shall not create a nuisance to surrounding residential neighborhoods, and /or commercial establishments. (Condition#8)


3. If entertainment is to include amplified live entertainment, an acoustical study shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director and shall be implemented in the building. (Condition #13)


4. Management shall be responsible for maintaining music/entertainment volumes at reasonable levels. (Condition #14)


5. During any live entertainment and /or dancing, the exterior doors and windows shall remain closed. The building shall be equipped with air conditioning to ensure comfort of patrons during live entertainment, and compliance with this condition. (Condition #15)


6. All exterior glass windows and doors shall be equipped with double-pane glass or a comparable substitute with equivalent sound dampening properties to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director. (Condition #16)


7. Noise emanating from the property shall be within the limitations prescribed by the city’s noise ordinance and shall not create a nuisance to surrounding residential neighborhoods, and commercial establishments. Noise emanating from the property shall be monitored to verify compliance with the noise ordinance in response to any complaints.




1. The building shall be equipped with acoustic features to maximize sound proofing which shall include the use of double-pane windows and or an equivalent, and the installation of air conditioning so that windows and doors can remain closed during performances. Any additional acoustic treatment shall be provided in the interior if necessary to comply with City’s noise ordinance. (Condition #8)


2. A minimum 5 foot high solid protective barrier shall be provided and maintained on all sides of the roof-top deck seating area, and live entertainment shall be prohibited on the roof –top deck seating area. (Condition #9)


3. Noise emanating from the property shall be within the limitations prescribed by the City’s noise ordinance and shall not create a nuisance to surrounding residential neighborhoods, and/or commercial establishments. Noise emanating from the property shall be monitored to verify compliance with the noise ordinance in response to any complaints. (Condition #11)


4. Management shall be responsible for the music/entertainment volume levels.(Condition #12)


5. During the performance of amplified live entertainment, the exterior doors and windows shall remain closed.(Condition #13)


IL Boccaccio


1. The establishment shall not adversely effect the welfare of the residents, and or commercial establishments nearby. (Condition #1)


2. Noise emanating from the property shall be with the limitations prescribed by the City’s noise ordinance, Article 19.5 of the Hermosa Beach Municipal Code, and shall not create a nuisance to the surrounding residences and commercial establishments. Creating loud obnoxious noise shall be prohibited. (Condition #2)




1. The establishment shall not adversely affect the welfare of the residents and/or commercial establishments nearby. (Cond. #2)


2. Noise emanating from the property shall be within limitations of City’s noise ordinance and shall not create a nuisance to surrounding residential neighborhoods and/or commercial establishments. (Cond. #4)


3. Exterior windows and doors must remain closed during “live entertainment.” (Cond. #4.A.)


4. Management “responsible for music/entertainment volume levels.” (Cond. #4.B.)


5. Sound level and containment survey dated January 31, 1991 must be implemented. (Cond. #4.C.)


6. Sound levels must comply with noise ordinance. (Cond. #4.D.)


7. Double doors shall be installed in front and rear doorways. (Cond. #4.E.)





1. Double pane windows or solid doors shall be provided on all opening to the outside. (Condition #4)


2. Live entertainment shall be limited to background non-amplified acoustic music such as a piano, guitar, violin, etc. (condition #5)


3. If live entertainment is to include amplified musical instruments an acoustical study shall be prepared by an acoustical engineer, including proposed sound dampening features to baffle and direct sound away from the entrance/exit and window areas to ensure compliance with the noise ordinance. Said study and sound dampening features shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director prior to the issuance of building permits and shall be implemented in the building prior to occupancy.


A. The acoustical study shall be based on the worst-case scenario, or on a sound level that will not be exceeded at any given time.

B. Management shall be responsible for the music/entertainment volume levels.

C. During the performance of any live entertainment, the exterior doors and windows shall remain closed.

D. The air conditioning system shall be of an adequate capacity to air condition the restaurant.

E. All exterior doors shall have self-closing hardware. (Condition #6)


4. No live entertainment or amplified music, audio, television or speakers of any kind shall be permitted in the outside seating areas. (Condition #7)


5. The establishment shall not adversely affect the welfare of the residents, and/or commercial establishments nearby. (condition #8)




1. The establishment shall not adversely affect the welfare of the residents, and/or commercial establishment. (Condition #1)


2. Noise emanating from the property shall be within the limitations prescribed by the city’s noise ordinance and shall not create a nuisance to the surrounding residential neighborhoods, and /or commercial establishments.


Patrick Malloy’s


1. Noise emanating from the property shall be within the limitations prescribed by the City’s noise ordinance and shall not create a nuisance to surrounding residential neighborhoods, and /or commercial establishments. (Condition #7)


2. If entertainment is to include amplified live entertainment, an acoustical study shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director and all identified sound-proofing measures including alterations to common walls shall be implemented in the building. (condition #13)


3. Management shall be responsible for maintaining music/entertainment volumes at reasonable levels. (Condition #14)


4. During any live entertainment and/or dancing, the exterior doors and windows shall remain closed. The building shall be equipped with air conditioning to ensure comfort of patrons during live entertainment, and compliance with this condition. (Condition #15)


5. No live entertainment shall be permitted in the outside seating area, and the volume level of any amplified music in the outside seating area shall be controlled by management to ensure compliance with the noise ordinance. (Condition #16)


6. All exterior glass windows or doors shall be equipped with double-pane glass or a comparable substitute with equivalent sound dampening properties to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director. (Condition #17)


7. Noise emanating from the property shall be within the limitations prescribed by the city’s noise ordinance and shall not create a nuisance to surrounding residential neighborhoods, and /or commercial establishments. Noise emanating from the property shall be monitored to verify compliance with the noise ordinance in response to any complaints.




1. Operator must prepare and implement City approved acoustical study if it is to present live entertainment. (Cond. # 7).


2. Management must maintain music volumes at “reasonable” levels. (Cond. #8)


3. Exterior windows and doors must remain closed during “live entertainment and/or dancing.” (Cond. #9)


4. No amplified music or entertainment in outside seating area. (Cond. #10)


5. All exterior glass windows to be double paned. (Cond. #11)


6. Noise emanating from the property shall be within limitations of City’s noise ordinance and shall not create a nuisance to surrounding residential neighborhoods and/or commercial establishments. Noise shall be monitored to verify compliance with noise ordinance. (Cond. #16)



On Air Schedule for the Hermosa Beach Candidate Forums on Adelphia channel 8.


Friday, June 2, 2006


LWV at 11 AM - League of Women Voters Candidate Forum on Adelphia channel 8


HBNA at 12:30 PM - Hermosa Beach Neighborhood Association Candidate Forum on Adelphia channel 8


CHAMBER at 1:30 PM - HB Chamber of Commerce Candidate Forum on Adelphia channel 8


HBNA at 4 PM - Hermosa Beach Neighborhood Association Candidate Forum on Adelphia channel 8


LWV at 9 PM - League of Women Voters Candidate Forum on Adelphia channel 8


CHAMBER at 10:30 PM - HB Chamber of Commerce Candidate Forum on Adelphia channel 8




Saturday, June 3, 2006


LWV at 11 AM - League of Women Voters Candidate Forum on Adelphia channel 8


HBNA at 12:30 PM - Hermosa Beach Neighborhood Association Candidate Forum on Adelphia channel 8


CHAMBER at 1:30 PM - HB Chamber of Commerce Candidate Forum on Adelphia channel 8


CHAMBER at 5 PM - HB Chamber of Commerce Candidate Forum on Adelphia channel 8


LWV at 7 PM - League of Women Voters Candidate Forum on Adelphia channel 8


HBNA at 10 PM - Hermosa Beach Neighborhood Association Candidate Forum on Adelphia channel 8




Sunday, June 4, 2006


LWV at 11 AM - League of Women Voters Candidate Forum on Adelphia channel 8


HBNA at 12:30 PM - Hermosa Beach Neighborhood Association Candidate Forum on Adelphia channel 8


CHAMBER at 1:30 PM - HB Chamber of Commerce Candidate Forum on Adelphia channel 8


HBNA at 4 PM - Hermosa Beach Neighborhood Association Candidate Forum on Adelphia channel 8


LWV at 9 PM - League of Women Voters Candidate Forum on Adelphia channel 8


CHAMBER at 10:30 PM - HB Chamber of Commerce Candidate Forum on Adelphia channel 8





Monday, June 5, 2006


LWV at 11 AM  - League of Women Voters  Candidate Forum on Adelphia channel 8


HBNA at 12:30 PM - Hermosa Beach Neighborhood Association Candidate Forum on Adelphia channel 8


CHAMBER at 1:30 PM - HB Chamber of Commerce Candidate Forum on Adelphia channel 8


HBNA at 6 PM - Hermosa Beach Neighborhood Association Candidate Forum on Adelphia channel 8


LWV at 9 PM - League of Women Voters Candidate Forum on Adelphia channel 8


CHAMBER at 10:30 PM - HB Chamber of Commerce Candidate Forum on Adelphia channel 8




Tuesday, June 6, 2006


CHAMBER at 9 AM - HB Chamber of Commerce Candidate Forum on Adelphia channel 8


LWV at 11 AM - League of Women Voters Candidate Forum on Adelphia channel 8


HBNA at 12:30 PM - Hermosa Beach Neighborhood Association Candidate Forum on Adelphia channel 8


HBNA at 4 PM - Hermosa Beach Neighborhood Association Candidate Forum on Adelphia channel 8


LWV at 6 PM - League of Women Voters Candidate Forum on Adelphia channel 8


CHAMBER at 9 PM - HB Chamber of Commerce Candidate Forum on Adelphia channel 8


E-mail from Kit Bobko:


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 1:12 PM
Subject: Candidates' Forum


Mr. Benson,


First, let me say that I know all of the candidates for City Council share

your concerns about the status of public safety in Hermosa Beach.  We also

all appreciate your interest in the subject and the work you do to keep it

in the public eye. 


And although these are important issues that are near and dear to all of

us, unfortunately, it does not appear that I will be able to participate in

tonight's forum. 


Again, thank you for taking such an active role in the community, and I all

look forward to working with you again in the future.


-Kit Bobko





E-mail from Jeff Duclos:                                       



From: []
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 1:50 PM
Subject: Re: Candidates' Forum



I also, regrettably, will be unable to attend.  I appreciate all of the work you do to provide important information on this issue, as well.  My hope is to sit down with you and review the material that you have provided.  Also please note that I will be riding along with our Police Department this Saturday evening (Memorial holiday weekend).  I did this during the November election on a typical Friday night and wanted to observed during a major holiday.

Best regards,

Jeff Duclos



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